add use open qw( :std :encoding(UTF-8) ); to get rid of warnings about wide char
README updates
remove needless code
this is a work in progress!
A boring (and simple...) static site generator written in Perl with a little help from rsync.
bss reads manifest.ini for its configuration options:
evaluate perl=0 # use perl false boolen value; this only works on template files
Pages begin (as in Jekyll) with a YAML "front matter" block:
title: Nine Stories
layout: default
author: J.D. Salinger
A Perfect Day for Bananafish wherein Seymour ends his own life.
Template file types can be any of: .tmpl, .template, .html, .tt, .tt2
One can define partials and such for use in templates or layouts or what have you:
[% footer = 'partials/' %]
[% INCLUDE $footer %]
A simple web server is included but one would be wise in using it only for local development purposes.
Ensure the BSS_DOCROOT
ENV var is set.
An example:
$ BSS_DOCROOT=/path/to/your/_site bss build --server
# otherwise defaults to "_site"
$ nix build --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
# this will place bss in your nix profile so it's "installed" in a sense. This is the replacement for nix-env
$ nix profile --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes install
# or just
$ nix build
# and copy the result/bin/bss to run/wrappers/bin
# this won't survive a reboot.