@@ 0,0 1,276 @@
+statusbar - configuration file
+By default, the program reads its configuration from the
+~/.config/statusbar/config.yaml file. The following is a good starting point
+for further customization:
+- widget: DefaultConfig
+- widget: Window
+ excludeAppIDs: ["foot"]
+ titlePrefix: "\uf2a3 "
+ ellipsis: "\u2026"
+- widget: ExternalProgram
+ command: /usr/bin/i3status
+- widget: SystemMonitor
+ format: "\ue8b0 {cpu}% \ue8b2 {mem}% \ue8b3 {load}%"
+ separator: false
+ separatorBlockWidth: 0
+- widget: TempMonitor
+ format: " \ue8a2 {temp}\u00B0C \ue8a1 {fan}"
+- widget: Volume
+ scrollDownCommand: volumeup
+ scrollUpCommand: volumedown
+ rightClickCommand: mute toggle
+ leftClickCommand: pavuctrl
+- widget: BatteryMonitor
+ format: "{icon} {level}%"
+ statusIcons: "\ue85b\ue85b "
+ chargingIcons: "\ue850\ue851\ue852\ue853\ue854\ue855\ue856\ue857\ue858\ue859\ue85a"
+ dischargingIcons: "\ue860\ue861\ue862\ue863\ue864\ue866\ue866\ue867\ue868\ue869\ue86a"
+ colors: "#9e1828,10,#968a38,20,#ccc"
+ criticalLevel: 5
+- widget: DateTime
+ format: "\uf2ab 2006-01-02 \uf394 15:04:05"
+Each item in the list corresponds to a widget on the status bar. Widgets are
+placed on the bar in the order they appear in the configuration file. You can
+configure multiple instances of the same widget if you find it useful. Please
+refer to the section below for the available widgets and their configuration.
+To ensure that the statusbar is run in sway, you need to replace the
+_status_command_ in sway's configuration file (usually
+~/.config/sway/config) with the following:
+bar {
+ status_command statusbar
+## Default Configuration
+In the above example, the first section of the configuration file refers to
+the DefaultConfig widget. Despite its somewhat misleading name, it does not
+describe an actual widget. Instead, all the configuration options provided in
+this section are used to initialize other widgets, unless their configuration
+overwrites them. The settings that can be used to describe the default
+configuration are listed and explained in the next section below. In the
+example, no options were provided, so the section could have been omitted.
+## Common options
+Options described in this section can be set for every widget, as well
+as in the special widget DefaultConfig (described above). This options are
+also described in the swaybar-protocol(7).
+- *color* - Sets the text color of the widget using #rrggbbaa or #rrggbb
+ notation.
+- *background* - Sets the background color of the widget.
+- *border* - Sets the border color for the widget.
+- *borderTop* - Sets the height in pixels of the top border. The default value
+ is 1.
+- *borderBottom* - Sets the height in pixels of the bottom border. The default
+ value is 1.
+- *borderLeft* - Sets the width in pixels of the left border. The default
+ value is 1.
+- *borderRight* - Sets the width in pixels of the right border. The default
+ value is 1.
+- *minWidth* - Sets the minimum width to use for the widget. The width can be
+ specified in pixels or as a string to allow for dynamic calculation based on
+ the width of the text.
+- *separator* - Specifies whether the bar separator should be drawn after the
+ widget. Refer to sway-bar(5) for
+ more information on how to set the separator text.
+- *separatorBlockWidth* - Sets the amount of pixels to leave blank after the
+ block. The separator text will be displayed centered in this gap. The
+ default value is 9 pixels.
+- *align* - Specifies how the text should be aligned inside the block if it
+ does not span the full width. The options are left (default), right, or
+ center.
+Currently, the statusbar provides following widgets.
+## BatteryMonitor
+The BatteryMonitor widget is used to display the status and level of the
+system battery. It offers the following options for customization:
+- *format*: This option determines how the battery status is displayed. The
+ default format is *{icon} {level}*. It can also include a *{status}*
+ indicator that shows text describing the battery status. By default, the
+ statuses are displayed as "Full," "Not charging," "Charging," "Discharging,"
+ and "Unknown." However, these labels can be changed using the *statusFull*,
+ *statusNotCharging*, *statusCharging*, and *statusDischarging* options
+ described below. The *{level}* placeholder can also include a formatting
+ verb, as defined in the [Golang's fmt package
+ documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/fmt#hdr-Printing). For example, you can
+ use {level:%2d} to format the level with at least two-digit (the
+ default formatting is *%d*).
+- *statusIcons*: Specifies four icons (Unicode points) that correspond to the
+ "Full," "Not charging," "Charging," and "Discharging" statuses. These icons
+ are used in place of the *{icon}* placeholder. The default icons are *FNCD*.
+- *chargingIcons*: If provided, these icons are displayed instead of the *C*
+ icon defined using the *statusIcons* option. The icons should represent
+ different battery levels, starting with the icon that represents the lowest
+ level. There is no limit to the number of icons that can be used.
+- *dischargingIcons*: Similar to the *chargingIcons* above. Specifies icons
+ that are displayed instead of the *D* icon defined using the *statusIcons*
+ option.
+- *statusFull*, *statusNotCharging*, *statusCharging*, *statusDischarging*:
+ These options allows to specify labels for the "Full", "Not charging",
+ "Charging", and "Discharging" statuses.
+- *colors*: This option specifies the colors in which the widget will be
+ rendered based on the battery levels. For instance, if you set this option
+ to *#9e1828,10,#968a38,20,#ccc*, the widget will appear red when the battery
+ level is below or equal to 10, yellow when the level is between 10 and 20
+ (inclusive), and light gray otherwise.
+- *criticalLevel*: If this option is set above 0, the user will receive an
+ urgent notification when the battery level falls below the provided value.
+ Notifications are sent using D-bus.
+- *notificationTitle*: Provides the title of the notification sent when the
+ battery level reaches a critically low level. The default title is:
+ "Critical Battery Level"
+- *notificationBody*: Specifies the notification body. The default message is:
+ "Your battery level is critically low.\nPlease connect your device to
+ a power source immediately to avoid any unexpected shutdowns."
+- *notificationIcon*: This option allows to set notification icon.
+- *ueventFile*: Specifies the file that keeps infomation about the battery
+ status (the default file is "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent")
+## DateTime
+The DateTime widget displays the current date and time. It has one
+configuration option, which is *format*. The default format is *2006-01-02
+15:04:05*, and you can specify any format that is accepted by Golang's
+time.Format method.
+## ExternalProgram
+The ExternalPrgram widget runs an external program that generates
+swaybar/i3bar content. It relays the output of the program to the bar and also
+forwards events from the bar to the external program. This widget is
+beneficial if you want to incorporate information from another content
+generator into your bar.
+The only configuration option available for this widget is *command*. It
+allows you to specify the command that will execute the external generator.
+## SystemMonitor
+The SystemMonitor widget provides information regarding the utilization of the
+CPU and RAM, as well as the system load. It offers a single configuration
+option, which is the *format*. The default format is *CPU:{cpu}% MEM:{mem}%
+LOAD:{load}%*. You have the flexibility to change the order or remove any of
+the indicators.
+Additionally, the format option allows you to specify the width and precision
+used to format floating numbers. Please refer to the Golang's fmt package
+documentation for more details. For example, using "{cpu:3.2f}%" will output
+at least three characters for the decimal part, padding it with spaces if
+necessary, and will display two digits for the fractional part. Please note
+that the width and precision specification should be followed by the 'f'
+suffix, but no '%' prefix should be included.
+## TemperatureMonitor
+The TemperatureMonitor widget displays temperature and/or fan speed. It offers
+the following settings:
+- *format*: Determines how the widget is displayed. The default
+ format is *{temp:%d} {fan:%d}*.
+- *tempInput*: Specifies the file that keeps the current temperature (the
+ default file is "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/temp1_input")
+- *fanInput*: Specifies the file that keeps the current fan speed (the default
+ file is "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/fan1_input")
+## Volume
+The Volume widget shows and allows you to adjust the volume of an audio
+device. It offers the following options for customization:
+- *format*: Determines how the widget is displayed. The default format is
+ *{icon} {level}%*.
+- *icon*: Specifies the icon that appears when the device is not muted.
+- *muteIcon*: Specifies the icon that appears when the device is muted.
+- *leftClickCommand*: Specifies the command that is executed when the left
+ mouse button is clicked.
+- *rightClickCommand*: Specifies the command that is executed when the right
+ mouse button is clicked.
+- *scrollUpCommand*: Specifies the command that is executed when the mouse
+ scroll up event occurs.
+- *scrollDownCommand*: Specifies the command that is executed when the mouse
+ scroll down event occurs.
+- *volMonCommand*: Specifies the program responsible for monitoring the volume
+ level of the devices. The program should print the volume level to its
+ standard output each time it detects a change. *pavolmon* program that works
+ with the PulseAudio (and PipeWire) server is distributed with statusbar.
+## Window
+The window widget displays the title of the focused window. It provides the
+following options:
+- *titlePrefix* - a string that is added before the title (default: "")
+- *maxTitleLength* - if the length of the title exceeds the specified value,
+ it is trimmed and an ellipsis symbol is added (default: 80, set to -1 to
+ disable trimming)
+- *ellipsis* - the symbol used as an ellipsis after trimming the window's
+ title (default: "...")
+- *excludeAppIDs* - to make the title appear more standardized, the Window
+ widget first removes the app ID from the title (because different
+ applications place them in different locations) and then appends it back.
+ This option allows you to specify a list of application IDs that will not be
+ appended.
+Maintained by Radosław Kintzi. Up-do-date sources can be found at
+https://gobytes.dev/statusbar. Bugs/patches can be submitted by email
+to ~rkintzi/GoSway@lists.sr.ht.