update extensions submodule
move git commit highlighting to cpp instead of lua extension
update extensions submodule
move lua and cpp syntax highlighting to cpp modules instead of lua extensions
update extensions submodule
add scroll_up and scroll_down commands
add move_to_home and insert_newline editor extension commands
add line extend and line select extension commands
fix use of nonexistent constants
use meson to build instead of cmake
Update extensions submodule
Update wxWidgets submodule
Make delete command copy to registers
Update the extensions submodule
Fix a couple memory leaks
Improve styling algorithm
This relies on a feature (coincidence?) in the tree-sitter queries that
seems to make more specific captures show up first during processing.
I should probably be verifying that the most specific capture is being
styled somehow, but it's not worth the effort at the moment. There's a
FIXME there to remind me to get back to this.
Listen to wxEVT_CHAR instead of wxEVT_KEY_DOWN to hand off input
This is so we can check for characters that are typically entered using
modifiers such as shift. Otherwise we'd have to check for specific
combinations that can't be translated well, such as Shift+5 instead of
"%", which may not be accurate for all keyboard layouts or locales.
Load functions and constants into Lua extension runtime