
minimal distributed task runner based on nomad and tailscale
rename source volume to something more generic
add public-inbox link to readme
add macos specific documentation


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


an easy low-maintenance way to run quick jobs on worker nodes

#getting started

  • install tailscale and nomad on your development machine and the workers

We need both to enable hassle-free networking between your machine and workers.

#setup macOS worker

  • create data folder: mkdir /usr/local/var/nomad
  • copy config to data folder (location used by plist below): install ./config.nomad /usr/local/var/nomad/config
  • (install homebrew-services)
  • bring up the nomad launch service: brew services start nomad --file ./homebrew.mxcl.nomad.plist
#prepare for starship job
  • create starship-source volume: mkdir /usr/local/var/nomad/starship-source

#setup generic worker

  • bring up the nomad agent on the worker node
sudo nomad agent -dev -bind= -network-interface='{{GetDefaultInterfaces|attr "name"}}' -dc=<group> -node=<name>

#setup development machine

  • get the worker's tailnet ip and populate an env-var
export NOMAD_ADDR=http://<ip>:4646
  • add a job spec to the target repo
cp /path/to/this/repo/jobs/starship.nomad /path/to/target/repo/.ci.nomad
  • (with ./scripts in your PATH) from the target repo run
nom test=e2e\.shell\.cli-develop-args

#bugs, help, patches?

submit them to my public-inbox by sending an email to ~robertgzr/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht

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