@@ 20,10 20,17 @@ By default, the program reads its configuration from the
for further customization:
+- widget: Window
+ excludeAppIDs: ["foot"]
- widget: ExternalProgram
command: /usr/bin/i3status
- widget: SystemMonitor
format: "\ue8b0 {cpu}% \ue8b2 {mem}% \ue8b3 {load}%"
+- widget: Volume
+ scrollDownCommand: volumeup
+ scrollUpCommand: volumedown
+ rightClickCommand: mute toggle
+ leftClickCommand: pavuctrl
- widget: BatteryMonitor
format: "{icon} {level}%"
statusIcons: "\ue85b\ue85b "
@@ 31,11 38,6 @@ for further customization:
dischargingIcons: "\ue860\ue861\ue862\ue863\ue864\ue866\ue866\ue867\ue868\ue869\ue86a"
colors: "#9e1828,10,#968a38,20,#ccc"
criticalLevel: 5
-- widget: Volume
- scrollDownCommand: volumeup
- scrollUpCommand: volumedown
- rightClickCommand: mute toggle
- leftClickCommand: pavuctrl
- widget: DateTime
format: "\uf2ab 2006-01-02 \uf394 15:04:05"
@@ 155,16 157,23 @@ device. It offers the following options for customization:
- `format`: Determines how the widget is displayed. The default format is
`{icon} {level}%`.
- `icon`: Specifies the icon that appears when the device is not muted.
- `muteIcon`: Specifies the icon that appears when the device is muted.
- `leftClickCommand`: Specifies the command that is executed when the left
mouse button is clicked.
- `rightClickCommand`: Specifies the command that is executed when the right
mouse button is clicked.
- `scrollUpCommand`: Specifies the command that is executed when the mouse
scroll up event occurs.
- `scrollDownCommand`: Specifies the command that is executed when the mouse
scroll down event occurs.
- `volMonCommand`: Specifies the program responsible for monitoring the volume
level of the devices. The program should print the volume level to its
standard output each time it detects a change. An example program that works
@@ 173,6 182,22 @@ device. It offers the following options for customization:
for instructions on how to install it.
+### Window
+The window widget displays the title of the focused window. It provides the
+following options:
+- `titlePrefix` - a string that is added before the title (default: "\uf2a3 ")
+- `maxTitleLength` - if the length of the title exceeds the specified value,
+ it is trimmed and an ellipsis symbol is added (default: 80, set to -1 to
+ disable trimming)
+- `ellipsis` - the symbol used as an ellipsis after trimming the window's
+ title (default: "\u2026")
+- `excludeAppIDs` - to make the title appear more standardized, the Window
+ widget first removes the app ID from the title (because different
+ applications place them in different locations) and then appends it back.
+ This option allows you to specify a list of application IDs that will not be
+ appended.
## statusbar - The Library
@@ 16,7 16,6 @@ type Window struct {
MaxTitleLen int `yaml:"maxTitleLength"`
Ellipsis string `yaml:"ellipsis"`
ExcludeAppIDs []string `yaml:"excludeAppIDs"`
- AllowSymbols bool `yaml:"allowSymbols"`
excludeAppIDs map[string]bool
events chan *swayipc.WindowEvent