M README.md => README.md +16 -1
@@ 22,10 22,14 @@ for further customization:
- widget: Window
excludeAppIDs: ["foot"]
+ titlePrefix: "\uf2a3 "
+ ellipsis: "\u2026"
- widget: ExternalProgram
command: /usr/bin/i3status
- widget: SystemMonitor
format: "\ue8b0 {cpu}% \ue8b2 {mem}% \ue8b3 {load}%"
+- widget: TempMonitor
+ format: "\ue8a2 {temp}\u00B0C \ue8a1 {fan}"
- widget: Volume
scrollDownCommand: volumeup
scrollUpCommand: volumedown
@@ 150,6 154,17 @@ necessary, and will display two digits for the fractional part. Please note
that the width and precision specification should be followed by the 'f'
suffix, but no '%' prefix should be included.
+## TemperatureMonitor
+The TemperatureMonitor widget displays temperature and/or fan speed. It offers
+the following settings:
+- `format`: Determines how the widget is displayed. The default
+ format is `{temp:%d} {fan:%d}`.
+- `tempInput`: Specifies the file that keeps the current temperature.
+- `fanInput`: Specifies the file that keeps the current fan speed.
### Volume
The Volume widget shows and allows you to adjust the volume of an audio
@@ 192,7 207,7 @@ following options:
it is trimmed and an ellipsis symbol is added (default: 80, set to -1 to
disable trimming)
- `ellipsis` - the symbol used as an ellipsis after trimming the window's
- title (default: "\u2026")
+ title (default: "...")
- `excludeAppIDs` - to make the title appear more standardized, the Window
widget first removes the app ID from the title (because different
applications place them in different locations) and then appends it back.
A widgets/temp.go => widgets/temp.go +95 -0
@@ 0,0 1,95 @@
+package widgets
+import (
+ "context"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "gobytes.dev/statusbar"
+ "gobytes.dev/statusbar/internal/registry"
+type TemperatureMonitor struct {
+ Format string `yaml:"format"`
+ TempInput string `yaml:"tempInput"`
+ FanInput string `yaml:"fanInput"`
+ format Format
+ status []statusbar.Block
+ baseWidget
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) WidgetName() string { return "TempMonitor" }
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) New() statusbar.Widget { return new(TemperatureMonitor) }
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) Run(ctx context.Context, update statusbar.UpdateFunc, done func()) {
+ defer done()
+ w.init()
+ w.status = make([]statusbar.Block, 0, 2)
+ w.emitStatus(update)
+ t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return
+ case <-t.C:
+ w.emitStatus(update)
+ }
+ }
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) readInput(input string) (int, error) {
+ f, err := os.Open(input)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ bs, err := io.ReadAll(f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(bs)))
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) emitStatus(update statusbar.UpdateFunc) {
+ w.status = w.status[:0]
+ temp, err := w.readInput(w.TempInput)
+ if err != nil {
+ w.errorf(err.Error())
+ temp = 0
+ }
+ fan, err := w.readInput(w.FanInput)
+ if err != nil {
+ w.errorf(err.Error())
+ fan = 0
+ }
+ w.status = append(w.status, statusbar.Block{
+ FullText: w.format.Format(temp/1000, fan),
+ Align: "left",
+ Name: "batmon",
+ Instance: "0",
+ Markup: "pango",
+ })
+ update(w.status)
+func (w *TemperatureMonitor) init() {
+ w.prefix = "TempMonitor"
+ if w.Format == "" {
+ w.Format = "{temp:%d} {fan:%d}"
+ }
+ w.format = ParseFormat(w.Format, "temp:%d", "fan:%d")
+ if w.TempInput == "" {
+ w.TempInput = "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/temp1_input"
+ }
+ if w.FanInput == "" {
+ w.FanInput = "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input"
+ }
+func init() {
+ registry.RegisterWidget(new(TemperatureMonitor))
M widgets/window.go => widgets/window.go +1 -4
@@ 213,10 213,7 @@ func (w *Window) init() {
w.MaxTitleLen = 80
if w.Ellipsis == "" {
- w.Ellipsis = "\u2026"
- }
- if w.TitlePrefix == "" {
- w.TitlePrefix = "\uf2a3 "
+ w.Ellipsis = "..."