
d4ec93b765af62a6f32fab07e12f5f0205756a6f — Gustav Behm 1 year, 11 months ago 96820da
Rework AoC 2022 #16a to use a much smaller distance map
2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

M 2022/16.hs
M lib/Qulude.hs
M 2022/16.hs => 2022/16.hs +33 -45
@@ 25,9 25,9 @@ indexed = go 0
  where go _ [] = []
        go i (x:xs) = (i,x):go (succ i) xs

data Survey = Survey { names :: Array Int Name
                     , rates :: Array Int Int
                     , tunnels :: Array Int [Int]
data Survey = Survey { rates :: Array Int Int
                     , distances :: Map (Int,Int) Int
                     , initiallyClosedValves :: [ Int ]
  deriving (Show, Eq)

@@ 44,71 44,59 @@ parser = mk <$> many valve
          return $ (v, r, ds)

mk vs = Survey ns rs ts
mk vs = Survey { rates, distances, initiallyClosedValves }
  where is = indexed vs
        n = length is
        ns = Array.array (0,pred n) $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (n, _, _)) -> (i,n)
        rs = Array.array (0,pred n) $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (_, r, ds)) -> (i,r)
        ts = Array.array (0,pred n) $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (_, _, ds)) -> (i, g 0 <$> ds)
        g i d | d == ns ! i = i
        r = (0, pred $ length is)
        names = Array.array r $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (n, _, _)) -> (i,n)
        tunnels = Array.array r $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (_, _, ds)) -> (i, g 0 <$> ds)
        rates = Array.array r $ flip fmap is $ \(i, (_, r, ds)) -> (i,r)
        initiallyClosedValves = Maybe.mapMaybe (\(i, (_, r, _)) -> if r > 0 then Just i else Nothing) is
        g i d | d == names ! i = i
        g i d | otherwise = g (succ i) d
        distances = Map.fromList [ ((i, j), d i j) | i <- 0:initiallyClosedValves, j <- initiallyClosedValves, i /= j ]
        ns = Set.fromList $ Array.range r
        d i j = dijkstra i j ns (\k -> fmap (flip (,) 1) (tunnels ! k))

data Action = Noop | Move Int | Open
  deriving ( Show, Eq )

data St = St { loc :: Int
             , pressure :: Int
             , valves :: Array Int Bool
             , openValves :: [ Int ]
             , closedValves :: [ Int ]
             , time :: Int
  deriving ( Show, Eq )

initSt s = St { loc = 0
              , pressure = 0
              , valves = Array.listArray (Array.bounds $ names s) $ repeat False
              , openValves = []
              , closedValves = initiallyClosedValves s
              , time = 0

ix (Survey { names }) = Array.indices names
releasePressure s@(Survey { rates }) (St { openValves }) t = sum $ fmap (\i -> t * rates ! i) openValves

releasePressure s@(Survey { rates }) (St { valves }) t = sum $ fmap f (ix s)
  where f i | valves ! i = t * (rates ! i)
        f i | otherwise = 0
move s i st = st { time = time st + d
                 , loc = i
                 , pressure = pressure st + releasePressure s st d
  where d = (Map.!) (distances s) (loc st, i)

nextValves s@(Survey { rates }) (St { loc, valves }) = catMaybes $ fmap f (ix s)
  where f i | i == loc = Nothing
        f i | otherwise  = if (valves ! i) || (rates ! i /= 0) then Just i else Nothing
open s i st = st { time = time st + 1
                 , pressure = pressure st + releasePressure s st 1
                 , closedValves = List.delete i $ closedValves st
                 , openValves = i:openValves st

move s ds i st = st { time = time st + d
                    , loc = i
                    , pressure = pressure st + releasePressure s st d
  where d = (Map.!) ds (loc st, i)

open s ds i st = st { time = time st + 1
                    , pressure = pressure st + releasePressure s st 1
                    , valves = valves st // [ (i, True) ]

mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe f [] = []
mapMaybe f (a:as) = case f a of
                      Just b -> b:(mapMaybe f as)
                      Nothing -> mapMaybe f as

next s ds st@(St { loc, pressure, time, valves }) = mapMaybe f $ nextValves s st
  where f i = let d = (Map.!) ds (loc, i) in
              if 30 - time > d then Just (open s ds i $ move s ds i st) else Nothing

distances s = Map.fromList [ ((i, j), d i j) | i <- ix s, j <- ix s, i /= j ]
  where vs = length $ nextValves s $ initSt s
        ns = Set.fromList (ix s)
        d i j = dijkstra i j ns (\k -> fmap (flip (,) 1) (tunnels s ! k))
next s st@(St { loc, pressure, time, closedValves }) = Maybe.mapMaybe f closedValves
  where f i = let d = (Map.!) (distances s) (loc, i) in
              if 30 - time > d + 1 then Just (open s i $ move s i st) else Nothing

partA s = go 0 [ initSt s ]
  where ds = distances s
        go !m [] = m
        go !m (st:acc) = case next s ds st of
  where go !m [] = m
        go !m (st:acc) = case next s st of
                           [] -> let m' = runOutTheClock st in
                                 go (max m m') acc
                           sts -> go m (sts `combine` acc)

M lib/Qulude.hs => lib/Qulude.hs +6 -1
@@ 41,11 41,16 @@ module Qulude ( module Prelude

              , (\\), (&)
              , (><), (<|), (|>), Seq ( (:<|), (:|>) )

              , fromJust
              , fromMaybe
              , catMaybes
              , mapMaybe

              , swap

              , fromRight', fromLeft', fromEither

              , foldl'

              , unsafePerformIO

@@ 61,7 66,7 @@ import Prelude hiding ( lines, cycle )

import Data.List ( (\\), foldl' )
import Data.Sequence ( (><), (<|), (|>), Seq ( (:<|), (:|>) ) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes )
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe )
import Data.Tuple ( swap )
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Data.Either