
8a5e39eb61e6e57858519f60455a062481ba2a88 — neauoire 1 year, 1 month ago a2d70b9
3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

A media/ma21x25.icn
A media/monkeywrench10x12.icn
M slides
A media/ma21x25.icn => media/ma21x25.icn +0 -0
A media/monkeywrench10x12.icn => media/monkeywrench10x12.icn +0 -0
M slides => slides +15 -31
@@ 139,41 139,26 @@ PICT media/tools59x2c.icn
	> I want to see and understand the whole process/story.
		> Including waste, biproducts, cooling, heating, all the requirements

NAME Living Structures
GOTO auto
PICT media/chair.tga
	> Ken Isaac wrote the book Living Structures
	> About crafting a home.
	> About building household objects that are modular, sturdy,
		inspectable, well documented, repairable by one person.
	> Designed to exists over time, to evolve as people change
	> Based around having the agency to understand,
		modify and share, a spec
	> It values:
		> Thrift, offcuts, local intel

NAME Chatain's definition of elegance
RGB4 06bf 06bf 06bf
GOTO auto
PICT media/elegant5bx2b.icn
GOTO 02,0e
PICT media/kolog.tga
	( PICT media/elegant5bx2b.icn ) 
	> Complexity is often explained as the lowest number of
		instructions, rules, exceptions needed to achieve a given state.
	> Not especially fan of the golfing definition on the slide, but..

NAME Define Complexity
GOTO 0d,03
PICT media/kolog.tga
GOTO auto
PICT media/ma21x25.icn
	> But "Elegance" is defined in terms of limits
	> Or, Articulating the value of absence

NAME Luddites
RGB4 00bf 00bf 00bf
GOTO 1d,00
GOTO 40,12
PICT media/wrench3ex37.icn
PICT media/monkeywrench10x12.icn
	> sabotage is defined as the widthdrawal of efficiency
	> The Luddites wanted technology to be deployed in ways that made work
		more humane and gave workers more autonomy.

@@ 187,13 172,13 @@ PICT media/wrench3ex37.icn
	> Or at least, they must also be allowed to refuse to participate.

NAME All together now
GOTO 0a,25
GOTO 0a,28
HEAD That which cannot be repaired
HEAD is already broken.
	> Putting it all together.
	> If we're hoping to do something for any sustained period of time.
	> We want to match our computing systems to
	> We'll want to match our computing systems to
		meet the complexity required as closely as possible.
	> It might seen obvious, but not one thrend in
		modern computing exhibits these traits.

@@ 205,7 190,7 @@ HEAD is already broken.
		diversity + interconnectedness.
	> For these computing projects and their artifacts to remain participatory,
		they must be available to members with low-bandwidth, or slow devices.
	> I want to present a positive vision of computation that allows an 
	> I'm interested in that positive vision of computation that allows an 
		ever larger percentage of the population join in doing ever more 
		with ever less.

@@ 452,7 437,7 @@ PICT media/copy.tga

NAME Obsolescence
GOTO 42,24
GOTO 42,22
PICT media/png.tga
	> Illustration from Jenny Mitcham who works with Digital Preservation Coalition
		> embeded in a toot via an api that no longer exists

@@ 743,8 728,8 @@ PICT media/fib.tga
	> [Error on slide] There should be a star next to "num".

NAME Hexadecimal
GOTO 02,0f
GOTO 34,19
PICT media/hex1cx20.icn
	> This definition of fib begins with a literal short
		> There is no decimal mode.

@@ 756,13 741,12 @@ PICT media/hex1cx20.icn
	> You know all there is to the this assembly syntax.

NAME Fib(asm)
GOTO 24,29
GOTO 04,29
PICT media/fibasm2fx0d.icn
	> This function assembles to the following 22 bytes

NAME 6502 side-by-side
RGB4 06af 06af 06af
GOTO 14,05
PICT media/6502uxn.tga
	> In terms of expressiveness, at a glance,