@@ 7,6 7,9 @@ module Main where
import Qulude
+import qualified Qulude.Grid as Grid
+import Qulude.Grid ( Grid(..), Pos )
--import Data.Array ( (!) )
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.Array.ST as STArray
@@ 21,41 24,9 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Rock = Round | Cube
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
-type Pos = (Int,Int)
-type Bounds = (Pos, Pos)
-data Grid a = Grid (Map.Map Pos a) Bounds
- deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
-parseGrid :: Parser (Maybe a) -> Parser (Grid a)
-parseGrid p = do
- raw <- rawP
- let maxY = maximum $ fmap (\(y,_) -> y) raw
- maxX = maximum $ fmap (\(_, xs) -> maximum $ fmap (\(x, _) -> x) xs) raw
- return $ Grid (build raw) ((1,1), (maxX,maxY))
- where rawP = fmap (zip [1..]) $ many1 $ zip [1..] <$> p `manyTill` newline
- build = Map.fromList . concat . fmap f
- f (y, xs) = catMaybes $ fmap (g y) xs
- g y (_, Nothing) = Nothing
- g y (x, Just a) = Just ((x,y), a)
-lookupGrid :: Grid a -> Pos -> Maybe a
-lookupGrid (Grid g _) p = Map.lookup p g
-inBounds :: Grid a -> Pos -> Bool
-inBounds (Grid _ ((minX, minY),(maxX, maxY))) (x,y) =
- (minX <= x) && (x <= maxX) && (minY <= y) && (y <= maxY)
-bounds :: Grid a -> (Pos, Pos)
-bounds (Grid _ b) = b
-renderGrid :: Grid a -> (Maybe a -> Char) -> String
-renderGrid (Grid m ((minX, minY),(maxX, maxY))) r =
- concat $ [[ r $ Map.lookup (x,y) m | x <-[minX..maxX] ] ++ "\n" | y <- [minY..maxY] ]
type Parse = Grid Rock
parser :: Parser Parse
-parser = parseGrid rock
+parser = Grid.parse rock
where rock = char '.' $> Nothing
<|> char '#' $> Just Cube
<|> char 'O' $> Just Round
@@ 68,7 39,7 @@ roundRocks (Grid rs _) = Map.foldlWithKey f [] rs
north :: Grid Rock -> Pos -> Pos
north g (x,y) = (x, succ $ f 0 (pred y))
where f acc 0 = acc
- f acc y = case lookupGrid g (x,y) of
+ f acc y = case Grid.lookup g (x,y) of
Nothing -> f acc (pred y)
Just Cube -> y + acc
Just Round -> f (succ acc) (pred y)
@@ 76,7 47,7 @@ north g (x,y) = (x, succ $ f 0 (pred y))
east :: Grid Rock -> Pos -> Pos
east g@(Grid _ (_, (mX, _))) (x,y) = (pred $ f 0 (succ x), y)
where f acc x | x > mX = succ $ mX - acc
- f acc x | otherwise = case lookupGrid g (x,y) of
+ f acc x | otherwise = case Grid.lookup g (x,y) of
Nothing -> f acc (succ x)
Just Cube -> x - acc
Just Round -> f (succ acc) (succ x)
@@ 84,7 55,7 @@ east g@(Grid _ (_, (mX, _))) (x,y) = (pred $ f 0 (succ x), y)
south :: Grid Rock -> Pos -> Pos
south g@(Grid _ (_, (_, mY))) (x,y) = (x, pred $ f 0 (succ y))
where f acc y | y > mY = succ $ mY - acc
- f acc y | otherwise = case lookupGrid g (x,y) of
+ f acc y | otherwise = case Grid.lookup g (x,y) of
Nothing -> f acc (succ y)
Just Cube -> y - acc
Just Round -> f (succ acc) (succ y)
@@ 92,7 63,7 @@ south g@(Grid _ (_, (_, mY))) (x,y) = (x, pred $ f 0 (succ y))
west :: Grid Rock -> Pos -> Pos
west g (x,y) = (succ $ f 0 (pred x), y)
where f acc 0 = acc
- f acc x = case lookupGrid g (x,y) of
+ f acc x = case Grid.lookup g (x,y) of
Nothing -> f acc (pred x)
Just Cube -> x + acc
Just Round -> f (succ acc) (pred x)
@@ 0,0 1,52 @@
+module Qulude.Grid ( Grid(..)
+ , bounds
+ , inBounds
+ , Pos
+ , Bounds
+ , lookup
+ , parse
+ , render
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding ( lookup )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
+import Text.Parsec hiding ( parse )
+type Pos = (Int,Int)
+type Bounds = (Pos, Pos)
+data Grid a = Grid (Map.Map Pos a) Bounds
+ deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
+parse :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m (Maybe a) -> ParsecT s u m (Grid a)
+parse p = do
+ raw <- rawP
+ let maxY = maximum $ fmap (\(y,_) -> y) raw
+ maxX = maximum $ fmap (\(_, xs) -> maximum $ fmap (\(x, _) -> x) xs) raw
+ return $ Grid (build raw) ((1,1), (maxX,maxY))
+ where rawP = fmap (zip [1..]) $ many1 $ zip [1..] <$> p `manyTill` newline
+ build = Map.fromList . concat . fmap f
+ f (y, xs) = catMaybes $ fmap (g y) xs
+ g y (_, Nothing) = Nothing
+ g y (x, Just a) = Just ((x,y), a)
+lookup :: Grid a -> Pos -> Maybe a
+lookup (Grid g _) p = Map.lookup p g
+inBounds :: Grid a -> Pos -> Bool
+inBounds (Grid _ ((minX, minY),(maxX, maxY))) (x,y) =
+ (minX <= x) && (x <= maxX) && (minY <= y) && (y <= maxY)
+bounds :: Grid a -> (Pos, Pos)
+bounds (Grid _ b) = b
+render :: Grid a -> (Maybe a -> Char) -> String
+render (Grid m ((minX, minY),(maxX, maxY))) r =
+ concat $ [[ r $ Map.lookup (x,y) m | x <-[minX..maxX] ] ++ "\n" | y <- [minY..maxY] ]