Capitalize "alex" in "Alex Corbiere"
Update November 14 standings as per request from Andrew
Add 2023-11-30 pkmn league challenge standings
Add pkmn-3 2023 week 48 standings There's only one event this week becuase the Thursday is a league challenge.
Rename "Robert Hopper" to "Rob Hopper" They seem to always come in as "Rob Hopper" so this lowers my mental overhead during data entry.
Add 2021-11-25 pkmn league cup standings
Add pkmn-3 week 47 standings
Add pkmn-3 week 46 standings
Add total number of Yu-Gi-Oh! events to template
Add 2023-11-28 MTG standings
Combine "Thien Hieu Nguyen" and "Hieu Nguyen" Tese seem close enough to be the same person, maybe just a typo.
Combine "Brendan Gratsh" and "Brandon ON Gratch" These names seem similar enough that they're likely a typo for the same person.
Add Yu-Gi-Oh! week 47 standings This includes an additional tuesday that's technically in week 48, but is labeled as week 47 upon request from Andrew as a way to allow one additional event to improve your rank.
Add Yu-Gi-Oh! week 46 standings
Add yugioh week 45 standings
fix last name "singh" to "Singh"
Add 2023-11-21 mtg standings
Add pokemon season 2 invitational results
Add start of pokemon season 3
Add week 44 yugioh standings