Minor optimizations
Added makefile
Yo!Joy is a reversible programming language taking its primitives from Henry G. Baker's psi-lisp and Brent Kerby's concatenative combinators. It's not quite a htro-forth, but a stack machine made of cons cells or the reverse image of a linear lisp.
minus ( t -- -t )
.not ( t -- ~t)
.xor ( n t -- n t^n )
swp ( n t -- t n )
inc ( n t -- n t+n )
, inverse is dec
.dec ( n t -- n t-n )
, inverse is inc
.csw ( l n t -- <n l> ?t )
, if t=nil swap n and l.cons ( [n] t -- [n t] )
, inverse is sonc
.snoc ( [n t] -- [n] t )
, inverse is cons
.roll ( n t -- n t<<n )
, leftward bit cycling, inverse is roll(t,-n)
.mul ( l n t -- l n l*n+t )
, 0<=x<z, inverse is div
.div ( l n t -- l n t-l*n )
, 0<=x<z, inverse is mul
.rot ( l n t -- n t l )
, TODO.tor ( l n t -- t l n )
, TODO.flip ( l n t -- t n l )
, TODO.quote ( [t] -- '[t] )
, TODO.eval ( [t] -- t )
, TODO.apply ( n [t] -- t(n) )
, TODO.Reversible but wastes allocation.
i ( [t] -- t )
, inverse is unit
.unit ( t -- [t] )
, inverse is i
cdr ( n t -- n )
, non reversible.You must have an Uxn assembler and emulator.
uxnasm src/yo-joy.tal bin/yo-joy.rom
uxnemu bin/yo-joy.rom
If do not wish to assemble it yourself, you can download yo-joy.rom.