A dlrepo/__init__.py => dlrepo/__init__.py +0 -0
A dlrepo/cleanup.py => dlrepo/cleanup.py +125 -0
@@ 0,0 1,125 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+Automatically cleanup old tags according to the branch cleanup policy.
+import argparse
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from dlrepo.fs import ArtifactRepository
+from dlrepo.fs.tag import Tag
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-q",
+ "--quiet",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="""
+ Only display errors.
+ """,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--root-path",
+ type=local_dir,
+ default=default_root_path(),
+ help="""
+ The root path of the repository. Default to DLREPO_ROOT_PATH from the
+ environment or from /etc/default/dlrepo.
+ """,
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ cleanup(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"error: {e}", file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def cleanup(args):
+ repo = ArtifactRepository(args.root_path)
+ start = time.time()
+ deleted = 0
+ for branch in repo.get_branches():
+ released_tags = []
+ daily_tags = []
+ for tag in branch.get_tags():
+ if tag.is_locked():
+ continue
+ if tag.is_released():
+ released_tags.append(tag)
+ else:
+ daily_tags.append(tag)
+ released_tags.sort(key=Tag.creation_date, reverse=True)
+ daily_tags.sort(key=Tag.creation_date, reverse=True)
+ policy = branch.get_cleanup_policy()
+ max_daily = policy.get("max_daily_tags", 0)
+ if isinstance(max_daily, int) and max_daily > 0:
+ for tag in daily_tags[max_daily:]:
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print(f"Deleting daily tag {branch.name}/{tag.name} ...")
+ tag.delete(cleanup_orphans=False)
+ deleted += 1
+ max_released = policy.get("max_released_tags", 0)
+ if isinstance(max_released, int) and max_released > 0:
+ for tag in released_tags[max_released:]:
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print(f"Deleting released tag {branch.name}/{tag.name} ...")
+ tag.delete(force=True, cleanup_orphans=False)
+ deleted += 1
+ repo.cleanup_orphan_blobs()
+ for user_repo in repo.get_user_repos():
+ user_repo.disk_usage_refresh()
+ user_repo.disk_usage_save()
+ if not args.quiet and deleted > 0:
+ print(f"Deleted {deleted} tags in {time.time() - start:.1f}s")
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def local_dir(value):
+ value = pathlib.Path(value)
+ if not value.is_dir():
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{value}: No such directory")
+ return value
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def default_root_path():
+ if "DLREPO_ROOT_PATH" in os.environ:
+ return pathlib.Path(os.environ["DLREPO_ROOT_PATH"])
+ default_file = pathlib.Path("/etc/default/dlrepo")
+ if default_file.is_file():
+ match = re.search(
+ r"DLREPO_ROOT_PATH=(.*)", default_file.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
+ )
+ if match:
+ return pathlib.Path(match.group(1).strip().strip("\"'"))
+ return pathlib.Path(".")
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
A dlrepo/fs/__init__.py => dlrepo/fs/__init__.py +377 -0
@@ 0,0 1,377 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import shutil
+import time
+from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Iterator, Optional
+from cachetools import LFUCache
+from .branch import Branch
+from .container import ContainerRegistry
+from .product import Product
+from .util import human_readable, parse_digest
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CHUNK_SIZE = int(os.getenv("DLREPO_CHUNK_SIZE", str(256 * 1024)))
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class AbstractRepository:
+ def __init__(self, path: str):
+ self._path = Path(path)
+ self.parent = None
+ self.container_registry = ContainerRegistry(self)
+ def get_branches(self) -> Iterator[Branch]:
+ yield from Branch.all(self)
+ def get_branch(self, name: str) -> Branch:
+ return Branch(self, name)
+ def get_products(self) -> Iterator[Product]:
+ yield from Product.all(self)
+ def get_product(self, name: str) -> Product:
+ return Product(self, name)
+ def path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path
+ def create(self):
+ self._path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ def url_bit(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def cleanup_orphan_blobs(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def next_upload(self) -> str:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def blob_path(self, digest: str, parent: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def rmtree(self, path: Path):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ async def update_upload(
+ self, uuid: str, stream: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]]
+ ) -> int:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def cancel_upload(self, uuid: str):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def finalize_upload(self, uuid: str, digest: str) -> Path:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def link_blob(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def link_blob_ignore_quota(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ArtifactRepository(AbstractRepository):
+ def __init__(self, path: str):
+ super().__init__(path)
+ self.blobs = self._path / ".blobs"
+ self.uploads = self._path / ".uploads"
+ self.user_repos = LFUCache(maxsize=512)
+ def get_user_repo(self, user: str) -> "UserRepository":
+ user = user.lower()
+ repo = self.user_repos.get(user)
+ if repo is None:
+ repo = self.user_repos[user] = UserRepository(self, user)
+ return repo
+ def get_user_repos(self) -> Iterator["UserRepository"]:
+ yield from UserRepository.all(self)
+ def url_bit(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return None
+ def url(self) -> str:
+ return "/"
+ def cleanup_orphan_blobs(self):
+ # TODO: call blocking stuff (open, stat, unlink) in a thread?
+ for folder in (self.blobs, self.uploads):
+ _cleanup_orphans(folder)
+ def next_upload(self) -> str:
+ self.uploads.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ path = self.uploads / os.urandom(16).hex()
+ path.touch(mode=0o600, exist_ok=False)
+ return path.name
+ except FileExistsError:
+ continue
+ def upload_path(self, uuid: str):
+ if "/" in uuid or ".." in uuid:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(uuid)
+ path = self.uploads / uuid
+ if not path.is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(uuid)
+ return path
+ def blob_path(self, digest: str, parent: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path:
+ if not digest:
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid digest: {digest}")
+ if parent is None:
+ parent = self.blobs
+ algo, digest = parse_digest(digest.lower())
+ path = parent / f"{algo}/{digest[:2]}/{digest}"
+ if path.is_file():
+ path.touch()
+ return path
+ def rmtree(self, path: Path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=_rmtree_error_cb)
+ async def update_upload(
+ self, uuid: str, stream: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]]
+ ) -> int:
+ return await _stream_to_file(stream, self.upload_path(uuid))
+ def cancel_upload(self, uuid: str):
+ self.upload_path(uuid).unlink()
+ def finalize_upload(self, uuid: str, digest: str) -> Path:
+ return _check_and_move(self.upload_path(uuid), self.blob_path(digest), digest)
+ def link_blob(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ _hardlink(self.blob_path(digest), target)
+ def link_blob_ignore_quota(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ _hardlink(self.blob_path(digest), target)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class UserRepository(AbstractRepository):
+ def __init__(self, base: ArtifactRepository, user: str):
+ self.base = base
+ self.user = user
+ super().__init__(base.path() / "users" / user)
+ self.disk_usage = self._parse_disk_usage_file()
+ self.disk_usage_dirty = False
+ @classmethod
+ def all(cls, base: ArtifactRepository) -> Iterator["UserRepository"]:
+ path = base.path() / "users"
+ if not path.is_dir():
+ return
+ for d in path.iterdir():
+ if not d.is_dir():
+ continue
+ yield cls(base, d.name)
+ def _parse_disk_usage_file(self) -> int:
+ du_path = self.path() / ".disk_usage"
+ if du_path.is_file():
+ try:
+ return int(du_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def disk_usage_refresh(self):
+ self.disk_usage = 0
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(self.path()):
+ for f in files:
+ self.disk_usage += Path(root, f).stat().st_size
+ self.disk_usage_dirty = True
+ def disk_usage_save(self):
+ if not self.disk_usage_dirty:
+ return
+ self.create()
+ du_path = self.path() / ".disk_usage"
+ du_path.write_text(str(self.disk_usage), encoding="utf-8")
+ self.disk_usage_dirty = False
+ # 10G max usage per user
+ QUOTA = int(os.getenv("DLREPO_USER_QUOTA", str(10 * (1024 ** 3))))
+ def disk_usage_add(self, usage: int):
+ new_usage = self.disk_usage + usage
+ if new_usage > self.QUOTA:
+ usage = f"{human_readable(self.disk_usage)}/{human_readable(self.QUOTA)}"
+ raise PermissionError(
+ f"User {self.user} quota exceeded ({usage}). Please make some ménage."
+ )
+ self.disk_usage = new_usage
+ self.disk_usage_dirty = True
+ def disk_usage_rm(self, usage: int):
+ self.disk_usage = max(0, self.disk_usage - usage)
+ self.disk_usage_dirty = True
+ def url_bit(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return f"~{self.user}"
+ def url(self) -> str:
+ return f"/~{self.user}/"
+ def cleanup_orphan_blobs(self):
+ self.base.cleanup_orphan_blobs()
+ def next_upload(self) -> str:
+ return self.base.next_upload()
+ def cancel_upload(self, uuid: str):
+ self.disk_usage_rm(self.base.upload_path(uuid).stat().st_size)
+ try:
+ self.base.cancel_upload(uuid)
+ finally:
+ self.disk_usage_save()
+ def rmtree(self, path: Path):
+ removed = 0
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(path):
+ for f in files:
+ removed += Path(root, f).stat().st_size
+ self.disk_usage_rm(removed)
+ try:
+ self.base.rmtree(path)
+ finally:
+ self.disk_usage_save()
+ async def update_upload(
+ self, uuid: str, stream: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]]
+ ) -> int:
+ try:
+ return await _stream_to_file(stream, self.base.upload_path(uuid), self)
+ finally:
+ self.disk_usage_save()
+ def finalize_upload(self, uuid: str, digest: str) -> Path:
+ try:
+ return _check_and_move(
+ self.base.upload_path(uuid), self.base.blob_path(digest), digest, self
+ )
+ finally:
+ self.disk_usage_save()
+ def blob_path(self, digest: str, parent: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path:
+ return self.base.blob_path(digest, parent=parent)
+ def link_blob(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ try:
+ _hardlink(self.base.blob_path(digest), target, self)
+ finally:
+ self.disk_usage_save()
+ def link_blob_ignore_quota(self, digest: str, target: Path):
+ _hardlink(self.base.blob_path(digest), target)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _rmtree_error_cb(func, path, exc_info):
+ # nothing much we can do here, simply log a message
+ LOG.error("%s(%r) failed:", func, path, exc_info=exc_info)
+async def _stream_to_file(
+ stream: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]],
+ path: Path,
+ user_repo: Optional[UserRepository] = None,
+) -> int:
+ # TODO: call blocking stuff (open, write, unlink) in a thread?
+ try:
+ with path.open("ab") as f:
+ while True:
+ chunk = await stream(CHUNK_SIZE)
+ if not chunk:
+ break
+ if user_repo is not None:
+ user_repo.disk_usage_add(len(chunk))
+ f.write(chunk)
+ except:
+ if user_repo is not None:
+ user_repo.disk_usage_rm(path.stat().st_size)
+ path.unlink()
+ raise
+ return path.stat().st_size
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _hardlink(src: Path, dst: Path, user_repo: Optional[UserRepository] = None):
+ if not src.is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ dst.parent.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ if dst.is_file():
+ if user_repo is not None:
+ user_repo.disk_usage_rm(dst.stat().st_size)
+ dst.unlink()
+ if user_repo is not None:
+ user_repo.disk_usage_add(src.stat().st_size)
+ os.link(src, dst)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _file_digest(algo: str, path: Path) -> str:
+ h = hashlib.new(algo)
+ buf = bytearray(CHUNK_SIZE)
+ view = memoryview(buf)
+ # TODO: call blocking stuff (open, readinto) in a thread?
+ with path.open("rb") as f:
+ while True:
+ n = f.readinto(buf)
+ if not n:
+ break
+ h.update(view[:n])
+ return h.hexdigest()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _check_and_move(
+ src: Path, dst: Path, digest: str, user_repo: Optional[UserRepository] = None
+ algo, dig = parse_digest(digest.lower())
+ if _file_digest(algo, src) != dig:
+ if user_repo is not None:
+ user_repo.disk_usage_rm(src.stat().st_size)
+ src.unlink()
+ try:
+ os.removedirs(src.parent)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ raise ValueError(f"Received data does not match digest: {digest}")
+ dst.parent.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ src.rename(dst)
+ dst.chmod(0o644)
+ return dst
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _cleanup_orphans(folder: Path):
+ if not folder.is_dir():
+ return
+ now = time.time()
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(folder):
+ for f in files:
+ f = Path(root, f)
+ if not f.is_file():
+ continue
+ stat = f.stat()
+ if stat.st_nlink > 1:
+ continue
+ if now - stat.st_mtime < ORPHAN_BLOB_LIFETIME:
+ continue
+ f.unlink()
A dlrepo/fs/branch.py => dlrepo/fs/branch.py +82 -0
@@ 0,0 1,82 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import json
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator
+from .tag import Tag
+from .util import SubDir
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Branch(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ ROOT_DIR = "branches"
+ @classmethod
+ def parent_path(cls, parent: "ArtifactRepository") -> Path:
+ return parent.path() / cls.ROOT_DIR
+ def url_bit(self) -> str:
+ return f"branches/{self.name}"
+ def get_tags(self, access_cb: Callable[[str], bool] = None) -> Iterator[Tag]:
+ for t in Tag.all(self):
+ if access_cb is not None and not access_cb(t.url()):
+ continue
+ yield t
+ def get_tag(self, name: str, access_cb: Callable[[str], bool] = None) -> Tag:
+ if name in ("latest", "stable"):
+ tags = list(self.get_tags(access_cb))
+ tags.sort(key=Tag.creation_date, reverse=True)
+ for t in tags:
+ if name == "latest":
+ return t
+ if t.is_released():
+ return t
+ raise FileNotFoundError(name)
+ return Tag(self, name)
+ def _policy_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".cleanup_policy"
+ def set_cleanup_policy(self, max_daily_tags: int, max_released_tags: int):
+ policy = {
+ "max_daily_tags": max_daily_tags,
+ "max_released_tags": max_released_tags,
+ }
+ self._policy_path().write_text(json.dumps(policy))
+ def get_cleanup_policy(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
+ try:
+ policy = json.loads(self._policy_path().read_text())
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ policy = {}
+ for field in "max_daily_tags", "max_released_tags":
+ if field not in policy:
+ policy[field] = 0
+ return policy
+ def delete(self, *, force: bool = False, cleanup_orphans: bool = True):
+ if not self.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ for t in self.get_tags():
+ if t.is_locked():
+ raise OSError(f"Tag {t.name} is locked")
+ if not force and t.is_released():
+ raise OSError(f"Tag {t.name} is released, use force")
+ for t in self.get_tags():
+ t.delete(force=force, cleanup_orphans=False)
+ self.root().rmtree(self._path)
+ if cleanup_orphans:
+ self.root().cleanup_orphan_blobs()
A dlrepo/fs/container.py => dlrepo/fs/container.py +124 -0
@@ 0,0 1,124 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import hashlib
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
+import weakref
+from .util import parse_digest
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ContainerRegistry:
+ def __init__(self, repo: "AbstractRepository"):
+ self.repo = weakref.proxy(repo)
+ def repositories(self) -> List[str]:
+ repos = set()
+ for d in self.repo.path().glob("branches/*/*/*/container"):
+ if d.is_dir():
+ job = d.parent.name
+ branch = d.parent.parent.parent.name
+ repos.add(f"{branch}/{job}")
+ for d in self.repo.path().glob("products/*/*/*/*/container"):
+ if d.is_dir():
+ product_branch = d.parent.parent.name
+ variant = d.parent.parent.parent.name
+ product = d.parent.parent.parent.parent.name
+ repos.add(f"{product}/{variant}/{product_branch}")
+ return list(repos)
+ def product_tags(self, product: str, variant: str, branch: str) -> List[str]:
+ tags = set()
+ glob = f"products/{product}/{variant}/{branch}/*/container"
+ for d in self.repo.path().glob(glob):
+ if d.is_dir():
+ tags.add(d.parent.name)
+ if tags:
+ tags.add("latest")
+ return sorted(tags)
+ def job_tags(self, branch: str, job: str) -> List[str]:
+ tags = set()
+ glob = f"branches/{branch}/*/{job}/container"
+ for d in self.repo.path().glob(glob):
+ if d.is_dir():
+ tags.add(d.parent.parent.name)
+ if tags:
+ tags.add("latest")
+ return sorted(tags)
+ def blob_link_path(self, parent_path: Path, digest: str):
+ if not parent_path.is_dir():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ algo, digest = parse_digest(digest.lower())
+ return parent_path / f"container/blobs/{algo}/{digest[:2]}/{digest}"
+ def manifest_by_digest(self, digest: str) -> Path:
+ path = self.repo.blob_path(digest)
+ if not path.is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ return path
+ def manifest_by_parent(self, parent_path: Path) -> Tuple[Path, str]:
+ if not parent_path.is_dir():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ files = list(parent_path.glob("container/manifests/*/*/*"))
+ if len(files) != 1:
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ if not files[0].is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ path = files[0]
+ digest = path.name
+ algo = path.parent.parent.name
+ return (path, f"{algo}:{digest}")
+ def _link_blob_to_job(self, digest: str, job: "Job") -> str:
+ job_path = self.repo.blob_path(digest, parent=job.path() / "container/blobs")
+ self.repo.link_blob(digest, job_path)
+ return job_path.stat().st_size
+ def new_manifest(self, job: "Job", manifest: Dict) -> str:
+ # For an unknown reason, the manifest json file uploaded by "docker push"
+ # does not specify a "size" field for every blob.
+ # While "docker pull" can perfectly live with that and k8s/dockershim,
+ # k8s/containerd on the other hand considers that the blob is of size 0
+ # and issues an error like:
+ #
+ # failed commit on ref "config-sha256:5b238[...]": commit failed:
+ # unexpected commit digest sha256:e3b0c[...], expected sha256:5b238[...]:
+ # failed precondition
+ #
+ # Indeed, e3b0c[...] is the sha256 of the empty string.
+ #
+ # To fix this, we add the missing 'size' fields into the manifest json
+ # file right after it is uploaded. The blobs being uploaded before the
+ # manifest, we can read their size on the filesystem.
+ # link config blob into the job folder
+ config = manifest.get("config", {})
+ config["size"] = self._link_blob_to_job(config.get("digest"), job)
+ # link layers blobs into the job folder
+ for l in manifest.get("layers", []):
+ l["size"] = self._link_blob_to_job(l.get("digest"), job)
+ data = json.dumps(manifest).encode("utf-8")
+ digest = "sha256:" + hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
+ manifest_path = self.repo.blob_path(digest)
+ if not manifest_path.is_file():
+ manifest_path.parent.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ manifest_path.write_bytes(data)
+ job_manifest_path = self.repo.blob_path(
+ digest, parent=job.path() / "container/manifests"
+ )
+ if job_manifest_path.is_file():
+ job_manifest_path.unlink()
+ self.repo.link_blob(digest, job_manifest_path)
+ return digest
A dlrepo/fs/fmt.py => dlrepo/fs/fmt.py +150 -0
@@ 0,0 1,150 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple
+from cachetools import LRUCache, cachedmethod
+from .util import SubDir
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ArtifactFormat(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def url_bit(self) -> str:
+ return self.name
+ def get_files(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._path):
+ dirs.sort()
+ files.sort()
+ for f in files:
+ f = Path(root, f)
+ if self._is_reserved_file(f):
+ continue
+ if f.is_file():
+ yield str(f.relative_to(self._path))
+ def archive_name(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.parent.archive_name()}-{self.name}"
+ _is_reserved_cache = LRUCache(4096)
+ @cachedmethod(lambda self: self._is_reserved_cache)
+ def _is_reserved_file(self, path, *, resolve=False):
+ internal = self._internal_path()
+ digests = self._digest_path()
+ dirty = self._dirty_path()
+ if resolve:
+ internal = internal.resolve()
+ digests = digests.resolve()
+ dirty = dirty.resolve()
+ return path in (internal, digests, dirty)
+ def list_dir(self, relpath: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
+ path = self.get_filepath(relpath)
+ if not path.is_dir():
+ raise NotADirectoryError(relpath)
+ dirs = []
+ files = []
+ for e in path.iterdir():
+ if self._is_reserved_file(e, resolve=True):
+ continue
+ if e.is_dir():
+ dirs.append(e.name)
+ elif e.is_file():
+ files.append(e.name)
+ return dirs, files
+ def _check_filepath(self, relpath: str) -> Path:
+ if relpath.startswith("/") or any(x in (".", "..") for x in relpath.split("/")):
+ raise PermissionError(relpath)
+ path = self._path / relpath
+ if self._is_reserved_file(path):
+ raise PermissionError(relpath)
+ return path
+ def get_filepath(self, relpath: str) -> Path:
+ return self._check_filepath(relpath).resolve(strict=True)
+ def get_digests(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ try:
+ return json.loads(self._digest_path().read_text())
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ return {}
+ def _digest_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".digests"
+ async def add_file(
+ self,
+ relpath: str,
+ read: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]],
+ digest: str,
+ ):
+ self._check_filepath(relpath)
+ uuid = self.root().next_upload()
+ await self.root().update_upload(uuid, read)
+ self.root().finalize_upload(uuid, digest)
+ # avoid counting disk usage twice (already counted in update_upload()
+ self.link_file(digest, relpath, ignore_quota=True)
+ def link_file(self, digest: str, relpath: str, ignore_quota: bool = False):
+ was_dirty = self.is_dirty()
+ self.set_dirty(True)
+ try:
+ path = self._check_filepath(relpath)
+ if ignore_quota:
+ self.root().link_blob_ignore_quota(digest, path)
+ else:
+ self.root().link_blob(digest, path)
+ except:
+ if not was_dirty:
+ self.set_dirty(False)
+ raise
+ # update digests file
+ digests = self.get_digests()
+ digests[relpath] = digest
+ self._digest_path().write_text(json.dumps(digests))
+ def _internal_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".internal"
+ def is_internal(self) -> bool:
+ return self._internal_path().is_file()
+ def set_internal(self, internal: bool):
+ path = self._internal_path()
+ if internal:
+ path.touch()
+ elif path.is_file():
+ path.unlink()
+ def _dirty_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".dirty"
+ def is_dirty(self) -> bool:
+ return self._dirty_path().is_file()
+ def set_dirty(self, dirty: bool):
+ path = self._dirty_path()
+ if dirty:
+ path.parent.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ path.touch()
+ elif path.is_file():
+ path.unlink()
+ try:
+ os.removedirs(path.parent)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
A dlrepo/fs/job.py => dlrepo/fs/job.py +162 -0
@@ 0,0 1,162 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import errno
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from typing import Dict, Iterator
+from .fmt import ArtifactFormat
+from .product import Version
+from .util import SubDir
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Job(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def get_formats(self) -> Iterator[ArtifactFormat]:
+ yield from ArtifactFormat.all(self)
+ def get_format(self, name: str) -> ArtifactFormat:
+ return ArtifactFormat(self, name)
+ def archive_name(self) -> str:
+ data = self.get_metadata()
+ if {"product", "product_variant", "version"} <= set(data):
+ return f"{data['product']}-{data['product_variant']}-v{data['version']}"
+ return f"{self.name}-{self.parent.name}"
+ def _metadata_path(self):
+ return self._path / ".metadata"
+ def _product_link_path(self):
+ return self._path / ".product"
+ @staticmethod
+ def update_symlink(dst, link):
+ if link.exists():
+ if link.is_symlink():
+ link.unlink()
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, f"{link} exists and is not a symlink")
+ link.symlink_to(os.path.relpath(dst, link.parent))
+ def _link_to_product(self, version: Version):
+ """
+ Link the job to its product, according to the job metadata.
+ Create the product fs if needed.
+ The links are created in both ways:
+ - From the job to its product version:
+ $ROOT/branches/<branch>/<tag>/<job>/.product ->
+ $ROOT/products/<product>/<variant>/<branch>/<version>
+ - From the product version to the job(s), for each format:
+ $ROOT/products/<product>/<variant>/<branch>/<version>/<format> ->
+ $ROOT/branches/<branch>/<tag>/<job>/<format>
+ The formats in a product version are not necessarily linked to the same job.
+ """
+ version.create()
+ self.update_symlink(version.path(), self._product_link_path())
+ for fmt in self.get_formats():
+ self.update_symlink(fmt.path(), version.path() / fmt.name)
+ container = self.path() / "container"
+ if container.is_dir():
+ self.update_symlink(container, version.path() / "container")
+ def _cleanup_product_tree(self):
+ link = self._product_link_path()
+ if not link.is_symlink():
+ return
+ if not link.is_dir():
+ link.unlink()
+ return
+ product = link.resolve()
+ for d in product.iterdir():
+ if not d.is_symlink():
+ continue
+ if not d.is_dir():
+ continue
+ try:
+ if d.resolve().samefile(self.path() / d.name):
+ d.unlink()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ # same product, different jobs (e.g. doc + binaries)
+ pass
+ try:
+ if os.listdir(product) == [".stamp"]:
+ (product / ".stamp").unlink()
+ # cleanup empty dirs
+ os.removedirs(product)
+ except OSError:
+ # directory not empty, abort
+ pass
+ link.unlink()
+ def get_metadata(self) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(self._metadata_path().read_text())
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ data = {}
+ data["locked"] = self.is_locked()
+ data["name"] = self.name
+ return data
+ def _lock_path(self):
+ return self.path() / ".locked"
+ def is_locked(self) -> bool:
+ return self._lock_path().is_file()
+ def set_locked(self, locked: bool):
+ if not self.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ path = self._lock_path()
+ if locked:
+ path.touch()
+ elif path.is_file():
+ path.unlink()
+ def add_metadata(self, new_data: Dict):
+ if self.is_locked():
+ raise FileExistsError("Job is locked")
+ self._cleanup_product_tree()
+ metadata_path = self._metadata_path()
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(metadata_path.read_text())
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ data = {}
+ for k, v in new_data.items():
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ v = v.lower()
+ if v == "":
+ data.pop(k, None)
+ else:
+ data[k] = v
+ self.create()
+ metadata_path.write_text(json.dumps(data))
+ if {"product", "version", "product_branch", "product_variant"} <= set(data):
+ self._link_to_product(
+ self.root()
+ .get_product(str(data["product"]))
+ .get_variant(str(data["product_variant"]))
+ .get_branch(str(data["product_branch"]))
+ .get_version(str(data["version"]))
+ )
+ def delete(self, *, cleanup_orphans: bool = True):
+ if not self.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ self._cleanup_product_tree()
+ self.root().rmtree(self._path)
+ if cleanup_orphans:
+ self.root().cleanup_orphan_blobs()
A dlrepo/fs/product.py => dlrepo/fs/product.py +125 -0
@@ 0,0 1,125 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Callable, Iterator
+from .fmt import ArtifactFormat
+from .util import SubDir
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Product(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ ROOT_DIR = "products"
+ @classmethod
+ def parent_path(cls, parent: "ArtifactRepository") -> Path:
+ return parent.path() / cls.ROOT_DIR
+ def url_bit(self) -> str:
+ return f"products/{self.name}"
+ def get_variants(self) -> Iterator["Variant"]:
+ yield from Variant.all(self)
+ def get_variant(self, name: str) -> "Variant":
+ return Variant(self, name)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Variant(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def get_branches(self) -> Iterator["ProductBranch"]:
+ yield from ProductBranch.all(self)
+ def get_branch(self, name: str) -> "ProductBranch":
+ return ProductBranch(self, name)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ProductBranch(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def get_versions(
+ self, access_cb: Callable[[str], bool] = None
+ ) -> Iterator["Version"]:
+ for v in Version.all(self):
+ if access_cb is not None and not access_cb(v.url()):
+ continue
+ yield v
+ def get_version(
+ self, name: str, access_cb: Callable[[str], bool] = None
+ ) -> "Version":
+ if name in ("latest", "stable"):
+ versions = list(self.get_versions(access_cb))
+ versions.sort(key=Version.creation_date, reverse=True)
+ for v in versions:
+ if name == "latest":
+ return v
+ if v.is_released():
+ return v
+ raise FileNotFoundError(name)
+ return Version(self, name)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Version(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def create(self):
+ super().create()
+ stamp = self.path() / ".stamp"
+ if not stamp.exists():
+ stamp.touch()
+ def archive_name(self) -> str:
+ variant = self.parent.parent
+ product = variant.parent
+ return f"{product.name}-{variant.name}-v{self.name}"
+ @classmethod
+ def creation_date(cls, v):
+ stamp = v.path() / ".stamp"
+ if stamp.is_file():
+ return stamp.stat().st_ctime
+ return 0
+ def timestamp(self) -> int:
+ return Version.creation_date(self)
+ def is_released(self) -> bool:
+ for fmt in self.get_formats():
+ released_path = fmt.path().resolve().parent.parent / ".released"
+ if released_path.is_file():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_locked(self) -> bool:
+ for fmt in self.get_formats():
+ released_path = fmt.path().resolve().parent.parent / ".locked"
+ if released_path.is_file():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_formats(self) -> Iterator[ArtifactFormat]:
+ yield from ArtifactFormat.all(self)
+ def get_format(self, name: str) -> ArtifactFormat:
+ return ArtifactFormat(self, name)
A dlrepo/fs/tag.py => dlrepo/fs/tag.py +190 -0
@@ 0,0 1,190 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import asyncio
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import socket
+from typing import Iterator, Optional
+import aiohttp
+from .fmt import ArtifactFormat
+from .job import Job
+from .util import SubDir
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Tag(SubDir):
+ """
+ """
+ def create(self):
+ super().create()
+ stamp = self._path / ".stamp"
+ if not stamp.exists():
+ stamp.touch()
+ @classmethod
+ def creation_date(cls, t):
+ stamp = t.path() / ".stamp"
+ if stamp.is_file():
+ return stamp.stat().st_ctime
+ return 0
+ def timestamp(self) -> int:
+ return Tag.creation_date(self)
+ def get_jobs(self) -> Iterator[Job]:
+ yield from Job.all(self)
+ def get_job(self, name: str) -> Job:
+ return Job(self, name)
+ def _publish_status_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".publish-status"
+ def publish_status(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ try:
+ return self._publish_status_path().read_text().strip()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return None
+ def _released_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".released"
+ def is_released(self) -> bool:
+ return self._released_path().is_file()
+ def set_released(self, released: bool):
+ if not self._path.is_dir():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
+ task = loop.create_task(self.do_release(released))
+ task.add_done_callback(self.done_cb)
+ def done_cb(self, task):
+ if task.cancelled():
+ return
+ exc = task.exception()
+ if exc:
+ LOG.error("while changing released flag on tag %s", self.name, exc_info=exc)
+ self._publish_status_path().write_text(f"error: {exc}\n")
+ USER_AGENT = f"dlrepo-server/{socket.gethostname()}"
+ def _publish_session(self) -> aiohttp.ClientSession:
+ with open(self.PUBLISH_AUTH, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ buf = f.read().strip()
+ if ":" not in buf:
+ raise ValueError("invalid DLREPO_PUBLISH_AUTH file")
+ login, password = buf.split(":", 1)
+ auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(login, password, "utf-8")
+ return aiohttp.ClientSession(
+ auth=auth,
+ raise_for_status=True,
+ headers={"User-Agent": self.USER_AGENT},
+ )
+ async def do_release(self, released: bool):
+ if self.PUBLISH_URL and self.PUBLISH_AUTH:
+ self._publish_status_path().write_text("in progress\n")
+ async with self._publish_session() as sess:
+ if released:
+ LOG.info(
+ "publishing tag %s/%s to %s",
+ self.parent.name,
+ self.name,
+ )
+ await self._publish(sess)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(
+ "deleting tag %s/%s from %s",
+ self.parent.name,
+ self.name,
+ )
+ await sess.delete(self.url(), params={"force": "true"})
+ path = self._released_path()
+ if released:
+ path.touch()
+ elif path.is_file():
+ path.unlink()
+ async def _publish(self, sess: aiohttp.ClientSession):
+ for job in self.get_jobs():
+ self._publish_status_path().write_text(f"uploading {job.name}\n")
+ for fmt in job.get_formats():
+ await self._publish_fmt(fmt, sess)
+ metadata = job.get_metadata()
+ del metadata["name"]
+ del metadata["locked"]
+ job_url = job.url()
+ LOG.debug("publishing job metadata %s", job_url)
+ await sess.patch(job_url, json={"job": metadata})
+ await sess.put(self.url(), json={"tag": {"released": True}})
+ self._publish_status_path().write_text(f"published to {self.PUBLISH_URL}\n")
+ async def _publish_fmt(self, fmt: ArtifactFormat, sess: aiohttp.ClientSession):
+ fmt_url = fmt.url()
+ for file, digest in fmt.get_digests().items():
+ file_url = fmt_url + file
+ headers = {"Digest": digest}
+ resp = await sess.head(file_url, headers=headers, raise_for_status=False)
+ if resp.status == 200:
+ LOG.debug("publishing file %s (deduplicated)", file_url)
+ # file digest already present on the server, do not upload
+ # the data again
+ headers["X-Dlrepo-Link"] = digest
+ await sess.put(file_url, data=None, headers=headers)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("publishing file %s", file_url)
+ # file digest not on server, proceed with upload
+ with open(fmt.path() / file, "rb") as f:
+ await sess.put(file_url, data=f, headers=headers)
+ if fmt.is_internal():
+ LOG.debug("publishing internal format %s", fmt_url)
+ await sess.put(fmt_url, json={"artifact_format": {"internal": True}})
+ # clear the dirty flag
+ await sess.patch(fmt_url)
+ def _locked_path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path / ".locked"
+ def is_locked(self) -> bool:
+ return self._locked_path().is_file()
+ def set_locked(self, locked: bool):
+ path = self._locked_path()
+ if locked:
+ path.touch()
+ elif path.is_file():
+ path.unlink()
+ def delete(self, *, force: bool = False, cleanup_orphans: bool = True):
+ if not self.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError()
+ if self.is_locked():
+ raise OSError(f"Tag {self.name} is locked")
+ if not force and self.is_released():
+ raise OSError(f"Tag {self.name} is released, use force")
+ for j in self.get_jobs():
+ j.delete(cleanup_orphans=False)
+ self.root().rmtree(self._path)
+ if cleanup_orphans:
+ self.root().cleanup_orphan_blobs()
A dlrepo/fs/util.py => dlrepo/fs/util.py +104 -0
@@ 0,0 1,104 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Julien Floret
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Robin Jarry
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+import hashlib
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+from typing import Iterator, Tuple, Union
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class SubDir:
+ def __init__(self, parent: Union["AbstractRepository", "SubDir"], name: str):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.name = name.lower()
+ self._path = self._resolve_path()
+ def root(self) -> "AbstractRepository":
+ r = self
+ while r.parent is not None:
+ r = r.parent
+ return r
+ def url_bit(self) -> str:
+ return self.name
+ def url(self) -> str:
+ bits = [self.url_bit()]
+ r = self
+ while r.parent is not None:
+ r = r.parent
+ if r.url_bit() is not None:
+ bits.insert(0, r.url_bit())
+ return f"/{'/'.join(bits)}/"
+ @classmethod
+ def all(cls, parent) -> Iterator["SubDir"]:
+ try:
+ dirs = list(cls.parent_path(parent).iterdir())
+ dirs.sort(key=lambda d: d.name)
+ for d in dirs:
+ if d.name.startswith(".") or not d.is_dir():
+ continue
+ yield cls(parent, d.name)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def parent_path(cls, parent: "SubDir") -> Path:
+ return parent.path()
+ def _resolve_path(self) -> Path:
+ path = self.parent_path(self.parent) / self.name
+ if self.name.startswith(".") or "/" in self.name:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(path)
+ return path
+ def exists(self) -> bool:
+ return self.path().is_dir()
+ def create(self):
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.parent.create()
+ self.path().mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ def path(self) -> Path:
+ return self._path
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HASH_ALGOS = "|".join(hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed)
+ALGO_RE = re.compile(
+ rf"""
+ ^
+ (?P<algo>{HASH_ALGOS})
+ :
+ (?P<digest>[A-Fa-f0-9]+)
+ $
+ """,
+def parse_digest(digest: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ match = ALGO_RE.match(digest)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid digest: {digest}")
+ return match.groups()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def human_readable(value):
+ if value == 0:
+ return "0"
+ units = ("K", "M", "G", "T")
+ i = 0
+ unit = ""
+ while value >= 1000 and i < len(units):
+ unit = units[i]
+ value /= 1000
+ i += 1
+ if value < 100:
+ return f"{value:.1f}{unit}"
+ return f"{value:.0f}{unit}"