set index title to window location
don't navigate away from editor on save
fix downloading raw files
Forked from
An internet (http and gemini) home for you and your friends sort of like if non-nerds could use it
Everyone has their own little site and can use it for whatever they want to write / whatever files they want to host. Non-nerds can also customize the colors and fonts really easily due to some nicely scoped CSS variables (http only).
I'm writing this for people who already know and trust each other, so I ignore a lot of security precautions that you'd require if you had potentialy malicious users.
e-worm relies on agate for static file (gemini) hosting and nginx for forwarding http traffic to your server + user files
e-worm's ultimate goal is to be able to be easily self-hosted. To that end, there are a series of nix files that (with light modification) should make deploying this a cinch for NixOS users. The problem is that only nerds know how to use NixOS, but I want this to be deployed by non-nerds.
So here's a rough outline of things you'll need to configure nginx to do if you're not on NixOS:
Checkout nix/config.nix
for a starting point. And def hmu (email linked at if you need help!
And nix/http_service.nix
has everything you'd need for a systemd unit service.
Requires sqlite3 libraries
To run the development server:
# create a config file (you're gonna want to change the default values)
$ cp example_config.toml config.toml && vim config.toml
$ cargo build .
# Apply the schema
$ sqlite3 < schema.sql db/sqlite3.db
# Run development server
$ ./target/debug/worm run --config config.toml
hmu if you're confused about anything and if > 0 people want to contribute I'll open a mailing list or something