@@ 130,12 130,16 @@ partA :: Parse -> Int
partA = (flip div 2) . length . findLoop
--- partB TODO: double the space creating tiles "between" the current tiles
---partB :: Parse -> Parse
-partB p = let (r, ps) = f st0 (coords bb) in putStrLn (draw ps)
- where loop = findLoop p
- bb = boundingBox loop
+doubleTheLoop (start@(x0,y0):ps) = g [] start ps
+ where g acc (x,y) [] =
+ let i = (2*x + x0-x, 2*y + y0-y) in
+ i:(2*x,2*y):acc
+ g acc p@(x,y) (q@(x',y'):ps) =
+ let i = (2*x + x'-x, 2*y + y'-y) in
+ g (i:(2*x,2*y):acc) q ps
+regionFinderOuter loop = snd $ f st0 (coords bb)
+ where bb = boundingBox loop
coords ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = [(x,y) | x<-[xm..xM], y<-[ym..yM]]
draw ps =
@@ 144,7 148,7 @@ partB p = let (r, ps) = f st0 (coords bb) in putStrLn (draw ps)
foldl' (++) "" $ flip fmap [xm..xM] $ \x ->
case Map.lookup (x,y) ps of
Nothing -> "."
- Just r -> show r
+ Just r -> [ last $ show r ]
boundingBox (p:ps) =
let ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = foldl' (\((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) (x, y) -> ((min xm x, min ym y), (max xM x, max yM y))) (p,p) ps
@@ 172,9 176,32 @@ partB p = let (r, ps) = f st0 (coords bb) in putStrLn (draw ps)
h _ (Just r') = undefined
h r Nothing = Just r
+partB :: Parse -> Int
+partB p = length . filter (>1) $ Map.elems withFixedLeaks
+ where loop = findLoop p
+ rs = regionFinderOuter loop
+ rs' = regionFinderOuter $ doubleTheLoop loop
+ withFixedLeaks = Map.foldlWithKey' fixLeaks Map.empty rs
+ fixLeaks qs p@(x,y) r =
+ case Map.lookup (2*x,2*y) rs' of
+ Nothing -> Map.insert p r qs
+ Just r' -> Map.insert p (if r' == 1 then 1 else r) qs
+ draw ps =
+ let ((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) = boundingBox $ Map.keys ps in
+ foldl' (\acc l -> acc ++ l ++ "\n") "" $ flip fmap [ym..yM] $ \y ->
+ foldl' (++) "" $ flip fmap [xm..xM] $ \x ->
+ case Map.lookup (x,y) ps of
+ Nothing -> "."
+ Just r -> [ last $ show r ]
+ boundingBox (p:ps) =
+ foldl' (\((xm, ym), (xM, yM)) (x, y) -> ((min xm x, min ym y), (max xM x, max yM y))) (p,p) ps
main :: IO ()
main = with parser $ do
run "10.example" "a example" partA -- 8
run "10.input" "a input" partA -- 6838
- runIO "10b.example" "b example" partB
- --runIO "10.input" "b input" partB
+ run "10b.example" "b example" partB -- 4
+ run "10.input" "b input" partB -- 451