
project template for latex using tectonic
docs: link the latex 101 pages together
rename main.tex to index.tex to match tectonic
allow overwriting existing document when setting up


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


my one-stop-shop for latex stuff to replace your fancy word processor


some documentation on how to write latex documents


project starters, the idea is to copy the directory and start your own document from it. all of them use the latexmk script, which uses tectonic to compile latex into PDFs (optionally watching for changes and rebuilding)

we have:

  • editor integrations (VSCode, SublimeText)
  • Sourcehut CI template

#basic (example)

#letter (example)

  • using scrlttr2
  • produce DIN 5008 letters

#htw (example)

  • custom document class
  • example includes bibliography (using biber)

#slides (example)

  • using beamer
  • produce presentations

#cv (example)

  • using europeCV
  • produce "Europass CV" compliant currucila vitae

#bugs, help, patches?

submit them to my public-inbox by sending an email to ~robertgzr/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht

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