1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ 22,6 22,31 @@ Makefile targets:
* stop: Stop the development environment.
* restart: Restart the development environment.
+ How to collaborate
+This project is hosted at https://git.sr.ht/~ritho/rweb. If you want to send new
+patches please send them to the email list ~ritho/rweb-patches@lists.sr.ht with
+`git send-email`. You might want to add the list to your git configurations:
+$ git config sendemail.to ~ritho/rweb-patches@lists.sr.ht
+Other usual configurations for `git send-email` are:
+* `git config user.email "you@example.org"`: Set the email to use for the project.
+ Use the `--global` flag to set the default email for all your git projects.
+* `git config user.name "Your Name"`: Set the name to use for the project. Use the
+ `--global` flag to set the default email for all your git projects.
+* `git config --global sendemail.smtpserver /usr/bin/msmtp`: Use msmtp to send your
+ emails when using `git send-email`.
+* `git config --global sendemail.annotate yes`: Using --annotate every time we
+ send a patch.
+* `git config format.signOff yes`: Sign off your commits.
+For a basic flow on how to use `git send-email`, please visit https://git-send-email.io/.