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This is a grammar for api notation, a simple notation I've been using for annotating module APIs in specs and other documents.
code --install-extension rbdr.api-notation
on OSX or ⌃⇧P
on Windows/Linux to open the palette managerCode -> Preferences -> Extensions
menu itemapi-notation
in the search barOpen a .api
file, or set it as your syntax.
The most recent reference as of now is in this textt file, so check that to be sure. But here's a reproduction of the notation.
+ class property
- instance property
~> listened events (socket)
+> listened events (class/module)
-> listened events (instance)
<~ dispatched events (socket)
<+ dispatched events(class/module)
<- dispatched events (instance)
:: class method
# instance method
Other symbols
=> returns
->() callback return
[xx] optional
<xx> data type
Recommended order: class first, then sockets, then instance. Internally:
Properties, events, methods.
// Anything after two forward slashes is a comment
Like this.