
3ad580d7cfe957cd050909848848a2d69490ea11 — Michael Rees 5 years ago fc77b1f
Update email to mrees@noeontheend.com
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M templates/html/index.html
M templates/html/index.html => templates/html/index.html +1 -1
@@ 101,7 101,7 @@ The Lord of hosts,\\ he | is the | King of | glory.</pre>
                    <li>Use <code>_</code> to break syllables: <code>war_rior</code>.
                    <li>Use parentheses to group syllables: <code>(glory of) the Lord</code></li>
                    <li>Add a <code>^</code> at the beginning of a verse to indicate that the verse should use the second part of the chant</li>
                    <li>Need help or want to see something else added? Feel free to <a href="mailto:reesmichael1@vivaldi.net">contact me</a>!</li>
                    <li>Need help or want to see something else added? Feel free to <a href="mailto:mrees@noeontheend.com">contact me</a>!</li>