
80984eb18cb53aa8b887da513beca41ef067f007 — rostiger 1 year, 7 months ago d9f0277
1 files changed, 543 insertions(+), 466 deletions(-)

M logs.md
M logs.md => logs.md +543 -466
@@ 1,14 1,91 @@
230220 1100 1445 household      Kochen & Hü mit Noah & Aaron
230220 1000 1100 personal       willhaben
230220 0900 1000 personal       Färbergasse
230220 0815 0900 home       
230219 1430 1500 brokenRules    Chasing Aurora Website
230215 1730 1800 brCGen
230215 1430 1500 brCGen
230215 0915 1000 brCGen
230215 0800 0900 brCGen
230214 1530 1600 brCGen         Experimenting with store link improvements   
230214 1315 1415 personal
230214 1245 1300 brokenRules    Communication
230214 1130 1200 personal       Pericon Communication
230214 0830 1130 personal       Travel Planning
230206 1445 1530 gibbon         Platinum Trophy
230204 1700 1800 brokenRules    Downloading and compressing videos
230204 1130 1430 brokenRules    Website Responsiveness & Frontpage Update
230203 1400 1430 brokenRules    Websuite Responsiveness
230203 1030 1230 ouvertura      Website Meeting
230202 1230 1400 brokenRules    Self hosted OMJ Trailer
230201 1730 1830 brokenRules    Website Mobile
230201 0830 0930 brokenRules    Website Landing Page Update
230131 2030 2130 brokenRules    Website Landing Page Update
230131 1315 1345 gibbon         Eagle Icon
230131 1215 1200 gibbon         Krita Brushes
230130 0800 0900 home
230129 2000 2015 indieFund      Image Resizing
230129 1545 1615 indieFund      Image Resizing
230129 0645 0800 indieFund      Thumbnails
230129 0615 0645 personal
230129 0515 0615 explosionBam
230128 1700 1845 explosionBam   Collisions
230128 1300 1430 explosionBam
230127 1030 1400 personal
230127 0900 1030 ouvertura
230126 2115 2200 explosionBam
230126 1500 1545 ouvertura
230126 1230 1300 ouvertura
230126 1000 1115 personal
230126 0630 0730 explosionBam   Collisions
230125 1330 1500 explosionBam   Collisions
230125 0830 1015 explosionBam
230125 0715 0800 explosionBam
230124 1300 1500 ouvertura      Chat mit Dario
230124 1030 1100 ouvertura
230124 1030 1100 ouvertura
230124 0745 0830 explosionBam
230123 1830 1900 explosionBam
230123 1530 1700 explosionBam
230123 1300 1345 explosionBam
230122 1300 1330 scim           Cropping
230122 1000 1100 scim           Cropping
230119 1400 1500 scim           Cropping
230119 0930 1015 scim           Cropping
230118 1145 1330 household
230118 0900 1130 personal       Bookpresentation
230113 0830 0930 BRPressGen     Added award formatting without game name
230111 1030 1545 household
230111 1000 1030 brPresskit     Presskit History
230111 0800 1000 personal       Mending Clothes
230110 1145 1400 household
230110 1100 1145 household
230110 1015 1100 household
230110 0945 1015 household
230110 0915 0945 personal
230109 1315 1515 household
230109 1145 1315 personal       Faerbergasse
230109 1115 1130 House          Communication
230109 0930 1100 household
230109 0830 0930 personal       Communication
230108 1230 1315 trabant        updated scim
230106 0730 0800 i3xrocks       Implemented discard functionality
230105 1141 1300 brokenRules    Presskit History
230104 1100 1230 ouvertura      Logo & Illustrations
230104 0530 0745 nchrs          2022 Review & Journal Updates
230104 1600 1700 ouvertura      Logo
230104 0430 0530 logbook
230104 0345 0430 i3xrocks
230104 0315 0345 i3xrocks
230103 1600 1700 Personal      Neuhaus Solution Logo
230103 1240 1315 i3xrocks
230103 0730 0900 i3xrocks      font icons
230102 1100 1130 IndieFund
230102 0915 0930 Personal
230103 1600 1700 personal       Neuhaus Solution Logo
230103 1245 1315 i3xrocks
230103 0730 0900 i3xrocks       font icons
230102 1100 1130 indieFund
230102 0915 0930 personal
230102 0730 0835 i3xrocks
230101 2130 2230 i3xrocks      logger
230101 1945 2000 Personal      2023 Review
230101 0730 0830 Personal      2023 Review
230101 2130 2230 i3xrocks       logger
230101 1945 2000 personal       2023 Review
230101 0730 0830 personal       2023 Review
221231 1230 1400 indieFund
221231 1100 1200 indieFund
221231 0700 0900 indieFund

@@ 28,11 105,11 @@
221223 2100 2330 nchrs          Year Review and Journal updates
221222 0900 1000 nchrs          Removed albums
221221 1400 1700 nchrs          Memoir and fixes
221221 1200 1400 BRPresskit     Build Script
221221 1200 1400 brPresskit     Build Script
221221 0900 1000 nchrs          Line Breaks
221220 1300 1430 Personal       Neuhaus Solutions Logo
221219 1500 1530 BRPresskit     Figure Captions
221213 1100 1200 BRPresskit     Figure Captions
221220 1300 1430 personal       Neuhaus Solutions Logo
221219 1500 1530 brPresskit     Figure Captions
221213 1100 1200 brPresskit     Figure Captions
221212 2200 2300 nchrs          Code Optimization
221211 2200 2300 nchrs          Code Optimization
221209 2200 2300 nchrs          Code Optimization

@@ 41,110 118,110 @@
221205 2000 2200 Gibbon         Store Links, Awards CSS
221205 1230 1330 Gibbon         Store Links, Awards CSS
221202 2100 2200 Gibbon         Awards
221201 1100 1300 BRPresskit     Fixes
221130 1700 1800 BRPresskit     Documentation
221130 1400 1500 BRPresskit     Documentation
221130 1000 1300 BRPresskit     Conversions and Linebreaks
221129 1000 1300 BRPresskit     Conversions and Linebreaks
221129 1500 1600 BRPresskit     Memory Improvements
221129 1200 1300 BRPresskit     Presskit Conversions and Fixes
221129 0830 1130 BRPresskit     Presskit Conversions and Fixes
221128 0900 1500 BRPresskit     Articles & Reviews
221127 0100 1030 BRPresskit     Optimization & AYIM Presskit
221126 2100 2300 BRPresskit     Articles & Reviews Tablatal
221125 1400 1530 BRPresskit     Awards Building
221125 1000 1200 BRPresskit     Images & Better Error Handling
221125 0800 0900 BRPresskit     Better link parsing and link boxes
221124 2100 2300 BRPresskit     Building Credits
221124 1800 2000 KungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
221124 1500 1600 BRPresskit     Index, Colors, Header
221124 1000 1300 BRPresskit     Index, Colors, Header
221124 0900 1000 Household      Finanzcheck
221124 0830 0900 Home           Telefonat Gitti Ziegel
221123 1530 1630 BRPresskit     Output
221123 1300 1400 BRPresskit     Output
221123 0830 1200 BRPresskit     Output
221122 0830 1100 BRPresskit     Credits & Presskit Parsing
221121 1100 1300 BRPresskit     Awards Parsing
221117 1030 1230 BRPresskit     Awards Parsing
221116 0830 1000 BRCGen         Website Generator
221115 2000 2100 BRCGen         Website Generator
221114 1200 1500 BRCGen         Website Generator
221107 1330 1500 BRCGen         Website Generator
221107 0930 1200 BRCGen         Website Generator
221106 0930 1100 BRCGen         Website Generator
221105 0930 1100 BRCGen         Website Generator
221105 0530 0700 BRCGen         Website Generator
221104 1930 2330 BRCGen         Website Generator
221104 1330 1500 BRCGen         Website Generator
221104 0830 0900 BRCGen         Website Generator
221103 1200 1400 BRCGen         Website Generator
221201 1100 1300 brPresskit     Fixes
221130 1700 1800 brPresskit     Documentation
221130 1400 1500 brPresskit     Documentation
221130 1000 1300 brPresskit     Conversions and Linebreaks
221129 1000 1300 brPresskit     Conversions and Linebreaks
221129 1500 1600 brPresskit     Memory Improvements
221129 1200 1300 brPresskit     Presskit Conversions and Fixes
221129 0830 1130 brPresskit     Presskit Conversions and Fixes
221128 0900 1500 brPresskit     Articles & Reviews
221127 0100 1030 brPresskit     Optimization & AYIM Presskit
221126 2100 2300 brPresskit     Articles & Reviews Tablatal
221125 1400 1530 brPresskit     Awards Building
221125 1000 1200 brPresskit     Images & Better Error Handling
221125 0800 0900 brPresskit     Better link parsing and link boxes
221124 2100 2300 brPresskit     Building Credits
221124 1800 2000 kungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
221124 1500 1600 brPresskit     Index, Colors, Header
221124 1000 1300 brPresskit     Index, Colors, Header
221124 0900 1000 household      Finanzcheck
221124 0830 0900 home           Telefonat Gitti Ziegel
221123 1530 1630 brPresskit     Output
221123 1300 1400 brPresskit     Output
221123 0830 1200 brPresskit     Output
221122 0830 1100 brPresskit     Credits & Presskit Parsing
221121 1100 1300 brPresskit     Awards Parsing
221117 1030 1230 brPresskit     Awards Parsing
221116 0830 1000 brCGen         Website Generator
221115 2000 2100 brCGen         Website Generator
221114 1200 1500 brCGen         Website Generator
221107 1330 1500 brCGen         Website Generator
221107 0930 1200 brCGen         Website Generator
221106 0930 1100 brCGen         Website Generator
221105 0930 1100 brCGen         Website Generator
221105 0530 0700 brCGen         Website Generator
221104 1930 2330 brCGen         Website Generator
221104 1330 1500 brCGen         Website Generator
221104 0830 0900 brCGen         Website Generator
221103 1200 1400 brCGen         Website Generator
221102 0800 2100 Gibbon         Paedagogischer Medien Award
221020 0900 1430 Gibbon         Japan Prize Presentation
221019 1300 1730 Gibbon         Japan Prize Presentation
221018 1300 1330 Gibbon         Japan Prize Presentation
221018 0930 1200 Gibbon         Japan Prize Presentation
221018 0900 1200 Gibbon         Japan Prize Presentation
221014 0830 1000 Ouvertura      Logo
221013 0830 1000 Ouvertura      Logo
221012 0830 1500 Ouvertura      Aushelfen am Feld
220930 1830 1900 Ouvertura      Gestaltungstreffen
220928 1200 1300 Home           Küche Sketch
220928 0800 1100 Household      Kistl holen, einmachen und fermentieren
220927 2000 2200 Ouvertura      Online Collaboration Research
220926 0900 1400 Ouvertura      Social Media Plädoyer & Zulip
220924 1500 1730 Ouvertura      Vollversammlung
220630 1800 2000 KungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220628 1800 2000 KungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
220627 0900 1200 Home           DKOB Anbot Communication & Sketches
220622 1000 1130 BrokenRules    Interview with Edge Magazine
220621 1800 2030 KungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
221014 0830 1000 ouvertura      Logo
221013 0830 1000 ouvertura      Logo
221012 0830 1500 ouvertura      Aushelfen am Feld
220930 1830 1900 ouvertura      Gestaltungstreffen
220928 1200 1300 home           Küche Sketch
220928 0800 1100 household      Kistl holen, einmachen und fermentieren
220927 2000 2200 ouvertura      Online Collaboration Research
220926 0900 1400 ouvertura      Social Media Plädoyer & Zulip
220924 1500 1730 ouvertura      Vollversammlung
220630 1800 2000 kungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220628 1800 2000 kungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
220627 0900 1200 home           DKOB Anbot Communication & Sketches
220622 1000 1130 brokenRules    Interview with Edge Magazine
220621 1800 2030 kungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
220619 1500 1530 nchrs          Meditation Documentation
220614 1800 2030 KungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
220614 1800 2030 kungFu         Qi Gong & Kung Fu
220612 1600 1800 nchrs          Haikus
220610 1600 1800 nchrs          chmod documentation
220609 1800 2030 KungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220607 1900 2030 KungFu         Kung Fu only
220609 1800 2030 kungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220607 1900 2030 kungFu         Kung Fu only
220605 1000 1100 rasputin       lighdm-gtk-greeter config
220604 2000 2200 rasputin       w3m config
220603 1600 1700 nchrs          Moved index to ../site
220603 1100 1300 nchrs          Sync with Reader
220602 1300 1400 nchrs          Wisdom, Preview Images
220602 1200 1300 Trabant        w3m configuration
220602 0830 1130 Personal       Tag der Offenen Türe
220602 1200 1300 trabant        w3m configuration
220602 0830 1130 personal       Tag der Offenen Türe
220601 1130 1230 nchrs          Quotes and Wisdom
220601 1100 1130 Personal       AN Logo Update
220601 1100 1130 personal       AN Logo Update
220601 1030 1100 nchrs          Table blessings
220601 9000 1030 Household      Various
220531 1800 2030 KungFu         Qui Gong & Kung Fu
220601 9000 1030 household      Various
220531 1800 2030 kungFu         Qui Gong & Kung Fu
220531 1600 1700 nchrs          Blessings
220531 1400 1500 nchrs          Text Parsing and blessings
220531 1300 1400 Household      Mounted Sun Shades
220531 1200 1300 Personal       Open Doors Organisation
220531 1300 1400 household      Mounted Sun Shades
220531 1200 1300 personal       Open Doors Organisation
220531 1100 1200 nchrs          Added wisdom section
220531 1000 1100 Trabant        Updated vdirsyncer
220531 1000 1100 trabant        Updated vdirsyncer
220531 0400 0600 nchrs          Added texts
220526 0400 0600 nchrs          Notes on music theory
220525 1200 1430 nchrs          Markup Fixes
220525 1100 1200 Personal       MITW Call
220525 0830 1100 Household      Plants & Cleaning
220524 1800 2030 KungFu         Gi Gong & Kung Fu
220525 1100 1200 personal       MITW Call
220525 0830 1100 household      Plants & Cleaning
220524 1800 2030 kungFu         Gi Gong & Kung Fu
220524 1530 1600 nchrs          fixes
220524 1330 1500 nchrs          De-minified markup
220524 1130 1330 Household      Cleaning & Fixes
220524 1130 1330 household      Cleaning & Fixes
220524 1030 1130 nchrs          git notes
220524 0800 1030 Trabant        w3m config
220523 0800 1030 Trabant        w3m config
220524 0800 1030 trabant        w3m config
220523 0800 1030 trabant        w3m config
220522 1300 1500 rasputin       w3m config
220521 1000 1130 rasputin       config
220520 1000 1130 rasputin       Model Updates
220519 2230 0100 nchrs          rasputin Documentation and publishing
220519 1900 2130 KungFu         Kung Fu & Sanda
220519 1900 2130 kungFu         Kung Fu & Sanda
220519 0830 1430 rasputin       Finished v3
220519 0830 0930 rasputin        Case Assembly & Paint
220518 1100 1330 rasputin       Case Assembly & Paint
220518 0830 0930 nchrs          Qi Gong Research
220517 1800 2130 KungFu         Qi Gong, Kung Fu & Sanda
220517 1800 2130 kungFu         Qi Gong, Kung Fu & Sanda
220517 1530 1700 rasputin       Started assembling parts
220517 0500 0600 rasputin       Lightdm greeter CSS
220516 2100 2230 rasputin       Lightdm greeter CSS

@@ 152,130 229,130 @@
220516 0800 0900 Travel         ESTA Application
220515 1800 1900 rasputin       Lightdm config
220514 1800 1900 rasputin       Lightdm config
220512 1800 2030 KungFu         Tai Chi/KungFu 2. Form 90%
220512 1800 2030 kungFu         Tai Chi/kungFu 2. Form 90%
220512 1000 1100 nchrs          Better journal error handling and meetup album 
220511 1300 1500 Galley         Erdäpfelauflauf 
220511 1000 1300 rasputin       Rofi & Planck config 
220511 0800 0930 BrokenRules    Presskit Redacted Dev Kits
220510 1800 2130 KungFu         QiGong/KungFu/Sanda
220511 0800 0930 brokenRules    Presskit Redacted Dev Kits
220510 1800 2130 kungFu         QiGong/kungFu/Sanda
220510 1300 1500 rasputin       ssh/lazygit/nchrs
220510 1100 1200 rasputin       GTK Dependencies
220510 0800 1000 rasputin       Configuration
220509 2100 2200 rasputin       Configuration
220509 1330 1600 rasputin       Terminal Colors
220509 1000 1330 Workshop       Gardenfence
220509 1000 1330 workshop       Gardenfence
220509 0800 1000 rasputin       i3config
220508 1900 2000 rasputin       i3config
220508 1000 1100 rasputin       i3config
220505 1200 1500 Workshop       Zeitungshalter
220505 1800 2030 KungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220505 1200 1500 workshop       Zeitungshalter
220505 1800 2030 kungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220505 1000 1200 rasputin       Documented Hardware
220505 1000 1200 Galley         Hummus & Maki Rice
220505 0830 0930 Home           Organisation
220505 0830 0930 home           Organisation
220504 1700 1800 rasputin       Model Update
220504 1600 1700 Loftbed        Fence
220504 1000 1500 rasputin       Model Update
220504 0830 1000 Household      Maintenance
220503 1800 1900 KungFu         Gi Gong Only
220504 0830 1000 household      Maintenance
220503 1800 1900 kungFu         Gi Gong Only
220503 1330 1500 rasputin       Model Update
220503 1030 1100 rasputin       Model Update
220503 0900 1030 rasputin       DietPi & Desktop Installation
220426 1900 2000 KungFu         Kung Fu Only - Injury
220426 1330 1400 Workshop       Speis Regal 2
220426 1900 2000 kungFu         Kung Fu Only - Injury
220426 1330 1400 workshop       Speis Regal 2
220426 0830 1300 rasputin       Checkup
220425 1400 1600 Workshop       Speis Regal
220425 1100 1300 Workshop       Speis Regal
220423 2100 2200 Personal       SoLaWi Presentation
220423 1000 1200 Workshop       Garden Gate Done
220421 1900 2030 KungFu         KungFu Only
220421 1030 1500 Workshop       Garden Fence Door
220420 1300 1400 Workshop       Wardrobe
220420 1000 1200 Workshop       Wardrobe
220419 1900 2030 KungFu         KungFu Only
220419 1400 1700 Workshop       Wardrobe
220419 1300 1400 BRCGen         Website Generator Progress
220425 1400 1600 workshop       Speis Regal
220425 1100 1300 workshop       Speis Regal
220423 2100 2200 personal       SoLaWi Presentation
220423 1000 1200 workshop       Garden Gate Done
220421 1900 2030 kungFu         kungFu Only
220421 1030 1500 workshop       Garden Fence Door
220420 1300 1400 workshop       Wardrobe
220420 1000 1200 workshop       Wardrobe
220419 1900 2030 kungFu         kungFu Only
220419 1400 1700 workshop       Wardrobe
220419 1300 1400 brCGen         Website Generator Progress
220419 1200 1300 Galley         Cooking
220419 0930 1200 Workshop       Coat Hangers for A
220419 0830 0930 IndieFund      Tried to fix Panel Issues
220418 0700 0800 IndieFund      Panel Issues
220417 2000 2200 IndieFund      SSH & Credentials
220417 0600 0800 IndieFund      SSH & Credentials
220416 1200 1300 BRCGen         Website Generator
220415 1000 1100 BRCGen         Website Generator
220415 0630 0730 BRCGen         Website Generator
220414 1800 2030 KungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220414 1400 1600 BRCGen         Website Generator
220414 1000 1030 BRCGen         Website Fantasy Markup
220419 0930 1200 workshop       Coat Hangers for A
220419 0830 0930 indieFund      Tried to fix Panel Issues
220418 0700 0800 indieFund      Panel Issues
220417 2000 2200 indieFund      SSH & Credentials
220417 0600 0800 indieFund      SSH & Credentials
220416 1200 1300 brCGen         Website Generator
220415 1000 1100 brCGen         Website Generator
220415 0630 0730 brCGen         Website Generator
220414 1800 2030 kungFu         Tai Chi & Kung Fu
220414 1400 1600 brCGen         Website Generator
220414 1000 1030 brCGen         Website Fantasy Markup
220414 0530 0630 nchrs          Theory & Practice, Permaculture
220414 0300 0500 IndieFund      Code Fixed PHP Errors
220414 0300 0500 indieFund      Code Fixed PHP Errors
220413 1500 1630 nchrs          Secrets of Raetikon Sketches
220413 1000 1130 nchrs          Secrets of Raetikon Sketches
220412 2100 2130 nchrs          #Documentation Electricity
220410 0800 0930 IndieFund      #Code Fixing Errors
220409 1400 1630 IndieFund      #Code Trying to update Kirby to PHP 8
220410 0800 0930 indieFund      #Code Fixing Errors
220409 1400 1630 indieFund      #Code Trying to update Kirby to PHP 8
220409 0930 1230 Gibbon         #PR NGO Trailer Script
220408 1500 1830 nchrs          Workshop & Loftbed updates
220408 1500 1830 nchrs          workshop & Loftbed updates
220408 1030 1200 Galley         Maki
220408 0900 1030 Household      Bene Schallplatten Lieferung
220407 1900 2030 KungFu         Kung Fu only
220407 1230 1400 Household      Coffee & Switch Power Pickup
220408 0900 1030 household      Bene Schallplatten Lieferung
220407 1900 2030 kungFu         Kung Fu only
220407 1230 1400 household      Coffee & Switch Power Pickup
220407 1200 1230 Gibbon         #PR NGO Trailer Script
220407 1130 1200 Gibbon         #Communication Trailer Footage Request
220407 1100 1130 BrokenRules    #Communication Ynglet Investment
220407 0900 1100 Workshop       Feilen Regal
220406 1700 1800 Workshop       Shoehorn
220406 1400 1500 Household      Firewood Delivery
220407 1100 1130 brokenRules    #Communication Ynglet Investment
220407 0900 1100 workshop       Feilen Regal
220406 1700 1800 workshop       Shoehorn
220406 1400 1500 household      Firewood Delivery
220406 1200 1300 Gibbon         Japan Prize Submission
220406 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Communication Ynglet Investment ROI Coms
220406 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Communication Ynglet Investment ROI Coms
220406 0900 0930 Gibbon         #Communication NGOs
220405 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220405 1600 1700 Workshop       Office Shelf
220405 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220405 1600 1700 workshop       Office Shelf
220405 0500 0530 Gibbon         #Communication NGO Mails
220404 1200 1600 Workshop       Tool Shelves
220404 1200 1600 workshop       Tool Shelves
220404 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting NGO Trailer
220404 0900 0930 Home           #Communication Installationen Wohnküche
220403 2000 2200 Trabant        #Code Python QMK Script Fail
220403 1600 1600 Trabant        Shelves
220404 0900 0930 home           #Communication Installationen Wohnküche
220403 2000 2200 trabant        #Code Python QMK Script Fail
220403 1600 1600 trabant        Shelves
220402 1600 1800 Loftbed        Ladder Done
220402 0900 1200 Loftbed        Ladder Parts
220401 1500 1700 Loftbed        Ladder Parts
220331 1600 1630 BrokenRules    Kaffeebestellung
220331 1600 1630 brokenRules    Kaffeebestellung
220331 1000 1500 Loftbed        Bretter Hobeln
220330 1000 1100 Loftbed        Bretter Hobeln
220329 1000 1200 nchrs          Electricity Notes
220328 1000 1230 BrokenRules    #Meeting Presskit Intro
220324 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220328 1000 1230 brokenRules    #Meeting Presskit Intro
220324 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220324 0900 1330 Loftbed        Bretter Montage
220323 0930 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Catching up
220322 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220322 0900 1200 Workshop       Coat Hangers Woodwork
220322 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220322 0900 1200 workshop       Coat Hangers Woodwork
220321 1400 1800 Loftbed        Bretter zuschneiden & Montage
220321 1200 1300 Loftbed        Bretter zuschneiden & Montage
220321 0800 1000 Loftbed        Bretter zuschneiden & Montage
220320 0900 1600 Loftbed        Latten hobeln & Montage
220319 1000 1900 Loftbed        Teile abholen, Baumarkt, Wandmontage
220318 1300 1500 Gibbon         #Visual Level Sketch Hunt
220317 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220317 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220317 2100 2200 Gibbon         #Website Presskit Updates for Nintendo
220316 1100 1200 nchrs          #Code Fixed PNG Links
220316 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Anya & Than from Gibbon Rehabilitation Project
220315 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220315 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220315 0900 1000 Gibbon         #Meeting Steph Gibbon Conservation Society 
220312 0900 1000 Gibbon         #Code Added Ratings 
220312 0600 0700 BrokenRules    #Visual Broken Rules Logo Variations
220311 0900 1000 Personal       #Code conSync
220310 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220312 0600 0700 brokenRules    #Visual Broken Rules Logo Variations
220311 0900 1000 personal       #Code conSync
220310 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220309 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Future Friends
220308 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220308 1000 1300 Trabant        #Code muto
220308 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220308 1000 1300 trabant        #Code muto
220308 0830 0900 Gibbon         #Organisation
220307 1400 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Recap
220301 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220224 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220301 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220224 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220224 2100 2230 Gibbon         #PR
220224 1500 1600 Gibbon         #PR
220223 0900 1000 uxn            #Visual Comparison & Logic
220222 1800 2100 KungFu         Dojo Training
220222 1800 2100 kungFu         Dojo Training
220222 1100 1200 uxn            #Visual Input
220221 1100 1200 uxn            #Visual Input
220221 0800 1000 Gibbon         #PR

@@ 294,7 371,7 @@
220211 2000 2200 uxn            #Code learning
220211 0300 0800 uxn            #Code learning
220209 0330 0800 uxn            #Code learning
220203 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220203 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220203 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Launch Trailer
220203 0900 1000 Gibbon         #PR
220202 1800 1900 Gibbon         #PR

@@ 317,7 394,7 @@
220124 0830 1000 Gibbon         #PR NGO Mails
220122 1200 1400 Sinpin         #Code Refactoring
220122 0500 0600 Sinpin         #Code Refactoring
220119 1800 2100 KungFu         Dojo Training
220119 1800 2100 kungFu         Dojo Training
220119 1900 2200 Sinpin         #Code Level Deleting
220119 1600 1800 Sinpin         #Code Improved Modals
220119 1400 1500 Gibbon         #PR Organisation

@@ 325,7 402,7 @@
220119 1200 1300 Gibbon         #Infrastructure SSL
220119 1100 1200 Gibbon         #PR Meeting
220119 0800 1000 Gibbon         #PR Organisation
220118 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220118 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220118 0800 1100 Sinpin         #Code Modals and movement improvements
220117 2100 2200 Sinpin         #Code Level file naming
220117 1330 1430 Gibbon         #PR Twitter Drafts

@@ 334,12 411,12 @@
220115 1400 1500 Gibbon         #PR Twitter Drafts
220114 1000 1800 Gibbon         #PR Gibbon Captures
220113 2030 2230 Gibbon         #PR Tweet Drafts
220113 1800 2030 KungFu         Dojo Training
220113 1800 2030 kungFu         Dojo Training
220113 1300 1730 Gibbon         #PR NGO Drafts, Newsletter Draft, Tweet Drafts
220112 0900 1230 Gibbon         #PR Website, Presskit and Extra Credits
220111 2000 2100 Sinpin         Better game state handling
220111 1600 1700 Trabant        Cmus music control keys
220111 1300 1500 Trabant        Cmus music control keys
220111 1600 1700 trabant        Cmus music control keys
220111 1300 1500 trabant        Cmus music control keys
220111 0900 1200 Gibbon         #PR Website
220110 1400 1600 Sinpin         #PR
220110 0800 1100 Gibbon         #PR

@@ 503,7 580,7 @@
210921 0300 0600 Gibbon         #Visual
210920 1400 1800 Gibbon         #Visual Lilac's Rescue
210920 0800 1330 Gibbon         #Visual Trail Tuning
210917 1100 1400 Home           #Meeting Gitti & Semsad
210917 1100 1400 home           #Meeting Gitti & Semsad
210916 2030 2200 Gibbon         #Visual Destruction in BG Hero Block
210916 1530 1630 Gibbon         #Visual Title Screen Mockup
210916 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Visual Outro Mockups

@@ 573,7 650,7 @@
210825 1100 1300 Gibbon         #Level Tutorial 2
210824 1600 1700 Gibbon         #Meeting Intro Cut Scene
210824 1000 1400 Gibbon         #Visual Level
210824 0900 1000 Home           #Organisation
210824 0900 1000 home           #Organisation
210824 0500 0600 Gibbon         #Organisation Tasks
210823 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Visual Early Morning Color Set
210823 0900 1000 Gibbon         #Meeting

@@ 627,7 704,7 @@
210708 1900 2000 Gibbon         #Documentation Liberation Mode
210708 1700 1830 Gibbon         #Meeting Audio Kick-Off
210708 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Liberation Mode Next Steps
210706 1030 1130 BrokenRules    #Meeting Crypto
210706 1030 1130 brokenRules    #Meeting Crypto
210706 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Visual Town Skyline Splines
210705 1200 1330 Gibbon         #Meeting Asset Evaluation
210705 0930 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation Tasks

@@ 635,7 712,7 @@
210701 1400 2000 Gibbon         #Setup Windows VM
210701 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Organisation Feedback
210701 1030 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Debugging Splines
210701 9300 1030 BrokenRules    #Meeting Finances
210701 9300 1030 brokenRules    #Meeting Finances
210701 0800 0930 Gibbon         #Organisation Direction Documentation
210630 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Project Extension
210630 0900 1000 Gibbon         #Organisation

@@ 664,10 741,10 @@
210615 1030 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Intro Animation 
210615 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Organisation 
210614 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Organisation 
210614 0800 0930 Home           #Visual Plan Fenster & Türen
210614 0800 0930 home           #Visual Plan Fenster & Türen
210613 2100 2300 Guitar         #Routine Misty
210613 1300 1500 Home           #Visual Plan Digitalisierung
210612 1000 1500 Home           #Research Kueche & Bad Ausflug
210613 1300 1500 home           #Visual Plan Digitalisierung
210612 1000 1500 home           #Research Kueche & Bad Ausflug
210611 2100 2200 Gibbon         #Visual Final Frame Sketch
210611 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Visual Color Sets
210611 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Visual Color Sets

@@ 697,8 774,8 @@
210602 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Chasm Caps
210602 0900 1100 Gibbon         #Visual Chasm Caps Textures
210601 1400 1403 Gibbon         #Organisation
210601 1000 1200 BrokenRules    #Meeting Finances
210531 1200 1330 BrokenRules    #Meeting Sophie
210601 1000 1200 brokenRules    #Meeting Finances
210531 1200 1330 brokenRules    #Meeting Sophie
210531 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Input Decision
210531 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Direction Adaption
210530 1500 1600 Guitar         #Routine

@@ 710,7 787,7 @@
210527 0800 0900 Gibbon         #Organisation
210526 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Test Game End
210526 0830 0930 nchrs          #Maintenance Keyboards
210525 1400 1500 Home           Katalog Details
210525 1400 1500 home           Katalog Details
210525 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Visual Chasm Caps
210525 1000 1100 OMJ            #PR Apple Assets
210525 1100 1200 Guitar         #Routine

@@ 748,7 825,7 @@
210506 0830 1000 nchrs          #Maintenance Journal Updates
210505 2100 2330 Gibbon         #Meeting Death
210505 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Meeting Liberation Mode
210505 1200 1400 BrokenRules    #Meeting ArbitraryArbitrary
210505 1200 1400 brokenRules    #Meeting ArbitraryArbitrary
210505 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Liberation Mode
210505 0900 1000 Guitar         #Routine
210504 0900 1000 Guitar         #Routine

@@ 761,14 838,14 @@
210429 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Testing Paythroughs & Feedback
210429 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Chasm Caps
210428 0900 1100 Gibbon         #Visual Chasm Caps
210428 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Organisation Coffee
210428 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Organisation Coffee
210426 1630 1730 Gibbon         #PR Trailer
210426 1500 1630 Gibbon         #Documentation Meetings
210426 1330 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting PR
210426 1130 1330 Gibbon         #Meeting Liberation Mode
210426 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Endless Mode
210421 1400 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Endless Mode
210421 1200 1400 BrokenRules    #Meeting Hannah
210421 1200 1400 brokenRules    #Meeting Hannah
210421 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Endless Mode
210417 1000 1200 nchrs          #Code Fixed image 404s
210417 1000 1200 nchrs          #Code Fixed image 404s

@@ 777,7 854,7 @@
210416 0300 0600 Logbook        #Code Fixed time conversion
210415 1600 1700 nchrs          #Code Fixed time conversion
210415 1100 1200 nchrs          #Code RSS Feed
210415 0900 1030 Home           #Meeting Bank
210415 0900 1030 home           #Meeting Bank
210414 0700 0800 nchrs          #Code Journal HTML output
210413 1600 1800 nchrs          #Code Started implementing journal
210413 1200 1330 nchrs          #Maintenance Added journal entries

@@ 796,7 873,7 @@
210407 1300 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting Direction
210407 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation
210407 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Wobblers
210406 1800 2000 Trabant        #Code Preonic Mapping
210406 1800 2000 trabant        #Code Preonic Mapping
210406 1000 1100 nchrs          #Code Implemented Dithering
210405 0600 0800 nchrs          #Research Image Dithering
210403 0600 0800 nchrs          #Maintenance Halatafel

@@ 828,8 905,8 @@
210325 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Organisation
210324 1530 1700 nchrs          #Code Support for external link descriptions
210324 1300 1530 Gibbon         #Visual Color Sets
210324 0430 0500 BrokenRules    #Website Fixed Presskit issues
210324 0300 0430 IndieFund      #Documentation Wrote Readme
210324 0430 0500 brokenRules    #Website Fixed Presskit issues
210324 0300 0430 indieFund      #Documentation Wrote Readme
210323 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting Chase & Market Review
210323 1030 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Onboarding & FX
210322 1400 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting Color Sets

@@ 852,7 929,7 @@
210315 1030 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation
210315 1000 1030 Gibbon         #PR Website
210314 0430 0700 Logbook        #Code Date Filtering
210311 0900 1100 Home           #Meeting Hafner
210311 0900 1100 home           #Meeting Hafner
210311 0500 0600 nchrs          #Code Index & 404
210310 2000 2200 nchrs          #Code Marbles
210310 1500 1600 nchrs          #Code Marbles

@@ 861,9 938,9 @@
210309 1800 1830 Gibbon         #Documentation Hunt Scene Update
210309 1400 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting Hunt Scene Update
210309 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting Hunt Scene Update
210308 0930 1900 Home           #Meeting Salzburg
210307 0930 1430 Home           #Meeting Discussions
210304 0930 1500 Home           #Meeting Rauchfangkehrer
210308 0930 1900 home           #Meeting Salzburg
210307 0930 1430 home           #Meeting Discussions
210304 0930 1500 home           #Meeting Rauchfangkehrer
210304 0900 0930 nchrs          #Create Rubiks Photos
210303 1130 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Financials
210303 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Direction

@@ 883,13 960,13 @@
210224 2000 2300 nchrs          #Maintenance Content
210224 0600 0700 nchrs          #Maintenance Content
210224 0300 0500 nchrs          #Maintenance Content
210223 1100 1230 Home           #Research Baumschutz
210223 1100 1200 Home           #Research Kachelofen
210223 1100 1230 home           #Research Baumschutz
210223 1100 1200 home           #Research Kachelofen
210223 0930 1030 nchrs          #Maintenance Navgation
210223 0400 0700 nchrs          #Code Navgation
210222 1300 1400 nchrs          #Code Improved portals
210222 1000 1130 Home           #Communication Send Plans
210222 0900 1000 Home           #Research Earthships
210222 1000 1130 home           #Communication Send Plans
210222 0900 1000 home           #Research Earthships
210221 0600 0700 nchrs          #Research Debugging
210220 0500 0700 nchrs          #Research Debugging
210219 0900 1200 nchrs          #Research Debugging

@@ 911,7 988,7 @@
210212 1300 1630 nchrs          #Code Incoming links
210212 0900 1200 Gibbon         #Visual Level
210211 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Visual Level
210211 1030 1130 Home           #Meeting Finances
210211 1030 1130 home           #Meeting Finances
210211 6000 0630 nchrs          #Code Header images
210210 2030 2200 nchrs          #Code incoming links
210210 1500 1600 nchrs          #Code Album parsing

@@ 937,12 1014,12 @@
210204 0900 1030 nchrs          #Code Oscean
210203 1900 2030 nchrs          #Maintenance Bookmarks
210202 1530 1630 Logbook        #Code SDL
210202 1430 1530 Home           #Communication 
210202 1430 1530 home           #Communication 
210202 0830 0930 Logbook        #Code Time Calculation
210202 0300 0600 Logbook        #Code Parsing
210201 0500 0800 Logbook        #Code String Manipulation
210130 2100 2200 Logbook        #Code Line Reading
210129 1000 1400 Home           #Meeting Gitti
210129 1000 1400 home           #Meeting Gitti
210128 1700 1800 Gibbon         #Meeting Sony
210128 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting PR Teaser Video
210128 1300 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting Financials

@@ 954,10 1031,10 @@
210126 1300 1600 Gibbon         #Create Sony Pitch
210126 0900 1200 Gibbon         #Create Sony Pitch
210125 1030 1700 Gibbon         #Create Pitch Video
210124 0900 1000 Home           #Research
210123 1500 1600 Home           #Research
210123 1100 1200 Home           #Research
210122 1700 1800 Home           #Research
210124 0900 1000 home           #Research
210123 1500 1600 home           #Research
210123 1100 1200 home           #Research
210122 1700 1800 home           #Research
210121 0730 0800 nchrs          #Maintenance
210121 0500 0730 Logbook        #Code Parsing entries
210119 2030 2300 Gibbon         #Meeting Tutorial design

@@ 983,8 1060,8 @@
210111 1530 1600 Gibbon         #Create Tutorial Sketch
210111 1430 1530 Gibbon         #Meeting Onboarding
210111 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Onboarding
210110 1600 1700 Home           #Code Moodboards
210110 1130 1200 Home           #Code Moodboards
210110 1600 1700 home           #Code Moodboards
210110 1130 1200 home           #Code Moodboards
210108 1000 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Horizontal Slice
210107 0930 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Horizontal Slice
210106 0800 0900 nchrs          #Maintenance Video Converter Script

@@ 1002,31 1079,31 @@
201221 0900 1330 rasputin       #Create Case Model Rendering
201219 0700 0830 rasputin       #Create Sent Case Plan
201218 1530 1630 rasputin       #Create Case Plan
201218 0930 1030 BrokenRules    #Research Infrastructure
201218 0930 1030 brokenRules    #Research Infrastructure
201218 0830 0900 nchrs          #Maintenance Updated routine and exercise
201217 2000 2100 rasputin       #Create Case Model
201217 0930 1130 Trabant        #Maintenance Music
201216 1030 1100 Home           #Communication
201217 0930 1130 trabant        #Maintenance Music
201216 1030 1100 home           #Communication
201216 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Documentation Updated Game Direction
201216 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Documentation Updated Game Direction
201216 0900 0930 rasputin       #Research Screws
201215 1300 1400 rasputin       #Research Ordered Parts
201215 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Documentation Game Name Dev Log
201215 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Name
201214 1430 1530 BrokenRules    #Meeting Infrastructure
201214 1430 1530 brokenRules    #Meeting Infrastructure
201214 1230 1430 rasputin       #Research Parts
201214 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting
201214 1000 1100 rasputin       #Create Case Model
201214 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Communication
201214 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Communication
201214 0600 0630 rasputin       #Create Case Model
201213 2030 2100 rasputin       #Create Case Model
201213 1400 1500 rasputin       #Create Case Model
201212 0500 0730 khal           #Create UI
201210 0830 1230 khal           #Create UI
201209 1230 1230 IndieFund      #Maintenance Application Templates
201209 1030 1230 IndieFund      #Maintenance Game Cards
201209 0900 1030 Trabant          #Maintenance Khal
201208 2030 2100 IndieFund      #Maintenance Fixes
201209 1230 1230 indieFund      #Maintenance Application Templates
201209 1030 1230 indieFund      #Maintenance Game Cards
201209 0900 1030 trabant          #Maintenance Khal
201208 2030 2100 indieFund      #Maintenance Fixes
201208 1630 1800 Gibbon         #Meeting Creative Direction Audio
201208 1230 1430 Gibbon         #Communication
201208 1130 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Outskirts

@@ 1037,8 1114,8 @@
201203 2030 2300 rasputin       #Create Case Drawing
201203 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Commmunication
201203 0930 1230 rasputin       #Create Case Drawing
201203 0400 0700 IndieFund      #Maintenance Application Form & Plain Text Email
201202 1500 1530 IndieFund      #Maintenance Setup
201203 0400 0700 indieFund      #Maintenance Application Form & Plain Text Email
201202 1500 1530 indieFund      #Maintenance Setup
201201 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Documentation Game End
201201 1100 1300 Gibbon         #Meeting Game End
201130 1430 1700 Gibbon         #Visual Residential2

@@ 1072,13 1149,13 @@
201116 1800 2130 Gibbon         #Visual Treeline and Bushline
201116 1230 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting Movement Feedback
201116 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation and Test
201116 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Office
201116 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Office
201113 0830 1200 Gibbon         #Visual Fighting Photoshop
201112 1900 2000 Gibbon         #Documentation Decisions
201112 1600 1730 Gibbon         #Meeting Catherine
201112 1430 1530 Gibbon         #Communication
201111 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Communication Future Friends Additional Information
201111 1000 1100 BrokenRules    #Office
201111 1000 1100 brokenRules    #Office
201110 1130 1200 Gibbon         #Communication
201110 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Future Friends Creative Direction Deep Dive
201109 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Meeting PR Prep Talk & Direction

@@ 1114,11 1191,11 @@
201016 1600 1830 rasputin       Setup 
201016 0900 0930 Gibbon         #Documentation M03 
201016 0830 0900 Gibbon         #Test M03 
201016 0400 0600 Trabant        #Research Mutt Setup & Config 
201016 0400 0600 trabant        #Research Mutt Setup & Config 
201015 0600 0630 BRWebsite      #Maintenance Added Privacy Policy Website 
201014 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Communication Future Friends 
201014 0800 0930 nchrs          #Maintenance Reading List 
201013 0730 0830 Home           #Meeting Canal Analysis
201013 0730 0830 home           #Meeting Canal Analysis
201011 1700 1800 Gibbon         #Visual Title Screen
201009 1830 1900 Gibbon         #Meeting Andy Waterfall Narrative
201009 1530 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Felix Waterfall Narrative

@@ 1127,29 1204,29 @@
201009 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Direction
201009 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Research nchrs   Facts 
201009 0930 1000 Gibbon         #Communication Future Friends 
201007 0830 1000 Home           #Meeting 
201007 0830 1000 home           #Meeting 
201006 0830 0900 Gibbon         #Communication 
201003 0900 1200 Grinder        
201002 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation Adobe Subscription
201002 0800 1100 Grinder        
201001 1100 1200 Home           #Organisation Bauakt
200929 1000 1100 Home           #Meeting Plumber
200928 0930 1000 Home           #Meeting Gardner
201001 1100 1200 home           #Organisation Bauakt
200929 1000 1100 home           #Meeting Plumber
200928 0930 1000 home           #Meeting Gardner
200928 0530 0630 nchrs          #Maintenance
200923 0830 1000 Home           #Communication
200923 0830 1000 home           #Communication
200923 1730 1800 nchrs          #Maintenance
200923 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Direction
200923 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Office
200923 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Office
200922 2000 2230 nchrs          #Maintenance
200922 1100 1200 nchrs          #Visual Inventory Photos
200922 0830 1100 Home           #Communication
200921 1000 1130 Home           #Communication
200921 0830 1130 Home           #Research
200922 0830 1100 home           #Communication
200921 1000 1130 home           #Communication
200921 0830 1130 home           #Research
200921 0800 1000 nchrs          #Maintenance Bookmarks & Journal
200920 2000 2100 nchrs          #Maintenance Gersthof Album
200918 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Visual Combo Lines
200918 0530 0630 nchrs          #Maintenance Waldenstein Album
200916 0800 1000 BrokenRules    #Communication IndieCade KS Material
200916 0800 1000 brokenRules    #Communication IndieCade KS Material
200911 0150 0160 BRWebsite      #Maintenance Added Peter Photos |
200911 0140 0150 BRWebsite      #Visual Photoediting
200911 0130 0140 BRWebsite      #Visual Photoshooting Peter

@@ 1169,8 1246,8 @@
200831 1300 1430 BRWebsite      #Code Updates and pathPrefixing
200831 1000 1230 BRWebsite      #Code Presskit articles
200831 0600 0800 BRWebsite      #Code Presskit awards
200830 2000 2100 Home           #Communication Email
200830 1600 2000 Home           #Meeting Panning
200830 2000 2100 home           #Communication Email
200830 1600 2000 home           #Meeting Panning
200830 0930 1000 BRWebsite      #Code Fixed CSS
200830 0300 0600 BRWebsite      #Code Presskit Split Presskit from Website
200829 1900 2100 BRWebsite      #Code Presskit Split presskit into multiple pages

@@ 1190,18 1267,18 @@
200824 1600 2330 BRWebsite      #Code Presskit 11ty
200818 1000 1230 OMJ            #Communication
200817 2200 2230 nchrs          #Maintenance Added Sardinia
200817 2100 2200 Trabant        #Research Learning C
200816 2000 2230 Trabant        #Research Learning C
200816 1700 1830 Trabant        #Maintenance Trying to get raspi running
200814 2300 0000 Trabant        #Maintenance Cintiq config and i3 kybindings
200814 1800 2000 Trabant        #Maintenance Improved Desk
200814 1130 1230 BrokenRules    #PR Interview 2
200814 1000 1130 BrokenRules    #PR Interview 1
200814 0900 1000 Trabant        #Maintenance Improved desk
200813 2200 0000 Trabant        #Maintenance New desk
200817 2100 2200 trabant        #Research Learning C
200816 2000 2230 trabant        #Research Learning C
200816 1700 1830 trabant        #Maintenance Trying to get raspi running
200814 2300 0000 trabant        #Maintenance Cintiq config and i3 kybindings
200814 1800 2000 trabant        #Maintenance Improved Desk
200814 1130 1230 brokenRules    #PR Interview 2
200814 1000 1130 brokenRules    #PR Interview 1
200814 0900 1000 trabant        #Maintenance Improved desk
200813 2200 0000 trabant        #Maintenance New desk
200811 0900 1000 nchrs          #Maintenance Various links and writings
200810 2200 0000 nchrs          #Maintenance Added the ludarium
200810 1800 1900 BrokenRules    #Communication Appointments for Interviews
200810 1800 1900 brokenRules    #Communication Appointments for Interviews
200810 0430 0530 BRWebsite      #Code 11ty presskit
200809 0700 0730 nchrs          #Maintenance Broken Rules
200808 2030 2200 nchrs          #Maintenance Album Denmark

@@ 1210,34 1287,34 @@
200807 0800 1100 nchrs          #Maintenance Journal
200807 0630 0730 nchrs          #Maintenance Added Albums, fixed logo
200806 1000 1100 OMJ            #PR Feature Request Assets
200805 1600 1500 Trabant        #Maintenance Photos
200805 1600 1500 trabant        #Maintenance Photos
200805 0700 0800 Relogen        #Code Fixed paths
200804 0700 0800 nchrs          #Code makeAlbum batchResize
200803 2000 2200 nchrs          #Code makeAlbum
200803 1500 1600 Trabant        #Maintenance Albums
200803 1500 1600 trabant        #Maintenance Albums
200803 1130 1200 nchrs          #Maintenance Albums
200803 1030 1130 Trabant        #Code Backup script
200803 0630 0800 Trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1900 1930 Trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1400 1500 Trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1130 1230 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200802 0730 0830 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 2200 2330 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 1500 1600 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 1200 1300 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200731 2230 0000 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200731 1900 2200 Trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200803 1030 1130 trabant        #Code Backup script
200803 0630 0800 trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1900 1930 trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1400 1500 trabant        #Code Backup script
200802 1130 1230 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200802 0730 0830 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 2200 2330 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 1500 1600 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200801 1200 1300 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200731 2230 0000 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200731 1900 2200 trabant        #Maintenance Data Detox - iCloud Photos & Backups
200730 1100 1300 nchrs          #Code fixing bugs and styling
200730 0730 0800 nchrs          #Maintenance journal and batchResize update
200730 0630 0730 nchrs          #Code Responsive Image Covers using a global data file
200729 1130 1330 Home           #Communication
200729 1130 1330 home           #Communication
200729 1030 1100 nchrs          #Code Fixed RSS and updated journal
200729 0800 0900 nchrs          #Maintenance Journal Entry
200729 0600 0800 nchrs          #Code Responsive images
200728 2100 2200 nchrs          #Code Sitemap, favicon
200728 0530 0800 BRWebsite      #Code better structure, readme, license
200726 2100 2300 nchrs          #Code responsive images
200726 1000 1200 Home           #Design Plan
200726 1000 1200 home           #Design Plan
200726 0000 0500 nchrs          #Code deploy script, batch resizer and responsive images
200725 0730 0800 nchrs          #Research responsive images
200725 0630 0730 nchrs          #Maintenance Added Regular Expressions Cheatsheet

@@ 1254,72 1331,72 @@
200402 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Write Feedback
200402 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting #Production
200403 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Narrative Rescue Scene Sketch
200227 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200227 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
200227 1100 1230 OMJ            #PR XBox Interview
200226 1100 1700 Gibbon         #Visual Canopy Tests
200225 1530 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Scene Setup
200225 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Meeting Implications of Changes
200225 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting Scene Setup
200225 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200225 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
200225 0930 1200 Gibbon         #Read Dev Logs
200225 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
200225 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
200225 0500 0600 Logbook        #Maintenance
200225 0430 0500 Trabant        #Research SSH
200224 2000 2100 Trabant        #Reserch  
200224 1530 1630 Trabant        #Venture Pickup from Workshop
200225 0430 0500 trabant        #Research SSH
200224 2000 2100 trabant        #Reserch  
200224 1530 1630 trabant        #Venture Pickup from workshop
200224 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Meeting Scene Setup
200224 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting Scene Setup
200224 1200 1300 Gibbon         #Lunch
200224 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Humans
200224 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting
200219 1400 1500 BrokenRules    #Organisation
200218 1500 1600 Trabant        #Venture Workshop
200218 1100 1300 BrokenRules    #Meeting Fabio Sound Proofing
200219 1400 1500 brokenRules    #Organisation
200218 1500 1600 trabant        #Venture workshop
200218 1100 1300 brokenRules    #Meeting Fabio Sound Proofing
200217 1430 1800 Gibbon         #Meeting Narrative
200217 1330 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200217 1330 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
200217 0930 1330 Gibbon         #Meeting Creative Direction
200217 0900 0930 Gibbon         #Read Dev Logs
200217 0830 0900 Gibbon         #Commute
200217 0700 0730 Logbook        #Maintenance
200216 2000 2130 Trabant        #Research
200216 0000 0300 Trabant        #Research Window Manager 
200215 2100 2130 Trabant        #Research Static Site Generator
200215 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Research Dither It
200214 1300 1600 BrokenRules    #Communication
200214 0730 1300 Trabant        #Research nVidia drivers
200213 1500 1730 Trabant        #Maintenance Keyboard Config/Screenshots
200213 1030 1130 Trabant        #Documentation Linux Experience
200213 0900 1030 Trabant        #Maintenance Configured Email Rules
200216 2000 2130 trabant        #Research
200216 0000 0300 trabant        #Research Window Manager 
200215 2100 2130 trabant        #Research Static Site Generator
200215 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Research Dither It
200214 1300 1600 brokenRules    #Communication
200214 0730 1300 trabant        #Research nVidia drivers
200213 1500 1730 trabant        #Maintenance Keyboard Config/Screenshots
200213 1030 1130 trabant        #Documentation Linux Experience
200213 0900 1030 trabant        #Maintenance Configured Email Rules
200213 0300 0530 Logbook        #Maintenance Logging
200212 1300 1600 Trabant        #Maintenance Calendar
200211 1400 1600 Trabant        #Maintenance Linux
200212 1300 1600 trabant        #Maintenance Calendar
200211 1400 1600 trabant        #Maintenance Linux
200211 0900 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting
200210 2000 2300 Trabant        #Maintenance Linux Setup 
200210 1100 1430 Trabant        #Maintenance Linux
200210 2000 2300 trabant        #Maintenance Linux Setup 
200210 1100 1430 trabant        #Maintenance Linux
200210 0900 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting
200209 1100 1400 Trabant        #Maintenance Linux 
200207 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Maintenance Office
200209 1100 1400 trabant        #Maintenance Linux 
200207 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Maintenance Office
200206 2330 0000 Logbook        #Maintenance
200205 1500 1530 Logbook        #Maintenance
200204 1330 1430 BrokenRules    #Code Website
200204 1330 1430 brokenRules    #Code Website
200204 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Josef Project Plan
200204 1000 1100 BrokenRules    #Organisation
200204 0430 0730 BrokenRules    #Code Website
200204 1000 1100 brokenRules    #Organisation
200204 0430 0730 brokenRules    #Code Website
200204 0330 0400 Logbook        #Maintenance
200203 1430 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Contract
200203 1330 1330 Gibbon         #Read Contract
200203 1300 1330 Gibbon         #Test Latest Build
200203 1030 1130 BrokenRules    #Visual Website
200203 0930 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
200203 0600 0700 BrokenRules    #Visual Website
200203 1030 1130 brokenRules    #Visual Website
200203 0930 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
200203 0600 0700 brokenRules    #Visual Website
200202 1100 1130 Logbook        #Maintenance
200201 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Code Website Resillience Update
200201 0600 0730 BrokenRules    #Research Ronin
200201 0300 0600 BrokenRules    #Code Website Resillience Update
200131 0630 0800 BrokenRules    #Code Website
200201 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Code Website Resillience Update
200201 0600 0730 brokenRules    #Research Ronin
200201 0300 0600 brokenRules    #Code Website Resillience Update
200131 0630 0800 brokenRules    #Code Website
200131 0600 0630 Logbook        #Maintenance
200130 2000 2100 Gibbon         #Meeting End of Sprint
200129 2100 2300 BrokenRules    #Code Website
200129 2100 2300 brokenRules    #Code Website
200129 2030 2100 Logbook        #Code Daily Overview
200129 0730 0800 Logbook        #Code Daily Details
200128 2100 2130 Logbook        #Maintenance

@@ 1332,7 1409,7 @@
200127 0930 1000 Gibbon         #Organisation
200127 0530 0630 Logbook        #Code Daily Score
200127 0500 0530 Logbook        #Maintenance
200126 2000 2200 Trabant        #Research LibreOffice
200126 2000 2200 trabant        #Research LibreOffice
200126 1500 1600 Logbook        #Code
200126 0630 0730 Logbook        #Code
200126 0600 0630 Logbook        #Maintenance

@@ 1342,15 1419,15 @@
200124 1100 1230 Logbook        #Code
200123 1900 2000 Chronicle      #Write Release
200123 1400 1600 Chronicle      #Code
200122 1630 1700 BrokenRules    #Communication
200122 1630 1700 brokenRules    #Communication
200122 0630 0730 Chronicle      #Code
200122 0600 0630 Chronicle      #Research PWA for Desktop
200121 2030 2100 Chronicle      #Code
200121 1330 1500 BrokenRules    #Present MQ Group
200121 1300 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200121 1330 1500 brokenRules    #Present MQ Group
200121 1300 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
200121 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Visual Trees
200121 0930 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Trees
200121 0830 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
200121 0830 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
200121 0700 0730 Logbook        #Code
200121 0600 0700 Chronicle      #Present Merveilles
200121 0500 0600 Chronicle      #Code Data Redaction

@@ 1364,27 1441,27 @@
200119 1730 1800 Logbook        #Code
200119 0700 0730 Logbook        #Research
200118 2030 0200 Logbook        #Code
200118 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Communication
200118 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Communication
200116 2030 2100 Logbook        #Maintenance
200116 1030 1200 Logbook        #Code
200116 0500 0700 Logbook        #Code
200115 1930 2000 Trabant        #Research
200115 1230 1300 Trabant        #Research
200115 1130 1200 Trabant        #Research
200115 0600 0700 Trabant        #Research
200114 1430 1530 IndieFund      #Communication Guildlings
200114 1330 1430 BrokenRules    #Office Sound Proofing
200114 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Office Coffee
200114 1230 1230 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200115 1930 2000 trabant        #Research
200115 1230 1300 trabant        #Research
200115 1130 1200 trabant        #Research
200115 0600 0700 trabant        #Research
200114 1430 1530 indieFund      #Communication Guildlings
200114 1330 1430 brokenRules    #Office Sound Proofing
200114 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Office Coffee
200114 1230 1230 brokenRules    #Lunch
200114 1030 1230 Gibbon         #Communication Phase Out
200114 0900 1000 Logbook        #Meeting
200114 0400 0700 Logbook        #Code Stability
200113 1400 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting
200113 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
200113 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
200113 1230 1300 Gibbon         #Test
200113 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting
200113 1030 1100 IndieFund      #Organisation
200113 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
200113 1030 1100 indieFund      #Organisation
200113 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
200113 0730 0800 Logbook        #Maintenance
200109 1400 1500 Logbook        #Code
200109 1030 1200 Logbook        #Code

@@ 1404,13 1481,13 @@
200103 0700 0730 Logbook        #Code
200102 2000 2130 Logbook        #Code
200102 1530 1600 Logbook        #Code
200102 1100 1200 IndieFund      #Organisation
200102 1000 1100 Trabant        #Research Buttercup
200102 1100 1200 indieFund      #Organisation
200102 1000 1100 trabant        #Research Buttercup
200102 0730 0800 Logbook        #Code
200101 2000 2100 Logbook        #Code
200101 1930 2000 Logbook        #Maintenance
200101 1300 1400 IndieFund      #Organisation
191231 1000 1100 IndieFund      #Communication
200101 1300 1400 indieFund      #Organisation
191231 1000 1100 indieFund      #Communication
191230 0930 1030 Logbook        #Code
191230 0500 0730 Logbook        #Code Balance
191229 2000 2100 Chronicle      #Code

@@ 1435,52 1512,52 @@
191224 2200 2230 Logbook        #Code Date Filters
191224 2000 2200 BRWebsite      #Code
191224 0700 0800 BRWebsite      #Code Indental
191223 1700 1830 IndieFund      #Communication
191223 1700 1830 indieFund      #Communication
191223 0600 0800 BRWebsite      #Design Indental Parsing
191223 0400 0600 Logbook        #Code Filter Logs
191222 2100 2130 Logbook        #Code
191222 1730 1800 IndieFund      #Communication Ynglet
191222 1730 1800 indieFund      #Communication Ynglet
191222 1430 1730 Logbook        #Code
191222 1200 1230 Logbook        #Code
191222 0730 0830 Logbook        #Code
191221 0530 0800 Logbook        #Code
191220 2030 2100 Logbook        #Code
191220 1130 1230 IndieFund      #Organisation Ynglet
191220 1130 1230 indieFund      #Organisation Ynglet
191219 0600 0700 nchrs          #Organisation
191215 1530 1600 nchrs          #Code
191215 0600 0730 nchrs          #Code Merge Logbook
191214 0500 0730 nchrs          #Code Merge Logbook
191213 1400 1530 Gibbon         #Visual Textures
191213 1330 1400 Gibbon         #Write Mission
191213 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191213 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191213 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191213 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191212 2000 2100 nchrs          #Design
191212 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
191212 1400 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Tech Art
191212 1100 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting #Level Art Sweep
191212 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Research Spline Meshes
191212 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Idle
191212 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191211 1800 2300 BrokenRules    #Meeting End of Year Gettogether
191212 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Idle
191212 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191211 1800 2300 brokenRules    #Meeting End of Year Gettogether
191211 1300 1800 Gibbon         #Visual #Level Art Sweep
191211 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191211 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191211 0730 1200 Gibbon         #Commute
191210 1300 1830 Gibbon         #Visual
191210 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191210 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191210 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Visual
191210 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Visual Level Art Sweep
191210 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191210 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191210 0430 0730 Zyklus         #Code Confirmation Dialoge
191209 1330 1930 Gibbon         #Visual Art Sweep 1
191209 1200 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191209 1200 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191208 1500 1730 Zyklus         #Code
191207 1230 2100 Zyklus         #Code
191207 0500 0530 nchrs          #Maintenance
191206 1500 1530 BrokenRules    #Idle
191206 1500 1530 brokenRules    #Idle
191206 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting #Audio Wobblers
191206 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting #Visual #Narrative
191206 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191206 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Commute
191206 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191206 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Commute
191206 1030 1130 Gibbon         #Audio Video
191206 0800 1030 Gibbon         #Meeting #Audio Direction
191205 1200 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting #Visual

@@ 1489,41 1566,41 @@
191204 1600 1630 nchrs          #Code
191204 0700 0730 nchrs          #Code
191203 1500 1700 Gibbon         #Level Design
191203 1400 1500 BrokenRules    #Idle
191203 1330 1400 BrokenRules    #Organisation
191203 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191203 1400 1500 brokenRules    #Idle
191203 1330 1400 brokenRules    #Organisation
191203 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191203 1030 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting
191203 1000 1030 IndieFund      #Maintenance
191203 1000 1030 indieFund      #Maintenance
191130 2000 2030 nchrs          #Maintenance
191129 0630 0900 nchrs          #Design
191128 2100 2230 Gibbon         #Meeting Team
191128 1530 1730 Gibbon         #Meeting #Level
191128 1300 1530 BrokenRules    #Network Adriaan
191128 1300 1530 brokenRules    #Network Adriaan
191128 1100 1300 Gibbon         #Organisation
191128 0830 0900 nchrs          #Code
191127 1630 1800 nchrs          #Code
191127 0430 0830 nchrs          #Research
191126 1730 1830 IndieFund      #Maintenance
191126 1730 1830 indieFund      #Maintenance
191126 1630 1730 Gibbon         #Meeting Animation
191126 1430 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Finances
191126 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191126 1000 1100 BrokenRules    #Communication
191126 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191126 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191126 1000 1100 brokenRules    #Communication
191126 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191126 0500 0700 nchrs          #Code
191125 1430 1900 Trabant        #Maintenance Backups
191125 1400 1430 Trabant        #Maintenance Linux Flash Drive
191125 1300 1400 Trabant        #Maintenance
191125 1430 1900 trabant        #Maintenance Backups
191125 1400 1430 trabant        #Maintenance Linux Flash Drive
191125 1300 1400 trabant        #Maintenance
191125 0500 0900 nchrs          #Code
191123 0530 0730 nchrs          #Code
191122 1600 1630 nchrs          #Code 
191122 1330 1530 Gibbon         #Level
191122 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191122 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191122 1100 1230 Gibbon         ---
191122 1030 1100 BrokenRules    #Routines
191122 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
191122 1030 1100 brokenRules    #Routines
191122 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
191121 1500 1830 Gibbon         #Level
191121 1330 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting #Level
191121 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191121 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191121 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting #Narrative
191121 0300 0500 nchrs          #Code
191120 1900 2200 nchrs          #Design

@@ 1531,88 1608,88 @@
191120 1330 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Art
191120 1200 1330 Gibbon         #Meeting Narrative
191120 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Future
191120 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191120 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191119 1230 1830 Gibbon         #Present Tree Generator
191119 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191119 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Lunch
191119 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Visual
191119 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting
191119 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191119 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191119 0400 0730 nchrs          #Code Basic Riven Implementation
191118 1600 1730 Gibbon         #Create
191118 0600 0800 Gibbon         #Create
191117 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Communication
191116 1000 1500 Gibbon         #Test
191116 0930 1000 Gibbon         ---
191116 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191116 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191115 2000 2130 Gibbon         ---
191115 1230 1800 Gibbon         #Test
191115 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191115 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Lunch
191115 0900 1200 Gibbon         #Test
191115 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Commute
191114 1830 2330 BrokenRules    #Network 10 Years Content Vienna
191115 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Commute
191114 1830 2330 brokenRules    #Network 10 Years Content Vienna
191114 1330 1830 Gibbon         #Visual
191114 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191114 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191114 1200 1230 Gibbon         #Visual Canopies
191114 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Canopies
191114 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191113 2330 0000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191114 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191113 2330 0000 brokenRules    #Commute
191113 1900 2330 Gibbon         #Meeting 11bit
191113 1800 1900 Gibbon         #Present
191113 1430 1800 Gibbon         #Visual
191113 1400 1430 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191113 1400 1430 brokenRules    #Lunch
191113 1000 1400 Gibbon         #Visual
191113 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191113 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191112 2000 2200 nchrs          #Maintenance
191112 1300 1800 Gibbon         #Visual
191112 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191112 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191112 1000 1200 Gibbon         #Visual
191112 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191112 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191112 0600 0700 Gibbon         #Organisation
191112 0430 0600 nchrs          #Research
191112 0400 0430 nchrs          #Organisation
191111 1500 1700 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Design
191111 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting #Organisation
191111 1330 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting #Visual
191111 1230 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191111 1230 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191111 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Design
191111 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Funding
191111 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
191111 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
191110 2000 2100 Gibbon         #Documentation Creative Direction
191110 1930 2000 nchrs          #Research
191109 0400 0800 Gibbon         #Documentation Creative Direction
191108 1930 2130 Gibbon         #Documentation Creative Direction
191108 1530 1630 Gibbon         #Documentation Creative Direction
191108 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191108 1200 1300 IndieFund      #Test
191108 1030 1200 BrokenRules    #Communication
191108 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
191108 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
191108 1200 1300 indieFund      #Test
191108 1030 1200 brokenRules    #Communication
191108 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
191107 1500 1700 Gibbon         #Present
191107 1400 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting
191107 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191107 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Commute
191107 1100 1230 BrokenRules    #Meeting Procura
191107 0500 0630 IndieFund      #Research
191106 1700 1830 IndieFund      #Research
191107 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
191107 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Commute
191107 1100 1230 brokenRules    #Meeting Procura
191107 0500 0630 indieFund      #Research
191106 1700 1830 indieFund      #Research
191106 1500 1700 Gibbon         #Visual Temp Art
191106 1300 1500 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191106 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Commute
191106 1000 1030 IndieFund      #Research
191106 0700 0730 IndieFund      #Research
191106 1300 1500 brokenRules    #Lunch
191106 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Commute
191106 1000 1030 indieFund      #Research
191106 0700 0730 indieFund      #Research
191105 1700 1830 Gibbon         #Maintenance SSH
191105 1400 1700 OMJ            #PR Steam Assets
191105 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191105 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Communication
191105 0600 0800 IndieFund      #Research Dev Environment
191105 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
191105 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Communication
191105 0600 0800 indieFund      #Research Dev Environment
191105 0500 0600 nchrs          #Research Runic & Lisp
191104 1700 1730 BrokenRules    #Commute
191104 1700 1730 brokenRules    #Commute
191104 1430 1700 Gibbon         #Documentation Dev Logs
191104 1300 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Design
191104 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191104 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191104 1030 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Design
191104 1000 1030 Gibbon         #Organisation
191104 0900 1000 BrokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
191104 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Commute
191103 1600 1630 Trabant        #Maintenance
191104 0900 1000 brokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
191104 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Commute
191103 1600 1630 trabant        #Maintenance
191103 1430 1530 nchrs          #Code
191103 1400 1430 nchrs          #Research
191103 0400 0630 nchrs          #Research

@@ 1637,34 1714,34 @@
191029 1800 1830 TreasureHunt   #Commute
191029 1600 1800 TreasureHunt   #Write Letter
191029 1400 1600 TreasureHunt   #Create Map
191029 1330 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191029 1330 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
191029 1230 1330 TreasureHunt   #Create Map
191029 1200 1230 Gibbon         #Present
191029 1130 1200 Gibbon         #Documentation
191029 1100 1130 Gibbon         #Documentation
191029 1030 1100 Gibbon         #Communication
191029 0930 1030 Logbook        #Code UI
191029 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191029 0630 0700 IndieFund      #Research
191029 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191029 0630 0700 indieFund      #Research
191029 0600 0630 Logbook        #Code UI
191029 0430 0600 Logbook        #Maintenance Tasks
191029 0400 0430 Logbook        #Code
191028 1800 1830 BrokenRules    #Commute
191028 1730 1800 BrokenRules    ---
191028 1800 1830 brokenRules    #Commute
191028 1730 1800 brokenRules    ---
191028 1630 1730 Logbook        #Present
191028 1500 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Narrative
191028 1300 1500 BrokenRules    #Lunch with Scott
191028 1300 1500 brokenRules    #Lunch with Scott
191028 1230 1300 Gibbon         #Communication
191028 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Network
191028 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Network
191028 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Visuals
191027 2000 2230 TreasureHunt   #Design
191027 1900 1930 TreasureHunt   #Organisation
191027 1830 1900 TreasureHunt   #Commute
191027 1430 1700 TreasureHunt   #Design
191027 1330 1430 TreasureHunt   #Venture
191027 0530 0830 IndieFund      #Research Setup
191027 0530 0830 indieFund      #Research Setup
191026 1030 1300 TreasureHunt   #Design
191026 0630 0700 IndieFund      #Research
191026 0630 0700 indieFund      #Research
191026 0600 0630 Logbook        #Code
191025 2100 2200 Logbook        #Code
191025 1800 1900 TreasureHunt   #Research

@@ 1673,42 1750,42 @@
191025 1100 1300 Logbook        #Code
191025 1030 1100 Gibbon         #Organisation
191025 0200 0600 Logbook        #Code
191024 1800 1830 BrokenRules    #Commute
191024 1800 1830 brokenRules    #Commute
191024 1700 1800 Logbook        #Code
191024 1400 1700 Gibbon         #Organisation Sprint
191024 1230 1400 BrokenRules    #Network Causa Creations Lunch 
191024 1230 1400 brokenRules    #Network Causa Creations Lunch 
191024 1030 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Florent
191024 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
191024 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
191024 0630 0730 Logbook        #Code
191023 1700 1730 BrokenRules    #Commute
191023 1700 1730 brokenRules    #Commute
191023 1630 1700 Gibbon         #Write Narrative Feedback
191023 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Present Kowloon
191023 1400 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Art Direction
191023 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Design
191023 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Commute
191023 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Commute
191023 0730 0800 Logbook        #Maintenance
191022 2030 2330 Logbook        #Code
191022 1830 1900 BrokenRules    #Commute
191022 1830 1900 brokenRules    #Commute
191022 1430 1830 Gibbon         #Visual Art Direction Sketches
191022 1400 1430 Gibbon         #Organisation Dropbox
191022 1330 1400 Gibbon         #Organisation Adobe Subscription
191022 1200 1330 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191022 1200 1330 brokenRules    #Lunch
191022 1100 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
191022 1000 1100 Gibbon         #Meeting Kowloon
191022 0930 1000 Gibbon         #Present Kowloon
191022 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191022 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191022 0430 0730 Logbook        #Code
191022 0400 0430 nchrs          #Research
191021 2100 2130 Logbook        #Maintenance
191021 1830 1900 BrokenRules    #Commute
191021 1830 1900 brokenRules    #Commute
191021 1630 1830 Gibbon         #Organisation Dev Mac Setup
191021 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting #Audio
191021 1430 1600 Gibbon         #Present Kowloon
191021 1400 1430 Gibbon         #Meeting Art Direction
191021 1300 1400 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
191021 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191021 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
191021 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
191021 0900 1030 Trabant        #Maintenance
191021 0900 1030 trabant        #Maintenance
191021 0730 0800 Logbook        #Maintenance
191020 0600 0800 Logbook        #Code
191018 2000 2100 Gibbon         #Meeting

@@ 1718,36 1795,36 @@
191016 0930 1030 Logbook        #Code
191016 0600 0830 Logbook        #Code
191015 1900 2230 Logbook        #Code
191015 1730 1800 BrokenRules    #Commute
191015 1730 1800 brokenRules    #Commute
191015 1630 1730 Logbook        #Code
191015 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
191015 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Design
191015 1400 1500 Logbook        #Code
191015 1330 1400 Gibbon         #Communication
191015 1230 1300 Logbook        #Code
191015 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191015 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Lunch
191015 1030 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting
191015 0930 1030 BrokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
191015 0930 1030 brokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
191015 0900 0930 Gibbon         #Communication
191015 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Commute
191015 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Commute
191015 0330 0700 Logbook        #Code
191015 0300 0330 Logbook        #Maintenance
191014 1900 1930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191014 1900 1930 brokenRules    #Commute
191014 1830 1900 Gibbon         #Documentation
191014 1700 1830 Gibbon         #Meeting #Audio Direction
191014 1630 1700 Gibbon         #Documentation
191014 1400 1630 Gibbon         #Meeting Direction
191014 1330 1400 Gibbon         #Organisation
191014 1300 1330 BrokenRules    #Routines Lunch
191014 1300 1330 brokenRules    #Routines Lunch
191014 1100 1300 Gibbon         #Meeting Art Direction
191013 1900 1930 Gibbon         #Communication
191013 0630 0800 IndieFund      #Code
191012 0930 1100 IndieFund      #Code
191013 0630 0800 indieFund      #Code
191012 0930 1100 indieFund      #Code
191012 0830 0930 nchrs          #Research
191012 0600 0800 nchrs          #Research
191011 1600 1900 IndieFund      Fix images not showing
191011 1600 1900 indieFund      Fix images not showing
191011 1000 1130 Gibbon         #Meeting Wobbler Sound
191011 0600 0900 IndieFund      #Code
191011 0600 0900 indieFund      #Code
191007 1330 1500 Gibbon         #Organisation
191007 1000 1230 Gibbon         ---
191005 1000 1200 Zyklus         #Visual

@@ 1758,23 1835,23 @@
191004 0300 0730 Zyklus         #Code Language Support
191003 1600 1730 Gibbon         #Documentation Game Design
191003 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Tech Artist
191003 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
191003 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
191003 1130 1300 Gibbon         #Meeting Tech Artist
191003 0630 0800 IndieFund      Application Form
191003 0630 0800 indieFund      Application Form
191001 1600 1800 Gibbon         #Documentation Game Design
191001 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting Game Design
191001 1200 1500 BrokenRules    #Meeting Ulrich
191001 1200 1500 brokenRules    #Meeting Ulrich
191001 1030 1200 Gibbon         #Meeting Field Trip
191001 0930 1030 Gibbon         #Meeting #Audio Collaborator
191001 0830 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
191001 0830 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
191001 0500 0730 nchrs          #Code
190930 1630 1700 Gibbon         #Communication
190930 1500 1630 IndieFund      #Meeting Lual Mayen
190930 1500 1630 indieFund      #Meeting Lual Mayen
190930 1300 1500 Gibbon         #Meeting Art Direction
190930 1230 1300 BrokenRules    Lunch
190930 1230 1300 brokenRules    Lunch
190930 1100 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Catch Up
190930 1030 1100 BrokenRules    #Office
190930 0900 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
190930 1030 1100 brokenRules    #Office
190930 0900 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
190929 1300 1600 Zyklus         #Code Language Support
190929 0500 0800 Zyklus         #Code Import/Export Data
190928 1100 1200 Zyklus         #Code

@@ 1784,9 1861,9 @@
190928 0330 0430 Zyklus         #Code Load/Set URL hash
190928 0300 0330 Zyklus         #Code Fix Menu
190927 0600 0800 Zyklus         ---
190926 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Office #Communication
190926 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Office #Communication
190926 1030 1130 Gibbon         #Communication
190926 0900 1030 IndieFund      #Communication
190926 0900 1030 indieFund      #Communication
190925 1030 1200 Zyklus         ---
190925 0200 0630 Zyklus         ---
190924 1400 1530 Zyklus         ---

@@ 1822,63 1899,63 @@
190914 1800 1830 Gibbon         #Documentation Dev Log
190914 1230 1300 Zyklus         #Code
190914 1130 1230 Gibbon         #Documentation Dev Log
190914 1100 1130 BrokenRules    #Organisation
190913 1830 0000 BrokenRules    #Network Mi'Pu'Mi Party
190914 1100 1130 brokenRules    #Organisation
190913 1830 0000 brokenRules    #Network Mi'Pu'Mi Party
190913 1700 1830 Gibbon         #Documentation Dev Log
190913 1600 1700 BrokenRules    #Office #Maintenance Update Door Sign
190913 1600 1700 brokenRules    #Office #Maintenance Update Door Sign
190913 1500 1600 Gibbon         #Organisation
190913 1400 1430 BrokenRules    Lunch
190913 1200 1400 BrokenRules    #PR Fotoshooting
190913 1100 1200 BrokenRules    #Present MQ Group
190913 1030 1100 BrokenRules    #Present Prepare
190913 1400 1430 brokenRules    Lunch
190913 1200 1400 brokenRules    #PR Fotoshooting
190913 1100 1200 brokenRules    #Present MQ Group
190913 1030 1100 brokenRules    #Present Prepare
190913 0900 1030 Gibbon         #Meeting Art Direction
190913 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
190913 0800 0830 BrokenRules    Commute
190913 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Office #Maintenance
190913 0800 0830 brokenRules    Commute
190913 0500 0700 Zyklus         #Code UI
190912 2000 2030 Gibbon         #Documentation
190912 1500 1630 Gibbon         #Audio #Meeting
190912 1330 1500 Gibbon         Narrative #Meeting
190912 1230 1330 Gibbon         #Documentation
190912 1000 1230 Gibbon         Production #Meeting
190912 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
190912 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
190912 0700 0730 Zyklus         #Design UI
190912 0500 0700 Zyklus         #Code
190912 0400 0500 Gibbon         #Organisation
190911 1900 1930 BrokenRules    #Commute
190911 1900 1930 brokenRules    #Commute
190911 1730 1900 Gibbon         #Documentation
190911 1500 1730 Gibbon         #Design #Meeting
190911 1400 1500 Zyklus         #Code
190911 1230 1400 Gibbon         #Organisation
190911 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190911 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Lunch
190911 1130 1200 Gibbon         #Organisation
190911 1030 1130 Gibbon         Art Direction #Meeting
190911 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Office #Maintenance Monitor Mount
190911 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Commute
190911 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Office #Maintenance Monitor Mount
190911 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Commute
190910 2000 0030 Zyklus         #Code
190910 1730 1800 BrokenRules    #Commute
190910 1700 1730 BrokenRules    #Play
190910 1730 1800 brokenRules    #Commute
190910 1700 1730 brokenRules    #Play
190910 1630 1700 Gibbon         #Documentation Canopies
190910 1400 1630 Zyklus         #Code File I/O
190910 1300 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190910 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Office #Organisation
190910 1300 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
190910 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Office #Organisation
190910 1200 1230 Gibbon         #Documentation Canopies
190910 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Office Management
190910 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Office Management
190910 1030 1130 Gibbon         #Documentation Canopies
190910 1000 1030 Gibbon         #Communication
190910 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Office Management
190910 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Commute
190910 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Office Management
190910 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Commute
190910 0530 0700 nchrs          #Research
190909 1830 1900 BrokenRules    #Commute
190909 1530 1830 BrokenRules    #Meeting Josh Sawyer
190909 1830 1900 brokenRules    #Commute
190909 1530 1830 brokenRules    #Meeting Josh Sawyer
190909 1300 1530 Gibbon         Art Direction #Meeting
190909 1200 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190909 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Office Management
190909 1200 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
190909 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Office Management
190909 1030 1130 Gibbon         Production #Meeting
190909 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Office Management
190909 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Office Management
190909 0900 1000 Gibbon         Welcome #Meeting
190909 0830 0900 BrokenRules    #Commute
190909 0830 0900 brokenRules    #Commute
190909 0530 0630 nchrs          #Code File I/O
190909 0500 0530 BrokenRules    #Communication
190909 0500 0530 brokenRules    #Communication
190908 2100 2130 nchrs          #Documentation
190908 1900 2000 nchrs          #Research
190908 1230 1300 Zyklus         #Research

@@ 1894,27 1971,27 @@
190905 1600 1630 Gibbon         #Organisation Iterate Project
190905 1530 1600 Gibbon         #Organisation Update Team Manual
190905 1500 1530 Gibbon         Production #Meeting
190905 1430 1500 IndieFund      #Communication Contact Ron
190905 1330 1400 BrokenRules    ---
190905 1430 1500 indieFund      #Communication Contact Ron
190905 1330 1400 brokenRules    ---
190905 1000 1330 nchrs          #Meeting with Jan
190905 0930 1000 BrokenRules    #Communication
190905 0930 1000 brokenRules    #Communication
190904 1500 1830 Logbook        #Code
190904 1330 1430 Gibbon         #Research Field Trip
190904 1230 1330 Gibbon         #Organisation Upload Concept Art
190904 1200 1230 BrokenRules    #Idle
190904 1130 1200 IndieFund      #Communication Emails
190904 1200 1230 brokenRules    #Idle
190904 1130 1200 indieFund      #Communication Emails
190904 1100 1130 Gibbon         #Communication Lip Concept Art
190904 1000 1100 Logbook        #Code
190903 1400 1430 BrokenRules    #Organisation
190903 1330 1400 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190903 1200 1330 BrokenRules    #Create Mi'Pu'Mi Video
190903 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Commute
190903 1400 1430 brokenRules    #Organisation
190903 1330 1400 brokenRules    #Lunch
190903 1200 1330 brokenRules    #Create Mi'Pu'Mi Video
190903 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Commute
190903 0800 0830 nchrs          #Organisation #Meeting Jan
190903 0730 0800 Logbook        #Code Tracking Bugs
190903 0600 0630 Chronicle      #Maintenance Trips
190902 1500 1730 Logbook        #Code
190902 1430 1500 BrokenRules    #Organisation
190902 1330 1430 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190902 1430 1500 brokenRules    #Organisation
190902 1330 1430 brokenRules    #Lunch
190902 1230 1330 Gibbon         #Present
190902 1200 1230 Gibbon         #Communication
190902 1130 1200 nchrs          #Documentation

@@ 1926,53 2003,53 @@
190831 0700 0830 Logbook        #Code
190830 0800 0900 Logbook        #Design
190830 0600 0700 Logbook        #Design
190829 1830 1900 BrokenRules    #Commute
190829 1830 1900 brokenRules    #Commute
190829 1500 1700 Gibbon         #Present
190829 1300 1400 BrokenRules    Routine
190829 1300 1400 brokenRules    Routine
190829 1230 1300 Gibbon         Present
190829 0800 0830 nchrs          #Research
190829 0730 0800 BrokenRules    #Office #Documentation
190829 0730 0800 brokenRules    #Office #Documentation
190829 0500 0600 nchrs          #Design
190828 1800 1900 BrokenRules    #Commute
190828 1800 1900 brokenRules    #Commute
190828 1500 1800 nchrs          #Code
190828 1430 1500 Gibbon         #Communication
190828 1400 1430 BrokenRules    #Commute
190828 1200 1400 IndieFund      #Meeting
190828 1400 1430 brokenRules    #Commute
190828 1200 1400 indieFund      #Meeting
190828 1100 1200 Gibbon         #Write
190828 1030 1100 Gibbon         #Communication
190828 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Commute
190828 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Commute
190827 2100 0000 Logbook        #Code
190827 1930 2000 BrokenRules    #Commute
190827 1930 2000 brokenRules    #Commute
190827 1700 1930 Logbook        #Code
190827 1600 1700 BrokenRules    #Maintenance
190827 1600 1700 brokenRules    #Maintenance
190827 1300 1600 Gibbon         #Meeting #Organisation
190827 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Communication
190827 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Communication
190827 1030 1200 nchrs          #Code
190827 1000 1030 BrokenRules    #Communication
190827 0900 0930 BrokenRules    #Idle
190826 2300 2330 BrokenRules    #Commute
190827 1000 1030 brokenRules    #Communication
190827 0900 0930 brokenRules    #Idle
190826 2300 2330 brokenRules    #Commute
190826 1530 1730 nchrs          #Code
190826 1500 1530 BrokenRules    #Communication
190826 1330 1500 BrokenRules    #Research
190826 1500 1530 brokenRules    #Communication
190826 1330 1500 brokenRules    #Research
190826 1300 1330 Gibbon         #Organisation
190826 1230 1300 BrokenRules    #Lunch
190826 1230 1300 brokenRules    #Lunch
190826 1200 1230 Gibbon         #Meeting Production
190826 1130 1200 BrokenRules    #Plan
190826 1100 1130 BrokenRules    #Communication
190826 1130 1200 brokenRules    #Plan
190826 1100 1130 brokenRules    #Communication
190826 0600 0700 nchrs          #Code
190826 0530 0600 nchrs          #Research
190825 2130 2200 nchrs          #Design
190825 1830 1900 nchrs          #Research
190825 0730 0900 nchrs          #Research
190823 2000 2030 Logbook        #Design
190823 1800 1830 BrokenRules    #Commute
190823 1800 1830 brokenRules    #Commute
190823 1730 1800 nchrs          #Documentation
190823 1530 1600 nchrs          #Design
190823 1500 1530 nchrs          #Design
190823 1430 1500 Gibbon         #Communication
190823 1000 1300 nchrs          #Design
190823 0730 0800 nchrs          #Plan
190822 1630 1700 BrokenRules    #Commute
190822 1630 1700 brokenRules    #Commute
190822 1430 1630 nchrs          #Design
190822 1330 1400 BrokenRules    #Communication
190822 1330 1400 brokenRules    #Communication
190822 1200 1300 nchrs          #