@@ 16,19 16,23 @@ $ go install gobytes.dev/statusbar/cmds/statusbar
### Configuration
By default, the program reads its configuration from the
-`~/.config/statusbar/config.yaml` file. You can use the following as
-a starting point:
+`~/.config/statusbar/config.yaml` file. The following is a good starting point
+for further customization:
-$ mkdir ~/.config/statusbar
-$ cat <<EOF > ~/.config/statusbar/config.yaml
- widget: ExternalProgram
command: /usr/bin/i3status
+- widget: SystemMonitor
+ format: "\ue8b0 {cpu}% \ue8b2 {mem}% \ue8b3 {load}%"
+- widget: BatteryMonitor
+ format: "{icon} {level}%"
+ statusIcons: "\ue85b\ue85bCD"
+ chargingIcons: "\ue850\ue851\ue852\ue853\ue854\ue855\ue856\ue857\ue858\ue859\ue85a"
+ dischargingIcons: "\ue860\ue861\ue862\ue863\ue864\ue866\ue866\ue867\ue868\ue869\ue86a"
+ colors: "#9e1828,10,#968a38,20,#ccc"
+ criticalLevel: 5
- widget: DateTime
format: "\uf2ab 2006-01-02 \uf394 15:04:05"
-- widget: SystemMonitor
- format: "\ue8b0 {cpu:.1f}% \ue8b2 {mem:.1f}% \ue8b3 {load:.1f}%"
Each item in the list corresponds to a widget on the status bar. Widgets are