@@ 12,92 12,9 @@ from binaryninja.function import (
from binaryninja.lowlevelil import ILRegister
from binaryninja.types import Type
-import struct
-def unpack4(x):
- return struct.unpack("<l", x)[0]
-def unpack8(x):
- return struct.unpack("<q", x)[0]
-class Instr:
- # r = register
- # i = immediate
- # XY = (register, immediate) addressing pair
- # a = address
- ops = {
- 0x0: ("add", "rrr"),
- 0x1: ("addi", "rri"),
- 0x2: ("sub", "rrr"),
- 0x3: ("read", "r"),
- 0x4: ("write", "r"),
- 0x5: ("movi", "ri"),
- 0x6: ("xor", "rrr"),
- 0x7: ("load", "rXY"),
- 0x8: ("loadb", "rXY"),
- 0x9: ("store", "XYr"),
- 0xa: ("storeb", "XYr"),
- 0xb: ("jmp", "a"),
- 0xc: ("jr", "r"),
- 0xd: ("jeq", "rra"),
- 0xe: ("jb", "rra"),
- 0xf: ("exit", "r"),
- 0x10: ("nop", ""),
- }
- def __init__(self, data, addr):
- self.opcode = unpack4(data[:4])
- self.op, self.argtypes = Instr.ops[self.opcode]
- self.size = 0x1c
- self.addr = addr
- self.args = []
- for i, t in enumerate(self.argtypes):
- s = 4 + 8 * i
- self.args.append((t, unpack8(data[s:s+8])))
- ext, extinstr = self.can_continue(data)
- if extinstr == self.op:
- return
- next = [Instr(data[self.size * i:self.size * (i + 1)], addr + self.size * i) for i in range(1, ext)]
- self.attempt_extend(next)
- def can_be_call(self):
- if self.op == "addi" and self.args == [("r", 10), ("r", 11), ("i", self.size)]:
- return (2, "call")
- return (1, self.op)
- def can_be_pop(self):
- if self.op == "load" and self.args[1:] == [("X", 8), ("Y", 0)]:
- return (2, "pop")
- return (1, self.op)
- def can_be_push(self):
- if self.op == "addi" and self.args == [("r", 8), ("r", 8), ("i", -8)]:
- return (2, "push")
- return (1, self.op)
- def can_continue(self, data):
- navail = len(data) // self.size
- for f in [self.can_be_call, self.can_be_push, self.can_be_pop]:
- needed, newinstr = f()
- if newinstr != self.op and needed <= navail:
- return (needed, newinstr)
- return (1, self.op)
- def attempt_extend(self, next):
- if self.can_be_call()[1] == "call" and next[0].op == "jmp":
- self.op = "call"
- self.args = next[0].args
- self.size += next[0].size
- elif self.can_be_pop()[1] == "pop" and next[0].op == "addi" and next[0].args == [("r", 8), ("r", 8), ("i", 8)]:
- self.op = "pop"
- self.args = [self.args[0]]
- self.size += next[0].size
- elif self.can_be_push()[1] == "push" and next[0].op == "store" and next[0].args[:-1] == [("X", 8), ("Y", 0)]:
- self.op = "push"
- self.args = next[0].args[-1:]
- self.size += next[0].size
+from . import disassembly
+class Instr(disassembly.Instr):
def get_text(self):
ITT = InstructionTextToken
ITTType = InstructionTextTokenType
@@ 248,6 165,10 @@ class Poke(Architecture):
return instr.size
+ def convert_to_nop(self, data, addr):
+ assert len(data) % 0x1c == 0
+ return (b"\x10" + b"\0" * 0x1b) * (len(data) // 0x1c)
class CC(CallingConvention):
callee_saved_regs = ["R0", "R1", "R2", "R3", "R10"]
int_arg_regs = ["R4", "R5"]
@@ 0,0 1,243 @@
+import struct
+def unpack4(x):
+ return struct.unpack("<l", x)[0]
+def pack4(v):
+ return struct.pack("<l", v)
+def unpack8(x):
+ return struct.unpack("<q", x)[0]
+def pack8(v):
+ return struct.pack("<q", v)
+class Instr:
+ # r = register
+ # i = immediate
+ # XY = (register, immediate) addressing pair
+ # a = address
+ ops = {
+ 0x0: ("add", "rrr"),
+ 0x1: ("addi", "rri"),
+ 0x2: ("sub", "rrr"),
+ 0x3: ("read", "r"),
+ 0x4: ("write", "r"),
+ 0x5: ("movi", "ri"),
+ 0x6: ("xor", "rrr"),
+ 0x7: ("load", "rXY"),
+ 0x8: ("loadb", "rXY"),
+ 0x9: ("store", "XYr"),
+ 0xa: ("storeb", "XYr"),
+ 0xb: ("jmp", "a"),
+ 0xc: ("jr", "r"),
+ 0xd: ("jeq", "rra"),
+ 0xe: ("jb", "rra"),
+ 0xf: ("exit", "r"),
+ 0x10: ("nop", ""),
+ # fake opcodes
+ "call": ("call", "a"),
+ "push": ("push", "r"),
+ "pop": ("pop", "r")
+ }
+ readable = {"R8": "SP", "R9": "BP", "R10": "RA", "R11": "PC"}
+ readableR = {"SP": "R8", "BP": "R9", "RA": "R10", "PC": "R11"}
+ def __init__(self, data, addr):
+ self.opcode = unpack4(data[:4])
+ self.addr = addr
+ self.args = []
+ if self.opcode not in Instr.ops:
+ self.op = "???"
+ self.size = 1
+ self.args.append(("i", data[0]))
+ return
+ self.op, self.argtypes = Instr.ops[self.opcode]
+ self.size = 0x1c
+ for i, t in enumerate(self.argtypes):
+ s = 4 + 8 * i
+ self.args.append((t, unpack8(data[s:s+8])))
+ ext, extinstr = self.can_continue(data)
+ if extinstr == self.op:
+ return
+ next = [Instr(data[self.size * i:self.size * (i + 1)], addr + self.size * i) for i in range(1, ext)]
+ self.attempt_extend(next)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, instr, addr):
+ instr = instr.lower()
+ instr = instr.replace("\t", " ")
+ while " " in instr: instr = instr.replace(" ", " ")
+ instr = instr.replace(", ", ",").replace("[ ", "[").replace(" ]", "]").replace("< ", "<").replace(" >", ">")
+ o = cls(b"\xff" * 0x1c, addr)
+ op = instr.split(" ", 1)[0]
+ args = instr.split(" ", 1)[1].split(",")
+ for c, (opp, ts) in Instr.ops.items():
+ if op == opp:
+ o.opcode = c
+ o.op = op
+ o.addr = addr
+ o.args = []
+ o.argtypes = ts
+ if isinstance(c, str):
+ o.size = 2*0x1c
+ else:
+ o.size = 0x1c
+ can_skip_Y = False
+ it = ia = 0
+ while it < len(ts):
+ if ia >= len(args):
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Not enough arguments for opcode {op}")
+ t = ts[it]
+ a = args[ia]
+ if t in "rX":
+ if t == "X":
+ skipY = False
+ if not a.startswith("["):
+ raise RuntimeError("Expected a memory operand")
+ a = a[1:]
+ if a.endswith("]"):
+ a = a[:-1]
+ it += 1
+ skipY = True
+ a = Instr.readableR.get(a.upper(), a.upper())
+ if not a.startswith("R") or not a[1:] or not a[1:].isdigit() or not 0 <= int(a[1:]) <= 11:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Register {a} is not a proper register")
+ o.args.append((t, int(a[1:])))
+ if t == "X" and skipY:
+ o.args.append(("Y", 0))
+ elif t in "iY":
+ if t == "Y":
+ if not a.endswith("]"):
+ raise RuntimeError("Unclosed memory operand")
+ a = a[:-1]
+ try:
+ a = int(a, 0)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid immediate value: {a}")
+ o.args.append((t, a))
+ elif t == "a":
+ a = a.strip("<>")
+ try:
+ a = int(a, 16)
+ except:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid address: {a}")
+ o.args.append((t, a))
+ it += 1
+ ia += 1
+ break
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown operation: {op}")
+ return o
+ def can_be_call(self):
+ if self.op == "addi" and self.args == [("r", 10), ("r", 11), ("i", self.size)]:
+ return (2, "call")
+ return (1, self.op)
+ def can_be_pop(self):
+ if self.op == "load" and self.args[1:] == [("X", 8), ("Y", 0)]:
+ return (2, "pop")
+ return (1, self.op)
+ def can_be_push(self):
+ if self.op == "addi" and self.args == [("r", 8), ("r", 8), ("i", -8)]:
+ return (2, "push")
+ return (1, self.op)
+ def can_continue(self, data):
+ navail = len(data) // self.size
+ for f in [self.can_be_call, self.can_be_push, self.can_be_pop]:
+ needed, newinstr = f()
+ if newinstr != self.op and needed <= navail:
+ return (needed, newinstr)
+ return (1, self.op)
+ def attempt_extend(self, next):
+ if self.can_be_call()[1] == "call" and next[0].op == "jmp":
+ self.op = self.opcode = "call"
+ self.args = next[0].args
+ self.size += next[0].size
+ elif self.can_be_pop()[1] == "pop" and next[0].op == "addi" and next[0].args == [("r", 8), ("r", 8), ("i", 8)]:
+ self.op = self.opcode = "pop"
+ self.args = [self.args[0]]
+ self.size += next[0].size
+ elif self.can_be_push()[1] == "push" and next[0].op == "store" and next[0].args[:-1] == [("X", 8), ("Y", 0)]:
+ self.op = self.opcode = "push"
+ self.args = next[0].args[-1:]
+ self.size += next[0].size
+ def assemble(self):
+ if isinstance(self.opcode, str):
+ if self.op == "call":
+ instrs = [
+ "addi RA, PC, 0x1c",
+ f"jmp {self.args[0][1]}"
+ ]
+ elif self.op == "push":
+ instrs = [
+ "addi R8, R8, -8",
+ f"store [R8], R{self.args[0][1]}"
+ ]
+ elif self.op == "pop":
+ instrs = [
+ f"load R{self.args[0][1]}, [R8]",
+ "addi R8, R8, 8"
+ ]
+ else:
+ print(self.op)
+ assert False
+ res = b""
+ addr = self.addr
+ for unparsed in instrs:
+ parsed = Instr.parse(unparsed, addr)
+ res += parsed.assemble()
+ addr += parsed.size
+ return res
+ else:
+ return pack4(self.opcode) + b"".join(pack8(v) for t, v in (self.args + [("_", 0)] * 3)[:3])
+ def __str__(self):
+ args = []
+ for t, v in self.args:
+ if t == "i":
+ args.append(str(v))
+ elif t in "rX":
+ name = f"R{v}"
+ args.append(Instr.readable.get(name, name))
+ elif t == "a":
+ args.append(f"<{v:06x}>")
+ elif t == "Y":
+ if v:
+ args[-1] = f"[{args[-1]}, {v}]"
+ else:
+ args[-1] = f"[{args[-1]}]"
+ return f"{self.addr:06x} {self.op} {', '.join(args)}"
+def disassemble(data, addr=0):
+ instrs = []
+ while len(data) > 0x1c:
+ instrs.append(Instr(data, addr))
+ addr += instrs[-1].size
+ data = data[instrs[-1].size:]
+ return instrs
+def display(instrs):
+ return "\n".join(map(str, instrs))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ print(display(disassemble(open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read())))