
ebeb82538395ab559905b33bb7f479ea5a92846c — Bojan Gabric 2 months ago 4bd5fff
spec: add description field to arguments

Update the autocompletion logic to return an array of Completion

	type Completion struct {
		Value       string
		Description string

This will allow application that uses autocompletion to do what it wants
with the description.

Update test cases to ensure that the expected completions are of type

Add test cases to verify that the `description` field is correctly
integrated into the autocompletion output.

Implements: https://todo.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/271
Signed-off-by: Bojan Gabric <bojan@bojangabric.com>
Acked-by: Robin Jarry <robin@jarry.cc>
5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

M complete.go
M complete_test.go
M opt.go
M spec.go
M README.md => README.md +7 -1
@@ 172,7 172,9 @@ func main() {
	var s CompleteStruct
	completions, _ := opt.GetCompletions(args.String(), &s)
	fmt.Println(strings.Join(completions, "\n"))
	for _, c := range completions {

@@ 237,6 239,10 @@ be a method with a pointer receiver to the struct itself, takes a single
`string` argument and may return an `error` to abort parsing. The `action`
method is responsible of updating the struct.

### `description:"foobaz"` or `desc:"foobaz"`

A description that is returned alongside arguments during autocompletion.

### `default:"foobaz"`

Default `string` value if not specified by the user. Will be processed by the

M complete.go => complete.go +25 -10
@@ 5,8 5,13 @@ import (

func (c *CmdSpec) unseenFlags(arg string) []string {
	var flags []string
type Completion struct {
	Value       string
	Description string

func (c *CmdSpec) unseenFlags(arg string) []Completion {
	var flags []Completion
	for i := 0; i < len(c.opts); i++ {
		spec := &c.opts[i]
		if !spec.appliesToAlias(c.name) || spec.seen {

@@ 15,10 20,16 @@ func (c *CmdSpec) unseenFlags(arg string) []string {
		switch spec.kind {
		case flag, option:
			if spec.short != "" && strings.HasPrefix(spec.short, arg) {
				flags = append(flags, spec.short+" ")
				flags = append(flags, Completion{
					Value:       spec.short + " ",
					Description: spec.description,
			if spec.long != "" && strings.HasPrefix(spec.long, arg) {
				flags = append(flags, spec.long+" ")
				flags = append(flags, Completion{
					Value:       spec.long + " ",
					Description: spec.description,

@@ 40,25 51,29 @@ func (c *CmdSpec) nextPositional() *optSpec {
	return spec

func (s *optSpec) getCompletions(arg string) []string {
func (s *optSpec) getCompletions(arg string) []Completion {
	if s.complete.IsValid() {
		in := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(arg)}
		out := s.complete.Call(in)
		if res, ok := out[0].Interface().([]string); ok {
			return res
			var completions []Completion
			for _, value := range res {
				completions = append(completions, Completion{Value: value})
			return completions
	return nil

func (c *CmdSpec) GetCompletions(args *Args) ([]string, string) {
func (c *CmdSpec) GetCompletions(args *Args) ([]Completion, string) {
	if args.Count() == 0 || (args.Count() == 1 && args.TrailingSpace() == "") {
		return nil, ""

	var completions []string
	var completions []Completion
	var prefix string
	var flags []string
	var flags []Completion
	var last *seenArg
	var spec *optSpec

@@ 95,7 110,7 @@ func (c *CmdSpec) GetCompletions(args *Args) ([]string, string) {
			case (s.kind == flag || s.kind == option) && (s.short == arg || s.long == arg):
				// Current argument is precisely a flag.
				spec = nil
				completions = []string{arg + " "}
				completions = []Completion{{Value: arg + " ", Description: s.description}}
			case s.kind == option && f != "=" && strings.HasPrefix(arg, f):
				// Current argument is a long flag in the format:
				//       --flag=value

M complete_test.go => complete_test.go +51 -39
@@ 11,8 11,8 @@ import (
type CompleteStruct struct {
	Name    string   `opt:"-n,--name" required:"true" complete:"CompleteName"`
	Delay   float64  `opt:"--delay"`
	Zero    bool     `opt:"-z"`
	Backoff bool     `opt:"-B,--backoff"`
	Zero    bool     `opt:"-z" description:"Print zero values"`
	Backoff bool     `opt:"-B,--backoff" desc:"Increase delay on error"`
	Tags    []string `opt:"..." complete:"CompleteTag"`

@@ 47,93 47,105 @@ func (c *CompleteStruct) CompleteTag(arg string) []string {
func TestComplete(t *testing.T) {
	vectors := []struct {
		cmdline     string
		completions []string
		completions []opt.Completion
		prefix      string
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n",
			[]string{"-n "},
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "-n "}},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n ",
			[]string{"leonardo", "michelangelo", "rafaelo", "donatello"},
				{Value: "leonardo"},
				{Value: "michelangelo"},
				{Value: "rafaelo"},
				{Value: "donatello"},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n don",
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "donatello"}},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 --name=",
			[]string{"leonardo", "michelangelo", "rafaelo", "donatello"},
				{Value: "leonardo"},
				{Value: "michelangelo"},
				{Value: "rafaelo"},
				{Value: "donatello"},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 --name=",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 --name=leo",
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "leonardo"}},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 --name=",
			"foo --nam",
				"--name ",
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "--name "}},
			"foo ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 --backoff",
				"--backoff ",
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "--backoff ", Description: "Increase delay on error"}},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -",
				"-n ",
				"--name ",
				"-z ",
				"-B ",
				"--backoff ",
				{Value: "-unread"},
				{Value: "-sent"},
				{Value: "-important"},
				{Value: "-inbox"},
				{Value: "-trash"},
				{Value: "-n "},
				{Value: "--name "},
				{Value: "-z ", Description: "Print zero values"},
				{Value: "-B ", Description: "Increase delay on error"},
				{Value: "--backoff ", Description: "Increase delay on error"},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 ",
				"-n ",
				"--name ",
				"-z ",
				"-B ",
				"--backoff ",
				{Value: "unread"},
				{Value: "sent"},
				{Value: "important"},
				{Value: "inbox"},
				{Value: "trash"},
				{Value: "-n "},
				{Value: "--name "},
				{Value: "-z ", Description: "Print zero values"},
				{Value: "-B ", Description: "Increase delay on error"},
				{Value: "--backoff ", Description: "Increase delay on error"},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 ",
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n leonardo i",
			[]string{"important", "inbox"},
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "important"}, {Value: "inbox"}},
			"foo --delay 33..33.3 -n leonardo ",
			"foo +",
			[]string{"+unread", "+sent", "+important", "+inbox", "+trash"},
				{Value: "+unread"},
				{Value: "+sent"},
				{Value: "+important"},
				{Value: "+inbox"},
				{Value: "+trash"},
			"foo ",
			"foo -i",
			[]string{"-important", "-inbox"},
			[]opt.Completion{{Value: "-important"}, {Value: "-inbox"}},
			"foo ",

M opt.go => opt.go +5 -1
@@ 83,6 83,10 @@ be a method with a pointer receiver to the struct itself, takes a single
`string` argument and may return an `error` to abort parsing. The `action`
method is responsible of updating the struct.

### `description:"foobaz"` or `desc:"foobaz"`

A description that is returned alongside arguments during autocompletion.

### `default:"foobaz"`

Default `string` value if not specified by the user. Will be processed by the

@@ 148,7 152,7 @@ func ArgsToStruct(args *Args, v any) error {
	return nil

func GetCompletions(cmdline string, v any) (completions []string, prefix string) {
func GetCompletions(cmdline string, v any) (completions []Completion, prefix string) {
	args := LexArgs(cmdline)
	if args.Count() == 0 {
		return nil, ""

M spec.go => spec.go +7 -0
@@ 56,6 56,8 @@ type optSpec struct {
	kind optKind
	// argument is required
	required bool
	// option/argument description
	description string
	// argument was seen on the command line
	seen bool
	// argument value was seen on the command line (only applies to options)

@@ 218,6 220,11 @@ func (spec *optSpec) parseField(struc reflect.Value, t reflect.StructField) {
		spec.metavar = metavar

	spec.description = t.Tag.Get("description")
	if spec.description == "" {
		spec.description = t.Tag.Get("desc")

	spec.defval = t.Tag.Get("default")

	switch t.Tag.Get("required") {