
A minimal offline app to track fertility and the menstruation cycle.
79d28d1d — rostiger 2 months ago
Added developer mode button
dab29e87 — rostiger 2 months ago
Limited date entry to past and present
442dd815 — rostiger 2 months ago
Improved error background color for legibility


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Zyklus is a free offline app to track your fertility and menstruation cycle.
It provides a minimal interface with an overview of the current cycle phase, estimated fertility and various other information such as average menstruation and cycle durations.


Use Zyklus at your own risk!
The calendar method is a natural fertility awareness method (FAM). FAMs neither protect you from sexually transmited infections (STIs) nor are they a reliable measure for birth control. Stay safer and use a condom with FAMs to help protect you from STIs or unwanted pregnancy.
Find more information here.

#Getting Started

Zyklus is a PWA - a Progressive Web App. Instead of downloading the app from a digital store, all you need to do is to browse to https://zyklus.nchrs.xyz/ with your mobile device and add the website to your Homescreen.


Unlike other apps, Zyklus does not upload your health data to unknown servers of untrustworthy companies. Instead, it stores everything you enter locally - on your device only. However, this also means that you are responsible for your data - if you loose your phone, you loose the data. This is why it's important to make regular backups of your data! You can do so by using the export and import functions in the settings tab.


Zyklus supports the Hundred Rabbits Themes System


  • Implement additional language support
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