tyarn -- Tiny Yarn
tyarn is a scenario testing tool with minimal dependencies.
It has been tested on Debian and OpenBSD.
To build tyarn you need lua5.1, lua5.1 headers, and pkg-config.
On Debian,
% apt install lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev pkg-config
On Fedora,
% dnf install compat-lua compat-lua-devel pkgconf-pkg-config
On OpenBSD,
% pkg_add lua-5.1.5p7
Then run,
% make
% make install
Please feel welcome to submit patches and bug reports via email
to my public-inbox ~richardipsum/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht
alternatively patches may be submitted in private using the address
found in the git log.
See https://git-send-email.io/ for details on contributing
via email with git.
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