M char.lua => char.lua +38 -0
@@ 22,5 22,43 @@ M.is_lower = mk(function(b) return 97 <= b and b <= 122 end)
M.is_letter = mk(function(b) return (65 <= b and b <= 90) or (97 <= b and b <= 122) end)
M.is_digit = mk(function(b) return 48 <= b and b <= 57 end)
M.is_alphanum = mk(function(b) return (48 <= b and b <= 57) or (65 <= b and b <= 90) or (97 <= b and b <= 122) end)
+M.is_whitespace = mk(function(b) return b == 32 or b == 9 end)
+local function snext(s, i)
+ i = i + 1
+ local c = s:byte(i)
+ if c == nil then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return i, c
+ end
+local function fnext(st, o)
+ o = o + 1
+ if st.i >= #st.buf then
+ st.buf = st.file:read(st.bufsize)
+ st.i = 0
+ if st.buf == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ st.i = st.i + 1
+ return o, st.buf:byte(st.i)
+function M.stream(x, bufsize)
+ if type(x) == "string" then
+ return snext, x, 0
+ else
+ return fnext, {buf={}, file=x, i=0, bufsize=bufsize or 4096}, 0
+ end
+function M.bytes(s)
+ local t = {}
+ s:gsub(".", function(c) table.insert(t, c:byte()) end)
+ return t
return M
A char.test.lua => char.test.lua +67 -0
@@ 0,0 1,67 @@
+local lu = require("luaunit")
+local C = require("char")
+local F = require("fresh")
+function test_bytes()
+ lu.assertEquals(C.bytes(""), {})
+ lu.assertEquals(C.bytes("foo"), {102, 111, 111})
+function collect(...)
+ local t = {}
+ for _, x in ... do
+ table.insert(t, x)
+ end
+ return t
+function test_stream_string_empty()
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream("")), {})
+function test_stream_string_foo()
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream("foo")), C.bytes("foo"))
+function test_stream_fresh_string()
+ local bs = F.bytestring()
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream(bs)), C.bytes(bs))
+function test_stream_file_empty()
+ local f = io.tmpfile()
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream(f)), {})
+ f:close()
+function test_stream_file_foo()
+ local f = io.tmpfile()
+ f:write("foo")
+ f:flush()
+ f:seek("set")
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream(f)), C.bytes("foo"))
+ f:close()
+function test_stream_fresh_file()
+ local bs = F.bytestring()
+ local f = io.tmpfile()
+ f:write(bs)
+ f:flush()
+ f:seek("set")
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream(f)), C.bytes(bs))
+ f:close()
+function test_stream_fresh_file_with_bufsize()
+ local bs = F.bytestring()
+ local f = io.tmpfile()
+ f:write(bs)
+ f:flush()
+ f:seek("set")
+ local bufsize = math.random(#bs)
+ lu.assertEquals(collect(C.stream(f, bufsize)), C.bytes(bs))
+ f:close()