
bd31297bd807ebc370ccffd578d86a589868b3fb — Gustav Behm a month ago 3c800aa
Add a region finding algorithm for AoC 2023 #10b
2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M 2023/10.hs
A 2023/10b.example
M 2023/10.hs => 2023/10.hs +45 -5
@@ 122,19 122,59 @@ findLoop (start, pipes) =
  (:) start $ walk e [] a b
  where cs = connections pipes
        cs' = connections' pipes
        walk e !acc p q | q == e = e:acc
        walk e !acc p q | q == e = e:p:acc
        walk e !acc p q | otherwise = walk e (p:acc) q (next p q)
        next p q = let n:[] = List.delete p $ cs' q in n

partA :: Parse -> Int
partA = succ . (flip div 2) . length . findLoop
partA = (flip div 2) . length . findLoop

-- partB TODO: double the space creating tiles "between" the current tiles

--partB :: Parse -> Parse
--partB = id
partB p = let (r, ps) = f st0 (coords bb) in putStrLn (draw ps)
  where loop = findLoop p
        bb = boundingBox loop
        coords ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = [(x,y) | x<-[xm..xM], y<-[ym..yM]]

        draw ps =
          let ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = bb in
          foldl' (\acc l -> acc ++ l ++ "\n") "" $ flip fmap [ym..yM] $ \y ->
            foldl' (++) "" $ flip fmap [xm..xM] $ \x ->
              case Map.lookup (x,y) ps of
                Nothing -> "."
                Just r -> show r

        boundingBox (p:ps) =
          let ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = foldl' (\((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) (x, y) -> ((min xm x, min ym y), (max xM x, max yM y))) (p,p) ps
          in ((pred xm, pred ym), (succ xM, succ yM))
        ns (x,y) = [(x-1,y),(x+1,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1)]

        inBox ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) (x, y) = (x >= xm) && (x <= xM) && (y >= ym) && (y <= yM)

        st0 = (0, Map.fromList $ fmap (\p -> (p, 0)) loop)

        f st [] = st
        f st@(r, ps) (q:qs) =
          let st' = if Map.member q ps then st else g (succ r, ps, Set.empty) [q]
          in f st' qs

        g (r, ps, _) [] = (r, ps)
        g st@(r, ps, vs) (q:qs) =
          if Set.member q vs then g st qs else
          if Map.member q ps then g st qs else
          let ps' = Map.alter (h r) q ps in
          let vs' = Set.insert q vs in
          let qs' = (filter (inBox bb) $ ns q) ++ qs in
          g (r, ps', vs') qs'

        h _ (Just r') = undefined
        h r Nothing = Just r

main :: IO ()
main = with parser $ do
  run "10.example" "a example" partA -- 8
  run "10.input" "a input" partA -- 6838
  --run "10.example" "b example" partB
  --run "10.input" "b input" partB
  runIO "10b.example" "b example" partB
  --runIO "10.input" "b input" partB

A 2023/10b.example => 2023/10b.example +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@