
afd4ec766bf2add58359aa31624ad3c5dd855731 — rek2 2 years ago 88309d9
added ignore rss/video item if contains certain words in ini configuration
1 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M main.go
M main.go => main.go +33 -8
@@ 31,7 31,7 @@ type theFeed struct {
func main() {

	// get config parameters
	interval, server, clientId, clientSecret, username, password, feedURL := readConfig()
	interval, ignore, server, clientId, clientSecret, username, password, feedURL := readConfig()

	// daemonize
	cntxt := &daemon.Context{

@@ 69,20 69,44 @@ func main() {

	// run every x times and blocks the program to keep it running
	cron := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC)
	cron.Every(interval).Minutes().Do(mastodonTask, c, feedURL)
	cron.Every(interval).Minutes().Do(mastodonTask, c, feedURL, ignore)

func mastodonTask(c *mastodon.Client, feedURL string) {
func mastodonTask(c *mastodon.Client, feedURL string, ignore []string) {

	// here we do  the heavy orchestration of the app
	// gets feeds
	feeds := parseFeed(feedURL)

	// selects a ramdon item from the feed
	randToot := feeds[rand.Intn(len(feeds))]

	//randToot := feeds[rand.Intn(len(feeds))]
	var randToot theFeed
	var check int

	// check if item contains ignore words

	for len(randToot.Title) <= 0 {
		randToot = feeds[rand.Intn(len(feeds))]

		for check <= len(ignore) {
			for _, word := range ignore {
				if strings.Contains(randToot.Title, word) {
					check = len(ignore)
					randToot = theFeed{}

				} else {

			randToot = theFeed{}
			log.Println("salio del for loop en range")
	// creates the formating of the toot
	theToot := createTheToot(randToot)

@@ 152,7 176,7 @@ func parseCredentials(command string) (string, error) {
	return sec, nil

func readConfig() (int, string, string, string, string, string, string) {
func readConfig() (int, []string, string, string, string, string, string, string) {

	// read config.ini
	// get all parameters

@@ 164,6 188,7 @@ func readConfig() (int, string, string, string, string, string, string) {

	interval := cfg.Section("general").Key("interval").MustInt()
	ignore := cfg.Section("general").Key("ignore").Strings(",")
	server := cfg.Section("mastodon").Key("server").String()
	clientId, err := parseCredentials(cfg.Section("mastodon").Key("client_id").String())
	clientSecret, err := parseCredentials(cfg.Section("mastodon").Key("client_secret").String())

@@ 174,5 199,5 @@ func readConfig() (int, string, string, string, string, string, string) {

	return interval, server, clientId, clientSecret, username, password, feedURL
	return interval, ignore, server, clientId, clientSecret, username, password, feedURL