M .gitignore => .gitignore +4 -0
@@ 1,2 1,6 @@
M 2023/08.hs => 2023/08.hs +93 -4
@@ 18,6 18,10 @@ import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Temp
+import System.Process
type Instructions = String
type Node = String
type DesertMap = Map.Map Node (Node, Node)
@@ 27,7 31,7 @@ parser :: Parser Parse
parser = do
is <- upper `manyTill` newline
- let node = many upper
+ let node = many alphaNum
map <- many $ do
n <- node
string " = ("
@@ 39,18 43,103 @@ parser = do
return (n, (l, r))
return (is, Map.fromList map)
+--step :: DesertMap -> Node -> Char -> Node
+--step map n 'L' = fst $ map ! n
+--step map n 'R' = snd $ map ! n
walk :: DesertMap -> Node -> Instructions -> [Node]
walk map n ('L':is) = n:(walk map (fst $ map ! n) is)
walk map n ('R':is) = n:(walk map (snd $ map ! n) is)
partA (is, map) = length $ takeWhile ((/=) "ZZZ") $ walk map "AAA" $ List.cycle is
---partB :: Parse -> Parse
---partB = id
+--walk' :: DesertMap -> [Node] -> Instructions -> [[Node]]
+--walk' map ns (i:is) = let ns' = fmap (\n -> step map n i) ns in ns':(walk' map ns' is)
+partB' (is, map) = walk' 0 starts
+ where starts = filter isStart $ Map.keys map
+ isStart (_:_:'A':[]) = True
+ isStart _ = False
+ isEnd (_:_:'Z':[]) = True
+ isEnd _ = False
+ endOfTheLine = and . fmap isEnd
+ l = length is
+ walk' !acc !ns | endOfTheLine ns = acc
+ walk' !acc !ns | otherwise =
+ let i = (is !! (acc `mod` l)) in
+ --let ns' = fmap (\n -> step n i) ns in
+ --(traceShowId ns') `seq` walk' (succ acc) ns'
+ walk' (succ acc) $! fmap (\n -> step n $! i) $! ns
+ step n 'L' = fst $ map ! n
+ step n 'R' = snd $ map ! n
+fmap' f xs = foldl' (\acc x -> f x:acc) [] xs
+walk' map (ns, i:is) = ns `seq` (fmap' (\n -> step n i) ns, is)
+ where step n 'L' = fst $ map ! n
+ step n 'R' = snd $ map ! n
+partB'' (is, map) = List.findIndex (endOfTheLine . fst) $ iterate (walk' map) (starts, List.cycle is)
+ where starts = filter isStart $ Map.keys map
+ endOfTheLine ns = and $ fmap' isEnd ns
+isStart (_:_:'A':[]) = True
+isStart _ = False
+isEnd (_:_:'Z':[]) = True
+isEnd _ = False
+emit :: Handle -> Parse -> IO ()
+emit h (is, map) = do
+ let putLn = hPutStrLn h
+ put = hPutStr h
+ let ns = Map.keys map
+ n = length ns
+ putLn $ "enum node {"
+ flip traverse_ (zip [0..] ns) $ \(i :: Int, n) -> do
+ putLn $ printf " n_%s = %d," n i
+ putLn $ "};"
+ putLn $ ""
+ putLn $ "int lefts[] = {"
+ flip traverse_ ns $ \n -> do
+ putLn $ printf " n_%s," (fst $ map ! n)
+ putLn $ "};"
+ putLn $ ""
+ putLn $ "int rights[] = {"
+ flip traverse_ ns $ \n -> do
+ putLn $ printf " n_%s," (snd $ map ! n)
+ putLn $ "};"
+ putLn $ ""
+ let starts = filter isStart ns
+ s = length starts
+ put $ "int starts[] = {"
+ flip traverse_ starts $ \n -> do
+ put $ printf "n_%s, " n
+ putLn $ "};"
+ putLn ""
+ putLn "#include <stdio.h>"
+ putLn "int main() {"
+ putLn " printf(\"hello\\n\");"
+ putLn " return 0;"
+ putLn "}"
+partB :: Parse -> IO ()
+partB p = do
+ withSystemTempFile "08.c" $ \fp -> \h -> do
+ emit h p
+ hFlush h
+ callProcess "cat" [ "-n", fp ]
+ callProcess "tcc" [ "-run", fp ]
main :: IO ()
main = with parser $ do
run "08.example" "a example" partA -- 2
run "08.input" "a input" partA -- 19631
- --run "08.example" "b example" partB
+ runIO "08b.example" "b example" partB -- 6
--run "08.input" "b input" partB
A 2023/08b.example => 2023/08b.example +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
+11A = (11B, XXX)
+11B = (XXX, 11Z)
+11Z = (11B, XXX)
+22A = (22B, XXX)
+22B = (22C, 22C)
+22C = (22Z, 22Z)
+22Z = (22B, 22B)
M lib/Qulude.hs => lib/Qulude.hs +12 -8
@@ 10,6 10,7 @@ module Qulude ( module Prelude
, module Data.Functor.Identity
, module Data.Word
, module Data.Either
+ , module Data.Foldable
, module Debug.Trace
@@ 39,6 40,7 @@ module Qulude ( module Prelude
, with
, run, run'
+ , runIO
, render
, (\\), (&)
@@ 54,8 56,6 @@ module Qulude ( module Prelude
, fromRight', fromLeft', fromEither
- , foldl'
, unsafePerformIO
, Array, UArray
@@ 67,12 67,13 @@ module Qulude ( module Prelude
import Prelude hiding ( lines, cycle )
-import Data.List ( (\\), foldl' )
+import Data.List ( (\\) )
import Data.Sequence ( (><), (<|), (|>), Seq ( (:<|), (:|>) ) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe, listToMaybe )
import Data.Tuple ( swap )
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Data.Either
+import Data.Foldable
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
@@ 179,15 180,18 @@ with :: Parser a -> ReaderT (Parser a) m b -> m b
with p ma = runReaderT ma p
run :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> String -> (a -> b) -> ReaderT (Parser a) IO ()
-run fn t f = run_ fn t Nothing f
+run fn t f = run_ fn t Nothing (return . f)
+runIO :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> String -> (a -> IO b) -> ReaderT (Parser a) IO ()
+runIO fn t f = run_ fn t Nothing f
run' :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> String -> (a -> b) -> b -> ReaderT (Parser a) IO ()
-run' fn t f b = run_ fn t (Just b) f
+run' fn t f b = run_ fn t (Just b) (return . f)
-run_ :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> String -> Maybe b -> (a -> b) -> ReaderT (Parser a) IO ()
+run_ :: (Show b, Eq b) => String -> String -> Maybe b -> (a -> IO b) -> ReaderT (Parser a) IO ()
run_ fn t mb f = ask >>= \p -> lift (parseFile p fn) >>= \case
- Just x ->
- let b = f x in
+ Just x -> do
+ b <- liftIO $ f x
case mb of
Nothing -> lift $ printf "%s: %s\n" t (show b)
Just b' | b == b' -> lift $ printf "%s: %s\n" t (show b)
M run/run-hs => run/run-hs +7 -1
@@ 5,4 5,10 @@ set -o nounset -o pipefail -o errexit
SCRIPT_DIR=$(readlink -f "$0" | xargs dirname)
-exec stack runghc -- -i"$LIB" "$1"
+if [ -n "${GHC_OPT-}" ]; then
+ EXE=$(dirname "$1")/$(basename --suffix=.hs "$1").exe
+ stack ghc -- -O"$GHC_OPT" -o "$EXE" -i"$LIB" "$1"
+ exec "$EXE"
+ stack runghc -- -i"$LIB" "$1"