Merge branch 'hotfix/1.0.2'
Update changelog and version
Fix travis script
A sorting hat, sorts you to a variety of sets based on the assignment of mind waves.
This package can be used as a standalone executable or as a library inside other node applications
It can be used as a local or global installation
$ npm install sorting-hat
$ npx sorting-hat
$ npm install -g sorting-hat
$ sorting-hat
The binary uses environment variables to override the defaults
: The path from where we'll listen to the
mindwave, defaults to /dev/tty.MindWaveMobile-SerialPo
: The strategy used to sort the waves,
it defaults to tmnt
. That is also the only supported value as of
: The port on which we'll start the websocket server
to send state updates to the frontendsYou can include it in other libraries by requiring the file. For more
information on the public API and the used data structures, please check
'use strict';
const sortingHat = new SortingHat({
deviceLocation: '/dev/tty.MindWaveMobile-SerialPo',
mappingStrategy: 'tmnt',
port: 1987
At the moment it's not built right, so you can't really do much with this mode. But you can do it.