
3da7cd29c77def209847e1ce8c2b17b14e7260ae — Robin Jadoul 8 months ago c83611d
Make mypy happy
3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M .build.yml
M site.py
M ssg.py
M .build.yml => .build.yml +1 -1
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@ tasks:
      python -m venv env
      . env/bin/activate
      pip install -r blog/requirements.txt
      pip install install types-PyYAML types-jinja2 mypy
      pip install install types-PyYAML types-jinja2 types-Pygments mypy

  - typecheck: |
      . env/bin/activate

M site.py => site.py +6 -3
@@ 20,6 20,7 @@

import os, datetime, collections, hashlib, pathlib, typing
import pygments.lexers, pygments.formatters, pygments.util
import pandocfilters  # type: ignore

from ssg import *

@@ 87,16 88,17 @@ def has_changed(p: Page) -> bool:
    return not (p.outpath.exists() and cache.exists() and cache.read_text().strip() == content_key)

LANG_COMPAT = {"python-repl": "pycon", "txt": "text"}
def pygments_filter(key, value, format, meta):
def pygments_filter(key: str, value: PandocValue, format: str, meta: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Union[None, list[PandocElement], PandocElement]:
    if format != "html5":
        return None
    if key == "CodeBlock":
        assert isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], list)
        [[ident, classes, kvpairs], body] = value
        assert ident == ""
        assert kvpairs == []
        assert len(classes) <= 1
        if not classes:
            return None
        [lang] = classes
            lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(LANG_COMPAT.get(lang, lang))

@@ 105,6 107,7 @@ def pygments_filter(key, value, format, meta):
        hl = pygments.highlight(body, lexer, pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(wrapcode=True, cssclass=f"highlight {lang}"))
        return pandocfilters.RawBlock(format, hl)
    return None

mdreader = PandocRenderer.markdown_reader(options=["--mathml", "--no-highlight"])
htmlwriter = PandocRenderer.html_writer(options=["--mathml", "--no-highlight"])

M ssg.py => ssg.py +1 -1
@@ 350,7 350,7 @@ class CacheRegistrationRenderer(Renderer):
        self.cachedir = cachedir
        self.meta_key = meta_key

    def _register(self, page):
    def _register(self, page: Page) -> None:
        assert self.meta_key in page.metadata
        location_key, content_key = page.metadata[self.meta_key]
        (self.cachedir / location_key).write_text(content_key)