
Ritho website code
Add the url to the header.
Add new debian version.
Improve the html templates.



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


rweb is the code for my personal website located at https://ritho.net.


Makefile targets:

* build: Build the binary.
* test: Run the unit tests.
* test-update: Run the unit tests and apply the testdata files.
* lint: Run the golangci-lint.
* update-lint: Updates the linter version.
* build-dirs: Create the directories to build the binary.
* clean: Clean all the temporal files and directories.
* install: Install the binary and the configuration files.
* deb-dependencies: Install all the debian dependency packages.
* deb: Build the debian package.
* start: Start the development environment.
* stop: Stop the development environment.
* restart: Restart the development environment.

 How to collaborate

This project is hosted at https://git.sr.ht/~ritho/rweb. If you want to send new
patches please send them to the email list ~ritho/rweb-patches@lists.sr.ht with
`git send-email`. You might want to add the list to your git configurations:

$ git config sendemail.to ~ritho/rweb-patches@lists.sr.ht

Other usual configurations for `git send-email` are:

* `git config user.email "you@example.org"`: Set the email to use for the project.
  Use the `--global` flag to set the default email for all your git projects.
* `git config user.name "Your Name"`: Set the name to use for the project. Use the
  `--global` flag to set the default email for all your git projects.
* `git config --global sendemail.smtpserver /usr/bin/msmtp`: Use msmtp to send your
  emails when using `git send-email`.
* `git config --global sendemail.annotate yes`: Using --annotate every time we
  send a patch.
* `git config format.signOff yes`: Sign off your commits.

For a basic flow on how to use `git send-email`, please visit https://git-send-email.io/.


rweb is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with rweb.
If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Do not follow this link