- [x] show indexed files in gui
- [x] preview files using default handler
- [x] show tags in gui using adw.OverlaySplitView
- [ ] searching/sorting/filtering in gui
- search based on filen/tags
- simple filter language, ala github
- clicking tag should select filter
- by default: hide search or show at the top (in header bar)?
- [ ] save searches to left quickbar (ala gnome wiki app)
- [ ] tagging via gui
- [ ] signal handlers listen for change on file+tags object
- edit directly in the details pane
- or using command bar
- [ ] build indexer that pulls untagged files into db
- [x] add file watcher on the db, fswatch still needs some work though
- [ ] display files as table/list view instead of grid
- [ ] show/edit list of available tags
- [ ] tagging via fzf (integrate with tmsu?)
- [ ] vim/hjkl nav in gui
- [ ] port ubg thumbnailer
- [ ] remote control mpv for image/video preview
- [ ] otherfile type previewers?
- [ ] support more filetypes when thumbnailing
- [ ] internal image/video preview?
- [ ] ship proper appstream data
- [ ] map integration with mepo
#bugs, help, patches?
submit them to my public-inbox by sending an email to ~robertgzr/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht