
1cba5fa5c2729f6934aa820e06c2c3436e4514bc — Gustav Behm 9 days ago 5478f15
Add solution to AoC 2023 #14b
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

M 2023/14.hs
M 2023/14.hs => 2023/14.hs +13 -10
@@ 19,13 19,13 @@ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set

data Rock = Round | Cube
  deriving ( Show, Eq )
  deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

type Pos = (Int,Int)
type Bounds = (Pos, Pos)

data Grid a = Grid (Map.Map Pos a) Bounds
  deriving ( Show, Eq )
  deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

parseGrid :: Parser (Maybe a) -> Parser (Grid a)
parseGrid p = do

@@ 109,17 109,20 @@ partA :: Parse -> Int
partA = load . tilt north

partB :: Parse -> Int
partB = f 0
  where r Nothing = '.'
        r (Just Cube) = '#'
        r (Just Round) = 'O'
        f n g | n == 1000000000 = load g
        f n g | otherwise = f (succ n) (cycle g)
partB g =
  let (a, b) = f Map.empty 0 g in
  let i = b + ((1_000_000_000 - b) `mod` (a-b)) in
  load (idx i)
  where idx i = flip (!!) i $ iterate cycle g
        f vs n g =
          case Map.lookup g vs of
            Just n' -> (n, n')
            Nothing -> f (Map.insert g n vs) (succ n) (cycle g)
        cycle = tilt east . tilt south . tilt west . tilt north

main :: IO ()
main = with parser $ do
  run' "14.example" "a example" partA 136
  run' "14.input" "a input" partA 106378
  run "14.example" "b example" partB
  --run "14.input" "b input" partB
  run' "14.example" "b example" partB 64
  run' "14.input" "b input" partB 90795