@@ 1,2193 @@
+/* History:
+ Prevent error overload by emitting 2 bytes when branch instructions fail to parse
+ Bugfix for negative numbers being parsed incorrectly after too many passes are made
+ Compatible with big-endian and 64-bit machines
+ -q (quiet mode) command line option added
+ Lots of miscellaneous code cleanup
+ Added extra INCBIN args
+ Added local labels
+ Added DL, DH directives
+ Added ERROR directive
+ Bugfix for ACC opcode type
+ Decided to start keeping a history.
+ Added some special handling of IFDEF in expandline()
+ Changed macro usage: no parentheses around arg list, and args must be comma separated.
+//todo - do NOT open source files in update mode, since we do not want to modify them in any way
+//todo - don't open text files in binary mode
+//todo - thoroughly verify operation on big-endian machine
+//todo - avoid putting special values into pointers, like (char*)1
+//todo - don't depend on platform supporting unaligned objects
+//todo - make everything static
+//todo - redundant parsing code is all over the place, try clean it up / consolidate
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define VERSION "1.6"
+#define addr firstlabel.value//'$' value
+#define NOORIGIN -0x40000000//nice even number so aligning works before origin is defined
+#define INITLISTSIZE 128//initial label list size
+#define BUFFSIZE 8192//file buffer (inputbuff, outputbuff) size
+#define WORDMAX 128 //used with getword()
+#define LINEMAX 2048//plenty of room for nested equates
+#define MAXPASSES 7//# of tries before giving up
+#define IFNESTS 32//max nested IF levels
+#define DEFAULTFILLER 0 //default fill value
+#define LOCALCHAR '@'
+static void* true_ptr = &true_ptr;
+//LABEL: known address
+//VALUE: defined with '='
+//EQUATE: made with EQU
+//MACRO: macro (duh)
+//RESERVED: reserved word
+typedef struct {
+ const char *name; //label name
+ // ptrdiff_t so it can hold function pointer on 64-bit machines
+ ptrdiff_t value; //PC (label), value (equate), param count (macro), funcptr (reserved)
+ char *line; //for macro or equate, also used to mark unknown label
+ //*next:text->*next:text->..
+ //for macros, the first <value> lines hold param names
+ //for opcodes (reserved), this holds opcode definitions, see initlabels
+ int type; //labeltypes enum (see above)
+ int used; //for EQU and MACRO recursion check
+ int pass; //when label was last defined
+ int scope; //where visible (0=global, nonzero=local)
+ void *link; //labels that share the same name (local labels) are chained together
+} label;
+label firstlabel={ //'$' label
+ "$",//*name
+ 0,//value
+ (char*)&true_ptr,//*line
+ VALUE,//type
+ 0,//used
+ 0,//pass
+ 0,//scope
+ 0,//link
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+typedef void (*icfn)(label*,char**);
+label *findlabel(char*);
+void initlabels();
+label *newlabel();
+void getword(char*,char**,int);
+int getvalue(char**);
+int getoperator(char**);
+int eval(char**,int);
+label *getreserved(char**);
+int getlabel(char*,char**);
+void processline(char*,char*,int);
+void listline(char*,char*);
+void endlist();
+void opcode(label*,char**);
+void org(label*,char**);
+void base(label*,char**);
+void pad(label*,char**);
+void equ(label*,char**);
+void equal(label*,char**);
+void nothing(label*,char**);
+void include(label*,char**);
+void incbin(label*,char**);
+void dw(label*,char**);
+void db(label*,char**);
+void dl(label*,char**);
+void dh(label*,char**);
+void hex(label*,char**);
+void dsw(label*,char**);
+void dsb(label*,char**);
+void align(label*,char**);
+void _if(label*,char**);
+void ifdef(label*,char**);
+void ifndef(label*,char**);
+void elseif(label*,char**);
+void _else(label*,char**);
+void endif(label*,char**);
+void macro(label*,char**);
+void endm(label*,char**);
+void endr(label*,char**);
+void rept(label*,char**);
+void _enum(label*,char**);
+void ende(label*,char**);
+void fillval(label*,char**);
+void expandmacro(label*,char**,int,char*);
+void expandrept(int,char*);
+void make_error(label*,char**);
+int opsize[]={0,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,0};
+char ophead[]={0,'#','(','(','(',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+char *optail[]={"A","",")",",X)","),Y",",X",",Y",",X",",Y","","","",""};
+byte brk[]={0x00,IMM,0x00,ZP,0x00,IMP,-1};
+byte ora[]={0x09,IMM,0x01,INDX,0x11,INDY,0x15,ZPX,0x1d,ABSX,0x19,ABSY,0x05,ZP,0x0d,ABS,-1};
+byte asl[]={0x0a,ACC,0x16,ZPX,0x1e,ABSX,0x06,ZP,0x0e,ABS,0x0a,IMP,-1};
+byte php[]={0x08,IMP,-1};
+byte bpl[]={0x10,REL,-1};
+byte clc[]={0x18,IMP,-1};
+byte jsr[]={0x20,ABS,-1};
+byte and[]={0x29,IMM,0x21,INDX,0x31,INDY,0x35,ZPX,0x3d,ABSX,0x39,ABSY,0x25,ZP,0x2d,ABS,-1};
+byte bit[]={0x24,ZP,0x2c,ABS,-1};
+byte rol[]={0x2a,ACC,0x36,ZPX,0x3e,ABSX,0x26,ZP,0x2e,ABS,0x2a,IMP,-1};
+byte plp[]={0x28,IMP,-1};
+byte bmi[]={0x30,REL,-1};
+byte sec[]={0x38,IMP,-1};
+byte rti[]={0x40,IMP,-1};
+byte eor[]={0x49,IMM,0x41,INDX,0x51,INDY,0x55,ZPX,0x5d,ABSX,0x59,ABSY,0x45,ZP,0x4d,ABS,-1};
+byte lsr[]={0x4a,ACC,0x56,ZPX,0x5e,ABSX,0x46,ZP,0x4e,ABS,0x4a,IMP,-1};
+byte pha[]={0x48,IMP,-1};
+byte jmp[]={0x6c,IND,0x4c,ABS,-1};
+byte bvc[]={0x50,REL,-1};
+byte cli[]={0x58,IMP,-1};
+byte rts[]={0x60,IMP,-1};
+byte adc[]={0x69,IMM,0x61,INDX,0x71,INDY,0x75,ZPX,0x7d,ABSX,0x79,ABSY,0x65,ZP,0x6d,ABS,-1};
+byte ror[]={0x6a,ACC,0x76,ZPX,0x7e,ABSX,0x66,ZP,0x6e,ABS,0x6a,IMP,-1};
+byte pla[]={0x68,IMP,-1};
+byte bvs[]={0x70,REL,-1};
+byte sei[]={0x78,IMP,-1};
+byte sta[]={0x81,INDX,0x91,INDY,0x95,ZPX,0x9d,ABSX,0x99,ABSY,0x85,ZP,0x8d,ABS,-1};
+byte sty[]={0x94,ZPX,0x84,ZP,0x8c,ABS,-1};
+byte stx[]={0x96,ZPY,0x86,ZP,0x8e,ABS,-1};
+byte dey[]={0x88,IMP,-1};
+byte txa[]={0x8a,IMP,-1};
+byte bcc[]={0x90,REL,-1};
+byte tya[]={0x98,IMP,-1};
+byte txs[]={0x9a,IMP,-1};
+byte ldy[]={0xa0,IMM,0xb4,ZPX,0xbc,ABSX,0xa4,ZP,0xac,ABS,-1};
+byte lda[]={0xa9,IMM,0xa1,INDX,0xb1,INDY,0xb5,ZPX,0xbd,ABSX,0xb9,ABSY,0xa5,ZP,0xad,ABS,-1};
+byte ldx[]={0xa2,IMM,0xb6,ZPY,0xbe,ABSY,0xa6,ZP,0xae,ABS,-1};
+byte tay[]={0xa8,IMP,-1};
+byte tax[]={0xaa,IMP,-1};
+byte bcs[]={0xb0,REL,-1};
+byte clv[]={0xb8,IMP,-1};
+byte tsx[]={0xba,IMP,-1};
+byte cpy[]={0xc0,IMM,0xc4,ZP,0xcc,ABS,-1};
+byte cmp[]={0xc9,IMM,0xc1,INDX,0xd1,INDY,0xd5,ZPX,0xdd,ABSX,0xd9,ABSY,0xc5,ZP,0xcd,ABS,-1};
+byte dec[]={0xd6,ZPX,0xde,ABSX,0xc6,ZP,0xce,ABS,-1};
+byte iny[]={0xc8,IMP,-1};
+byte dex[]={0xca,IMP,-1};
+byte bne[]={0xd0,REL,-1};
+byte cld[]={0xd8,IMP,-1};
+byte cpx[]={0xe0,IMM,0xe4,ZP,0xec,ABS,-1};
+byte sbc[]={0xe9,IMM,0xe1,INDX,0xf1,INDY,0xf5,ZPX,0xfd,ABSX,0xf9,ABSY,0xe5,ZP,0xed,ABS,-1};
+byte inc[]={0xf6,ZPX,0xfe,ABSX,0xe6,ZP,0xee,ABS,-1};
+byte inx[]={0xe8,IMP,-1};
+byte nop[]={0xea,IMP,-1};
+byte beq[]={0xf0,REL,-1};
+byte sed[]={0xf8,IMP,-1};
+void *rsvdlist[]={ //all reserved words
+ "BRK",brk,
+ "PHP",php,
+ "BPL",bpl,
+ "CLC",clc,
+ "JSR",jsr,
+ "PLP",plp,
+ "BMI",bmi,
+ "SEC",sec,
+ "RTI",rti,
+ "PHA",pha,
+ "BVC",bvc,
+ "CLI",cli,
+ "RTS",rts,
+ "PLA",pla,
+ "BVS",bvs,
+ "SEI",sei,
+ "DEY",dey,
+ "BCC",bcc,
+ "TYA",tya,
+ "LDY",ldy,
+ "TAY",tay,
+ "BCS",bcs,
+ "CLV",clv,
+ "CPY",cpy,
+ "INY",iny,
+ "BNE",bne,
+ "CLD",cld,
+ "CPX",cpx,
+ "INX",inx,
+ "BEQ",beq,
+ "SED",sed,
+ "ORA",ora,
+ "AND",and,
+ "EOR",eor,
+ "ADC",adc,
+ "STA",sta,
+ "LDA",lda,
+ "CMP",cmp,
+ "SBC",sbc,
+ "ASL",asl,
+ "ROL",rol,
+ "LSR",lsr,
+ "ROR",ror,
+ "TXA",txa,
+ "TXS",txs,
+ "LDX",ldx,
+ "TAX",tax,
+ "TSX",tsx,
+ "DEX",dex,
+ "NOP",nop,
+ "BIT",bit,
+ "JMP",jmp,
+ "STY",sty,
+ "STX",stx,
+ "DEC",dec,
+ "INC",inc,
+ 0, 0
+struct {
+ char* name;
+ void (*func)( label*, char** );
+} directives[]={
+ "",nothing,
+ "IF",_if,
+ "ELSEIF",elseif,
+ "ELSE",_else,
+ "ENDIF",endif,
+ "IFDEF",ifdef,
+ "IFNDEF",ifndef,
+ "=",equal,
+ "EQU",equ,
+ "ORG",org,
+ "BASE",base,
+ "PAD",pad,
+ "INCLUDE",include,"INCSRC",include,
+ "INCBIN",incbin,"BIN",incbin,
+ "HEX",hex,
+ "WORD",dw,"DW",dw,"DCW",dw,"DC.W",dw,
+ "BYTE",db,"DB",db,"DCB",db,"DC.B",db,
+ "DSW",dsw,"DS.W",dsw,
+ "DSB",dsb,"DS.B",dsb,
+ "ALIGN",align,
+ "MACRO",macro,
+ "REPT",rept,
+ "ENDM",endm,
+ "ENDR",endr,
+ "ENUM",_enum,
+ "ENDE",ende,
+ "FILLVALUE",fillval,
+ "DL",dl,
+ "DH",dh,
+ "ERROR",make_error,
+ 0, 0
+char OutOfRange[]="Value out of range.";
+char SeekOutOfRange[]="Seek position out of range.";
+char BadIncbinSize[]="INCBIN size is out of range.";
+char NotANumber[]="Not a number.";
+char UnknownLabel[]="Unknown label.";
+char Illegal[]="Illegal instruction.";
+char IncompleteExp[]="Incomplete expression.";
+char LabelDefined[]="Label already defined.";
+char MissingOperand[]="Missing operand.";
+char DivZero[]="Divide by zero.";
+char BadAddr[]="Can't determine address.";
+char NeedName[]="Need a name.";
+char CantOpen[]="Can't open file.";
+char ExtraENDM[]="ENDM without MACRO.";
+char ExtraENDR[]="ENDR without REPT.";
+char ExtraENDE[]="ENDE without ENUM.";
+char RecurseMACRO[]="Recursive MACRO not allowed.";
+char RecurseEQU[]="Recursive EQU not allowed.";
+char NoENDIF[]="Missing ENDIF.";
+char NoENDM[]="Missing ENDM.";
+char NoENDR[]="Missing ENDR.";
+char NoENDE[]="Missing ENDE.";
+char IfNestLimit[]="Too many nested IFs.";
+char undefinedPC[]="PC is undefined (use ORG first)";
+char whitesp[]=" \t\r\n:"; //treat ":" like whitespace (for labels)
+char whitesp2[]=" \t\r\n\""; //(used for filename processing)
+char tmpstr[LINEMAX]; //all purpose big string
+int pass=0;
+int scope;//current scope, 0=global
+int nextscope;//next nonglobal scope (increment on each new block of localized code)
+int lastchance=0;//set on final attempt
+int needanotherpass;//still need to take care of some things..
+int error=0;//hard error (stop assembly after this pass)
+char **makemacro=0;//(during macro creation) where next macro line will go. 1 to skip past macro
+char **makerept;//like makemacro.. points to end of string chain
+int reptcount=0;//counts rept statements during rept string storage
+int iflevel=0;//index into ifdone[],skipline[]
+int ifdone[IFNESTS];//nonzero if current IF level has been true
+int skipline[IFNESTS];//1 on an IF statement that is false
+const char *errmsg;
+char *inputfilename=0;
+char *outputfilename=0;
+char *listfilename=0;
+int verboselisting=0;//expand REPT loops in listing
+const char *listerr=0;//error message for list file
+label *labelhere;//points to the label being defined on the current line (for EQU, =, etc)
+FILE *listfile=0;
+FILE *outputfile=0;
+byte outputbuff[BUFFSIZE];
+byte inputbuff[BUFFSIZE];
+int outcount;//bytes waiting in outputbuff
+label **labellist; //array of label pointers (list starts from center and grows outward)
+int labels;//# of labels in labellist
+int maxlabels;//max # of labels labellist can hold
+int labelstart;//index of first label
+int labelend;//index of last label
+label *lastlabel;//last label created
+int nooutput=0;//supress output (use with ENUM)
+int defaultfiller;//default fill value
+int insidemacro=0;//macro/rept is being expanded
+int verbose=1;
+static void* ptr_from_bool( int b )
+ if ( b )
+ return true_ptr;
+ return NULL;
+// Prints printf-style message to stderr, then exits.
+// Closes and deletes output file.
+static void fatal_error( const char fmt [], ... )
+ va_list args;
+ if ( outputfile != NULL ) {
+ fclose( outputfile );
+ remove( outputfilename );
+ }
+ va_start( args, fmt );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\nError: " );
+ vfprintf( stderr, fmt, args );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n\n" );
+ va_end( args );
+ exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
+// Prints printf-style message if verbose mode is enabled.
+static void message( const char fmt [], ... )
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, fmt );
+ vprintf( fmt, args );
+ va_end( args );
+ }
+// Same as malloc(), but prints error and exits if allocation fails
+static char* my_malloc( size_t s )
+ char* p = malloc( s ? s : 1 );
+ if ( p == NULL )
+ fatal_error( "out of memory" );
+ return p;
+// Same as common strdup(), but prints error and exits if allocation fails
+static char* my_strdup(const char *in)
+ size_t size = strlen( in ) + 1;
+ char* out = my_malloc( size );
+ memcpy( out, in, size );
+ return out;
+//parsing functions
+// Not all systems support this, so we implement our own always.
+// More problematic to try to use the system's version rather than
+// ours in all cases.
+char *my_strupr(char *string)
+ char *s;
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ return (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ for (s = string; *s; ++s) {
+ *s = toupper((unsigned char) *s);
+ }
+ return string;
+int hexify(int i) {
+ if(i>='0' && i<='9') {
+ return i-'0';
+ } else if(i>='a' && i<='f') {
+ return i-('a'-10);
+ } else if(i>='A' && i<='F') {
+ return i-('A'-10);
+ } else {
+ errmsg=NotANumber;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#define eatwhitespace(str) (*str+=strspn(*str,whitesp))
+//find end of str, excluding any chars in whitespace
+char *strend(char *str, char *whitespace) {
+ char c;
+ char *w=whitespace;
+ char *end=str+strlen(str);
+ while(*w && end!=str) {
+ for(w=whitespace, c=end[-1]; *w; w++) {
+ if(*w==c) {
+ end--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return end;
+//decode str into a number
+//set errmsg on error
+char gvline[WORDMAX];
+int dependant;//set to nonzero if symbol couldn't be resolved
+int getvalue(char **str) {
+ char *s,*end;
+ int ret,chars,j;
+ label *p;
+ getword(gvline,str,1);
+ s=gvline;
+ if(!*s) {
+ errmsg=MissingOperand;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ret=chars=0;
+ if(*s=='$') { //hex---------------------
+ s++;
+ if(!*s) {
+ ret=addr;//$ by itself is the PC
+ } else do {
+hexi: j=hexify(*s);
+ s++;
+ chars++;
+ ret=(ret<<4)|j;
+ } while(*s);
+ if(chars>8)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ } else if(*s=='%') { //binary----------------------
+ s++;
+ do {
+bin: j=*s;
+ s++;
+ chars++;
+ j-='0';
+ if(j>1) {
+ errmsg=NotANumber;
+ }
+ ret=(ret<<1)|j;
+ } while(*s);
+ if(chars>32)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ } else if(*s=='\'') { //char-----------------
+ s++;
+ if(*s=='\\') s++;
+ ret=*s;
+ s++;
+ if(*s!='\'')
+ errmsg=NotANumber;
+ } else if(*s=='"') { //char 2-----------------
+ s++;
+ if(*s=='\\') s++;
+ ret=*s;
+ s++;
+ if(*s!='"')
+ errmsg=NotANumber;
+ } else if(*s>='0' && *s<='9') {//number--------------
+ end=s+strlen(s)-1;
+ if(strspn(s,"0123456789")==strlen(s))
+ ret=atoi(s);
+ else if(*end=='b' || *end=='B') {
+ *end=0;
+ goto bin;
+ } else if(*end=='h' || *end=='H') {
+ *end=0;
+ goto hexi;
+ } else
+ errmsg=NotANumber;
+ } else { //label---------------
+ p=findlabel(gvline);
+ if(!p) {//label doesn't exist (yet?)
+ needanotherpass=dependant=1;
+ if(lastchance) {//only show error once we're certain label will never exist
+ errmsg=UnknownLabel;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dependant|=!(*p).line;
+ needanotherpass|=!(*p).line;
+ if((*p).type==LABEL || (*p).type==VALUE) {
+ ret=(*p).value;
+ } else if((*p).type==MACRO) {
+ errmsg="Can't use macro in expression.";
+ } else {//what else is there?
+ errmsg=UnknownLabel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+char mathy[]="!^&|+-*/%()<>=,";
+//get operator from str and advance str
+int getoperator(char **str) {
+ *str+=strspn(*str,whitesp); //eatwhitespace
+ (*str)++;
+ switch(*(*str-1)) {
+ case '&':
+ if(**str=='&') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return ANDAND;
+ } else
+ return AND;
+ case '|':
+ if(**str=='|') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return OROR;
+ } else
+ return OR;
+ case '^':
+ return XOR;
+ case '+':
+ return PLUS;
+ case '-':
+ return MINUS;
+ case '*':
+ return MUL;
+ case '%':
+ return MOD;
+ case '/':
+ return DIV;
+ case '=':
+ if(**str=='=')
+ (*str)++;
+ return EQUAL;
+ case '>':
+ if(**str=='=') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return GREATEREQ;
+ } else if(**str=='>') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return RIGHTSHIFT;
+ } else
+ return GREATER;
+ case '<':
+ if(**str=='=') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return LESSEQ;
+ } else if(**str=='>') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return NOTEQUAL;
+ } else if(**str=='<') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return LEFTSHIFT;
+ } else
+ return LESS;
+ case '!':
+ if(**str=='=') {
+ (*str)++;
+ return NOTEQUAL;
+ }
+ //(to default)
+ default:
+ (*str)--;
+ return NOOP;
+ }
+//evaluate expression in str and advance str
+int eval(char **str,int precedence) {
+ char unary;
+ char *s,*s2;
+ int ret,val2;
+ int op;
+ s=*str+strspn(*str,whitesp); //eatwhitespace
+ unary=*s;
+ switch(unary) {
+ case '(':
+ s++;
+ ret=eval(&s,WHOLEEXP);
+ s+=strspn(s,whitesp); //eatwhitespace
+ if(*s==')')
+ s++;
+ else
+ errmsg=IncompleteExp;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ s++;
+ ret=eval(&s,WHOLEEXP);
+ break;
+ case '~':
+ s++;
+ ret=~eval(&s,UNARY);
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ s++;
+ ret=!eval(&s,UNARY);
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ s++;
+ ret=eval(&s,UNARY)&0xff;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ s++;
+ ret=(eval(&s,UNARY)>>8)&0xff;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ //careful.. might be +-label
+ s2=s;
+ s++;
+ op=dependant;//eval() is reentrant so don't mess up dependant
+ val2=needanotherpass;
+ dependant=0;
+ ret=getvalue(&s2);
+ if (errmsg == UnknownLabel)
+ errmsg=0;
+ if(!dependant || s2==s) {//found something or single + -
+ s=s2;
+ s2=0;//flag that we got something
+ dependant|=op;
+ } else {//not a label after all..
+ dependant=op;
+ needanotherpass=val2;
+ }
+ if(s2) {//if it wasn't a +-label
+ ret=eval(&s,UNARY);
+ if(unary=='-') ret=-ret;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret=getvalue(&s);
+ }
+ do {
+ *str=s;
+ op=getoperator(&s);
+ if(precedence<prec[op]) {
+ val2=eval(&s,prec[op]);
+ if(!dependant) switch(op) {
+ case AND:
+ ret&=val2;
+ break;
+ case ANDAND:
+ ret=ret&&val2;
+ break;
+ case OR:
+ ret|=val2;
+ break;
+ case OROR:
+ ret=ret||val2;
+ break;
+ case XOR:
+ ret^=val2;
+ break;
+ case PLUS:
+ ret+=val2;
+ break;
+ case MINUS:
+ ret-=val2;
+ break;
+ case MUL:
+ ret*=val2;
+ break;
+ case DIV:
+ if(!val2) errmsg=DivZero;
+ else ret/=val2;
+ break;
+ case MOD:
+ if(!val2) errmsg=DivZero;
+ else ret%=val2;
+ break;
+ case EQUAL:
+ ret=(ret==val2);
+ break;
+ case NOTEQUAL:
+ ret=(ret!=val2);
+ break;
+ case GREATER:
+ ret=ret>val2;
+ break;
+ ret=ret>=val2;
+ break;
+ case LESS:
+ ret=ret<val2;
+ break;
+ case LESSEQ:
+ ret=ret<=val2;
+ break;
+ ret<<=val2;
+ break;
+ ret>>=val2;
+ break;
+ } else ret=0;
+ }
+ } while(precedence<prec[op] && !errmsg);
+ return ret;
+//copy next word from src into dst and advance src
+//mcheck=1 to crop mathy stuff (0 for filenames,etc)
+void getword(char *dst,char **src,int mcheck) {
+ *src+=strspn(*src,whitesp);//eatwhitespace
+ strncpy(dst,*src,WORDMAX-1);
+ dst[WORDMAX-1]=0;
+ strtok(dst,whitesp);//no trailing whitespace
+ if(mcheck) strtok(dst,mathy);
+ *src+=strlen(dst);
+ if(**src==':') (*src)++;//cheesy fix for rept/macro listing
+//grab string with optional quotes
+void getfilename(char *dst, char **next) {
+ char *s,*end;
+ int len;
+ eatwhitespace(next);
+ if(**next=='"') { //look for end quote, grab everything inside
+ s=*next+1;
+ end=strchr(s,'"');
+ if(end) {
+ len=(int)(end-s);
+ memcpy(dst,s,len); dst[len]=0;
+ *next=end+1;
+ } else { //no end quote.. grab everything minus trailing whitespace
+ end=strend(s,whitesp);
+ len=(int)(end-s);
+ memcpy(dst,s,len); dst[len]=0;
+ *next=end;
+ }
+ } else {
+ getword(dst,next,0);
+ }
+//get word in src, advance src, and return reserved label*
+label *getreserved(char **src) {
+ char dst[WORDMAX];
+ char upp[WORDMAX];
+ label *p;
+ *src+=strspn(*src,whitesp);//eatwhitespace
+ if(**src=='=') {//special '=' reserved word
+ upp[0]='=';
+ upp[1]=0;
+ (*src)++;
+ } else {
+ if(**src=='.')//reserved words can start with "."
+ (*src)++;
+ getword(dst,src,1);
+ strcpy(upp,dst);
+ my_strupr(upp);
+ }
+ p=findlabel(upp);//case insensitive reserved word
+ if(!p) p=findlabel(dst);//or case sensitive macro
+ if(p) {
+ if((*p).type==MACRO) {
+ if((*p).pass!=pass)
+ p=0;
+ } else if((*p).type!=RESERVED)
+ p=0;
+ }
+ if(!p) errmsg=Illegal;
+ return p;
+//copy word to dst, advance src
+//return true if it looks like a label
+int getlabel(char *dst,char **src) {
+ char *s;
+ char c;
+ getword(dst,src,1);
+ if(*dst=='$'&&!dst[1])//'$' label
+ return 1;
+ s=dst;//+label, -label
+ c=*s;
+ if(c=='+' || c=='-') {
+ do s++; while(*s==c);
+ if(!*s)//just ++.. or --.., no text
+ return 1;
+ }
+ c=*s;
+ if(c==LOCALCHAR || c=='_' || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z')) {//label can start with these
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ errmsg=Illegal;//fucked up instruction
+ return 0;
+ }
+//Expand all equates from src into dst, and remove comment
+//returns a pointer to the comment in src or null.
+//CRIPES what a mess...
+char *expandline(char *dst,char *src) {
+ char *start;
+ char *comment=0;
+ char c,c2;
+ label *p;
+ int def_skip=0;
+ char upp[WORDMAX];
+ do {
+ c=*src;
+ if(c=='$' || (c>='0' && c<='9')) {//read past numbers (could be mistaken for a symbol, i.e. $BEEF)
+ do {
+ *dst=c;
+ src++;
+ dst++;
+ c=*src;
+ } while((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='A' && c<='H') || (c>='a' && c<='h'));
+ c=1;//don't terminate yet
+ } else if(c=='"' || c=='\'') {//read past quotes
+ *dst=c;
+ dst++; src++;
+ do {
+ *dst=c2=*src;
+ if(c2=='\\') {
+ dst++; src++;
+ *dst=*src;
+ }
+ dst++; src++;
+ } while(c2 && c2!=c);
+ c=c2;
+ } else if(c=='_' || c=='.' || c==LOCALCHAR || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z')) {//symbol
+ start=src;
+ do {//scan to end of symbol
+ src++;
+ c=*src;
+ } while(c=='_' || c=='.' || c==LOCALCHAR || (c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z'));
+ *src=0; //terminate @ end of word (temporarily)
+ /*
+ ghey hack.
+ expandline() is called quite early during parsing, so
+ FOO equ xxxx
+ ifdef FOO
+ becomes
+ FOO equ xxxx
+ ifdef xxxx
+ rendering IFDEF useless, so we will bypass expansion in this special case.
+ I'm avoiding getreserved() because it does searching and other unnecessary crap.
+ */
+ p=0;
+ if(!def_skip) {
+ strcpy(upp,start+(*start=='.'));
+ my_strupr(upp);
+ if(!strcmp(upp,"IFDEF") || !strcmp(upp,"IFNDEF")) {
+ def_skip=1;
+ } else {
+ p=findlabel(start);
+ }
+ }
+ if(p) {
+ if((*p).type!=EQUATE || (*p).pass!=pass)//equates MUST be defined before being used otherwise they will be expanded in their own definition
+ p=0;//i.e. (label equ whatever) gets translated to (whatever equ whatever)
+ else {
+ if((*p).used) {
+ p=0;
+ errmsg=RecurseEQU;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(p) {
+ (*p).used=1;
+ expandline(dst,(*p).line);
+ (*p).used=0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(dst,start);
+ }
+ dst+=strlen(dst);
+ *src=c;
+ } else {
+ if(c==';') {//comment
+ c=0;
+ comment=src;
+ }
+ *dst=c;
+ dst++;
+ src++;
+ }
+ } while(c);
+ return comment;
+int eatchar(char **str,char c) {
+ if(c) {
+ *str+=strspn(*str,whitesp); //eatwhitespace
+ if(**str==c) {
+ (*str)++;
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+//reverse string
+void reverse(char *dst,char *src) {
+ dst+=strlen(src);
+ *dst=0;
+ while(*src)
+ *(--dst)=*(src++);
+// false: if label starts with LOCALCHAR, make it local, otherwise it's global
+// true: force label to be local (used for macros)
+void addlabel(char *word, int local) {
+ char c=*word;
+ label *p=findlabel(word);
+ if(p && local && !(*p).scope && (*p).type!=VALUE) //if it's global and we're local
+ p=0;//pretend we didn't see it (local label overrides global of the same name)
+ //global labels advance scope
+ if(c!=LOCALCHAR && !local) {
+ scope=nextscope++;
+ }
+ if(!p) {//new label
+ labelhere=newlabel();
+ if(!(*labelhere).name)//name already set if it's a duplicate
+ (*labelhere).name=my_strdup(word);
+ (*labelhere).type=LABEL;//assume it's a label.. could mutate into something else later
+ (*labelhere).pass=pass;
+ (*labelhere).value=addr;
+ (*labelhere).line=ptr_from_bool(addr>=0);
+ (*labelhere).used=0;
+ if(c==LOCALCHAR || local) { //local
+ (*labelhere).scope=scope;
+ } else { //global
+ (*labelhere).scope=0;
+ }
+ lastlabel=labelhere;
+ } else {//old label
+ labelhere=p;
+ if((*p).pass==pass && c!='-') {//if this label already encountered
+ if((*p).type==VALUE)
+ return;
+ else
+ errmsg=LabelDefined;
+ } else {//first time seen on this pass or (-) label
+ (*p).pass=pass;
+ if((*p).type==LABEL) {
+ if((*p).value!=addr && c!='-') {
+ needanotherpass=1;//label position is still moving around
+ if(lastchance)
+ errmsg=BadAddr;
+ }
+ (*p).value=addr;
+ (*p).line=ptr_from_bool(addr>=0);
+ if(lastchance && addr<0)
+ errmsg=BadAddr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//initialize label list
+void initlabels(void) {
+ label *p;
+ int i=0;
+ labels=1;
+ labellist=(label**)my_malloc(INITLISTSIZE*sizeof(label*));
+ labelstart=INITLISTSIZE/2;
+ labelend=labelstart;
+ maxlabels=INITLISTSIZE;
+ labellist[labelstart]=&firstlabel;//'$' label
+ //add reserved words to label list
+ do {//opcodes first
+ findlabel(rsvdlist[i]);//must call findlabel before using newlabel
+ p=newlabel();
+ (*p).name=rsvdlist[i];
+ (*p).value=(ptrdiff_t)opcode;
+ (*p).line=rsvdlist[i+1];
+ (*p).type=RESERVED;
+ i+=2;
+ } while(rsvdlist[i]);
+ i = 0;
+ do {//other reserved words now
+ findlabel(directives[i].name);
+ p=newlabel();
+ (*p).name=directives[i].name;
+ (*p).value=(ptrdiff_t)directives[i].func;
+ (*p).type=RESERVED;
+ i++;
+ } while(directives[i].name);
+ lastlabel=p;
+//find label with this name
+//returns label* if found (and scope/etc is correct), returns NULL if nothing found
+//if name wasn't found, findindex points to where name would be inserted (name<labellist[findindex])
+//if name was found but with wrong scope/whatever, findcmp=0.
+//don't call if list is empty!
+int findcmp; //(these are used by newlabel)
+int findindex; //.
+label *findlabel(char *name) {
+ int head,tail;
+ label *p, *global;
+ head=labelstart;
+ tail=labelend;
+ findindex=labelstart+labels/2;
+ do {//assume list isn't empty
+ findcmp=strcmp(name,(*(labellist[findindex])).name);
+ if(findcmp<0) {
+ tail=findindex-1;
+ findindex-=(tail-head)/2+1;
+ } else if(findcmp>0) {
+ head=findindex+1;
+ findindex+=(tail-head)/2+1;
+ }
+ } while(findcmp && (tail-head)>=0);
+ if(findcmp) {
+ if(findcmp<0)
+ findindex++;//position findindex so the label it points to needs to shift right
+ return 0;
+ }
+ p=labellist[findindex];
+ //check scope: label only visible if p.scope=(scope or 0)
+ global=0;
+ if(*name=='+') {//forward labels need special treatment :P
+ do {
+ if((*p).pass!=pass) {
+ if(!(*p).scope)
+ global=p;
+ if((*p).scope==scope)
+ return p;
+ }
+ p=(*p).link;
+ } while(p);
+ } else {
+ do {
+ if(!(*p).scope)
+ global=p;
+ if((*p).scope==scope)
+ return p;
+ p=(*p).link;
+ } while(p);
+ }
+ return global; //return global label only if no locals were found
+//double list capacity
+void growlist(void) {
+ label **tmp;
+ int newhead;
+ maxlabels<<=1;
+ newhead=maxlabels/2-labels/2;
+ tmp=(label**)my_malloc(maxlabels*sizeof(label*));
+ memcpy(tmp+newhead,labellist+labelstart,labels*sizeof(label*));
+ free(labellist);
+ labellist=tmp;
+ findindex=findindex-labelstart+newhead;
+ labelstart=newhead;
+ labelend=newhead+labels-1;
+//make new empty label and add it to list using result from last findlabel
+//ONLY use after calling findlabel
+label *newlabel(void) {
+ label **start,**end;
+ label *p;
+ p=(label*)my_malloc(sizeof(label));
+ (*p).link=0;
+ (*p).scope=0;
+ (*p).name=0;
+ if(!findcmp) {//new label with same name
+ (*p).name=(*labellist[findindex]).name;//share old name
+ //if(!scope) {//global always goes at the end
+ // (*lastfindlink).link=p;//add to the chain..
+ //} else {//insert into the front
+ (*p).link=labellist[findindex];
+ labellist[findindex]=p;
+ //}
+ return p;
+ }
+ if(!labelstart || labelend>=maxlabels-1)//make sure there's room to add
+ growlist();
+ end=&labellist[findindex];
+ if(findindex>(labelstart+labels/2)) { //shift up
+ start=&labellist[labelend];
+ for(;start>=end;start--)
+ *(start+1)=*start;
+ labelend++;
+ } else { //shift down
+ end--;
+ start=&labellist[labelstart];
+ for(;start<=end;start++)
+ *(start-1)=*start;
+ labelstart--;
+ }
+ *end=p;
+ labels++;
+ return p;
+void showerror(char *errsrc,int errline) {
+ error=1;
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s(%i): %s\n",errsrc,errline,errmsg);
+ if(!listerr)//only list the first error for this line
+ listerr=errmsg;
+//process the open file f
+char fileline[LINEMAX];
+void processfile(FILE *f, char* name) {
+ static int nest=0;
+ int nline=0;
+ int eof;
+ nest++;//count nested include()s
+ do {
+ nline++;
+ eof=!fgets(fileline,LINEMAX,f);
+ if(!eof)
+ processline(fileline,name,nline);
+ } while(!eof);
+ nest--;
+ nline--;
+ if(!nest) {//if main source file (not included)
+ errmsg=0;
+ if(iflevel)
+ errmsg=NoENDIF;
+ if(reptcount)
+ errmsg=NoENDR;
+ if(makemacro)
+ errmsg=NoENDM;
+ if(nooutput)
+ errmsg=NoENDE;
+ if(errmsg)
+ showerror(name,nline);
+ }
+//process single line
+//src=source line
+//errsrc=source file name
+//errline=source file line number
+void processline(char *src,char *errsrc,int errline) {
+ char line[LINEMAX];//expanded line
+ char word[WORDMAX];
+ char *s,*s2,*comment;
+ char *endmac;
+ label *p;
+ errmsg=0;
+ comment=expandline(line,src);
+ if(!insidemacro || verboselisting)
+ listline(line,comment);
+ s=line;
+ if(errmsg) { //expandline error?
+ showerror(errsrc,errline);
+ } else do {
+ if(makemacro) { //we're inside a macro definition
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ errmsg=endmac=0;
+ if(!p) {//skip over label if there is one, we're looking for "ENDM"
+ endmac=s;
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ }
+ if(p) if((*p).value==(ptrdiff_t)endm) {
+ comment=0;
+ if(endmac) {
+ endmac[0]='\n';
+ endmac[1]=0;//hide "ENDM" in case of "label: ENDM"
+ } else
+ makemacro=0;//don't bother adding the last line
+ }
+ if(makemacro&&makemacro!=true_ptr) {
+ if(comment)
+ strcat(line,comment); //keep comment for listing
+ *makemacro=my_malloc(strlen(line)+sizeof(char*)+1);
+ makemacro=(char**)*makemacro;
+ *makemacro=0;
+ strcpy((char*)&makemacro[1],line);
+ }
+ if(p) if((*p).value==(ptrdiff_t)endm)
+ makemacro=0;
+ break;
+ }//makemacro
+ if(reptcount) {//REPT definition is in progress?
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ errmsg=endmac=0;
+ if(!p) {
+ endmac=s;
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ }
+ if(p) {
+ if((*p).value==(ptrdiff_t)rept) {
+ ++reptcount;//keep track of how many ENDR's are needed to finish
+ } else if((*p).value==(ptrdiff_t)endr) {
+ if(!(--reptcount)) {
+ comment=0;
+ if(endmac) {
+ endmac[0]='\n';//hide "ENDR" in case of "label: ENDR"
+ endmac[1]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(reptcount || endmac) { //add this line to REPT body
+ if(comment)
+ strcat(line,comment); //keep comment for listing
+ *makerept=my_malloc(strlen(line)+sizeof(char*)+1);
+ makerept=(char**)*makerept;
+ *makerept=0;
+ strcpy((char*)&makerept[1],line);
+ }
+ if(!reptcount) {//end of REPT, expand the whole thing right now
+ expandrept(errline,errsrc);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ labelhere=0; //for non-label symbol definitions (EQU,=,etc)
+ s2=s;
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ errmsg=0;
+ if(skipline[iflevel]) {//conditional assembly.. no code generation
+ if(!p) { //it was a label... ignore it and move on
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ if(!p) break;
+ }
+ if((*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)_else && (*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)elseif && (*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)endif
+ && (*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)_if && (*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)ifdef && (*p).value!=(ptrdiff_t)ifndef)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!p) {//maybe a label?
+ if(getlabel(word,&s2)) addlabel(word,insidemacro);
+ if(errmsg) goto badlabel;//fucked up label
+ p=getreserved(&s);
+ }
+ if(p) {
+ if((*p).type==MACRO)
+ expandmacro(p,&s,errline,errsrc);
+ else
+ ((icfn)(*p).value)(p,&s);
+ }
+ if(!errmsg) {//check extra garbage
+ s+=strspn(s,whitesp);
+ if(*s)
+ errmsg="Extra characters on line.";
+ }
+ if(errmsg) {
+ showerror(errsrc,errline);
+ }
+ } while(0);
+void showhelp(void) {
+ puts("");
+ puts("asm6 " VERSION "\n");
+ puts("Usage: asm6 [-options] sourcefile [outputfile] [listfile]\n");
+ puts(" -? show this help");
+ puts(" -l create listing");
+ puts(" -L create verbose listing (expand REPT, MACRO)");
+ puts(" -d<name> define symbol");
+ puts(" -q quiet mode (no output unless error)\n");
+ puts("See README.TXT for more info.\n");
+int main(int argc,char **argv) {
+ char str[512];
+ int i,notoption;
+ char *nameptr;
+ label *p;
+ FILE *f;
+ if(argc<2) {
+ showhelp();
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ initlabels();
+ notoption=0;
+ for(i=1;i<argc;i++) {
+ if(*argv[i]=='-' || *argv[i]=='/') {
+ switch(argv[i][1]) {
+ case 'h':
+ case '?':
+ showhelp();
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ case 'L':
+ verboselisting=1;
+ case 'l':
+ listfilename=true_ptr;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if(argv[i][2]) {
+ if(!findlabel(&argv[i][2])) {
+ p=newlabel();
+ (*p).name=my_strdup(&argv[i][2]);
+ (*p).type=VALUE;
+ (*p).value=1;
+ (*p).line=true_ptr;
+ (*p).pass=0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ verbose = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal_error("unknown option: %s",argv[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(notoption==0)
+ inputfilename=argv[i];
+ else if(notoption==1)
+ outputfilename=argv[i];
+ else if(notoption==2)
+ listfilename=argv[i];
+ else
+ fatal_error("unused argument: %s",argv[i]);
+ notoption++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!inputfilename)
+ fatal_error("No source file specified.");
+ strcpy(str,inputfilename);
+ nameptr=strrchr(str,'.');//nameptr='.' ptr
+ if(nameptr) if(strchr(nameptr,'\\')) nameptr=0;//watch out for "dirname.ext\listfile"
+ if(!nameptr) nameptr=str+strlen(str);//nameptr=inputfile extension
+ if(!outputfilename) {
+ strcpy(nameptr,".bin");
+ outputfilename=my_strdup(str);
+ }
+ if(listfilename==true_ptr) { //if listfile was wanted but no name was specified, use srcfile.LST
+ strcpy(nameptr,".lst");
+ listfilename=my_strdup(str);
+ }
+ f=fopen(inputfilename,"rb"); //if srcfile won't open, try some default extensions
+ if(!f) {
+ strcpy(nameptr,".asm");
+ f=fopen(str,"rb");
+ if(!f) {
+ strcpy(nameptr,".s");
+ f=fopen(str,"rb");
+ }
+ if(f) inputfilename=my_strdup(str);
+ }
+ if(f) fclose(f);
+ //main assembly loop:
+ p=0;
+ do {
+ pass++;
+ if(pass==MAXPASSES || (p==lastlabel))
+ lastchance=1;//give up on too many tries or no progress made
+ if(lastchance)
+ message("last try..\n");
+ else
+ message("pass %i..\n",pass);
+ needanotherpass=0;
+ skipline[0]=0;
+ scope=1;
+ nextscope=2;
+ defaultfiller=DEFAULTFILLER; //reset filler value
+ addr=NOORIGIN;//undefine origin
+ p=lastlabel;
+ nameptr=inputfilename;
+ include(0,&nameptr); //start assembling srcfile
+ if(errmsg)
+ {
+ //todo - shouldn't this set error?
+ fputs(errmsg, stderr);//bad inputfile??
+ }
+ } while(!error && !lastchance && needanotherpass);//while no hard errors, not final try, and labels are still unresolved
+ if(outputfile) {
+ // Be sure last of output file is written properly
+ int result;
+ if ( fwrite(outputbuff,1,outcount,outputfile) < (size_t)outcount || fflush( outputfile ) )
+ fatal_error( "Write error." );
+ i=ftell(outputfile);
+ result = fclose(outputfile);
+ outputfile = NULL; // prevent fatal_error() from trying to close file again
+ if ( result )
+ fatal_error( "Write error." );
+ if(!error) {
+ message("%s written (%i bytes).\n",outputfilename,i);
+ } else
+ remove(outputfilename);
+ } else {
+ if(!error)
+ fputs("nothing to do!", stderr);
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if(listfile)
+ listline(0,0);
+ return error ? EXIT_FAILURE : 0;
+#define LISTMAX 8//number of output bytes to show in listing
+byte listbuff[LISTMAX];
+int listcount;
+void output(byte *p,int size) {
+ static int oldpass=0;
+/* static int noentry=0;
+ if(addr<0) {
+ if(!noentry) {//do this only once
+ noentry++;
+ if(lastchance) errmsg=NoOrigin;//"Origin undefined."
+ }
+ return;
+ }*/
+ addr+=size;
+ if(nooutput)
+ return;
+ if(oldpass!=pass) {
+ oldpass=pass;
+ if(outputfile) fclose(outputfile);
+ outputfile=fopen(outputfilename,"wb");
+ outcount=0;
+ if(!outputfile) {
+ errmsg="Can't create output file.";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!outputfile) return;
+ while(size--) {
+ if(listfile && listcount<LISTMAX)
+ listbuff[listcount]=*p;
+ listcount++;
+ outputbuff[outcount++]=*p;
+ p++;
+ if(outcount>=BUFFSIZE) {
+ if(fwrite(outputbuff,1,BUFFSIZE,outputfile)<BUFFSIZE)
+ errmsg="Write error.";
+ outcount=0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Outputs integer as little-endian. See readme.txt for proper usage. */
+static void output_le( int n, int size )
+ byte b [2];
+ b [0] = n;
+ b [1] = n >> 8;
+ output( b, size );
+//end listing when src=0
+char srcbuff[LINEMAX];
+void listline(char *src,char *comment) {
+ static int oldpass=0;
+ int i;
+ if(!listfilename)
+ return;
+ if(oldpass!=pass) {//new pass = new listfile
+ oldpass=pass;
+ if(listfile) fclose(listfile);
+ listfile=fopen(listfilename,"w");
+ if(!listfile) {
+ listfilename=0;//stop trying
+ // todo - if user wants a listing, this SHOULD be an error, otherwise
+ // he might still have old listing and think it's the current one.
+ // For example, he might have had it open in a text editor, preventing its
+ // creation here.
+ fputs("Can't create list file.", stderr);//not critical, just give a warning
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {//finish previous line
+ for(i=0;i<listcount && i<LISTMAX;i++)
+ fprintf(listfile," %02X",(int)listbuff[i]);
+ for(;i<LISTMAX;i++)
+ fprintf(listfile," ");
+ fputs(listcount>LISTMAX?".. ":" ",listfile);
+ fputs(srcbuff,listfile);
+ if(listerr) {
+ fprintf(listfile,"*** %s\n",listerr);
+ listerr=0;
+ }
+ }
+ listcount=0;
+ if(src) {
+ if(addr<0)
+ fprintf(listfile," ");
+ else
+ fprintf(listfile,"%05X",(int)addr);
+ strcpy(srcbuff,src);//make a copy of the original source line
+ if(comment) strcat(srcbuff,comment);
+ } else {
+ fclose(listfile);
+ message("%s written.\n",listfilename);
+ }
+//directive(label *id, char **next)
+// id=reserved word
+// **next=source line (ptr gets moved past directive on exit)
+void equ(label *id, char **next) {
+ char str[LINEMAX];
+ char *s=*next;
+ if(!labelhere)
+ errmsg=NeedName;//EQU without a name
+ else {
+ if((*labelhere).type==LABEL) {//new EQU.. good
+ reverse(str,s+strspn(s,whitesp)); //eat whitesp off both ends
+ reverse(s,str+strspn(str,whitesp));
+ if(*s) {
+ (*labelhere).line=my_strdup(s);
+ (*labelhere).type=EQUATE;
+ } else {
+ errmsg=IncompleteExp;
+ }
+ } else if((*labelhere).type!=EQUATE) {
+ errmsg=LabelDefined;
+ }
+ *s=0;//end line
+ }
+void equal(label *id,char **next) {
+ if(!labelhere) //labelhere=index+1
+ errmsg=NeedName; //(=) without a name
+ else {
+ (*labelhere).type=VALUE;
+ dependant=0;
+ (*labelhere).value=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ (*labelhere).line=ptr_from_bool(!dependant);
+ }
+void base(label *id, char **next) {
+ int val;
+ dependant=0;
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!dependant && !errmsg)
+ addr=val;
+ else
+ addr=NOORIGIN;//undefine origin
+//nothing to do (empty line)
+void nothing(label *id, char **next) {
+void include(label *id,char **next) {
+ char *np;
+ FILE *f;
+ np=*next;
+ reverse(tmpstr,np+strspn(np,whitesp2)); //eat whitesp off both ends
+ reverse(np,tmpstr+strspn(tmpstr,whitesp2));
+ f=fopen(np,"r+"); //read as text, the + makes recursion not possible
+ if(!f) {
+ errmsg=CantOpen;
+ error=1;
+ } else {
+ processfile(f,np);
+ fclose(f);
+ errmsg=0;//let main() know file was ok
+ }
+ *next=np+strlen(np);//need to play safe because this could be the main srcfile
+void incbin(label *id,char **next) {
+ int filesize, seekpos, bytesleft, i;
+ FILE *f=0;
+ do {
+ //file open:
+ getfilename(tmpstr,next);
+ if(!(f=fopen(tmpstr,"rb"))) {
+ errmsg=CantOpen;
+ break;
+ }
+ fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);
+ filesize=ftell(f);
+ //file seek:
+ seekpos=0;
+ if(eatchar(next,','))
+ seekpos=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg && !dependant) if(seekpos<0 || seekpos>filesize)
+ errmsg=SeekOutOfRange;
+ if(errmsg) break;
+ fseek(f,seekpos,SEEK_SET);
+ //get size:
+ if(eatchar(next,',')) {
+ bytesleft=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg && !dependant) if(bytesleft<0 || bytesleft>(filesize-seekpos))
+ errmsg=BadIncbinSize;
+ if(errmsg) break;
+ } else {
+ bytesleft=filesize-seekpos;
+ }
+ //read file:
+ while(bytesleft) {
+ if(bytesleft>BUFFSIZE) i=BUFFSIZE;
+ else i=bytesleft;
+ fread(inputbuff,1,i,f);
+ output(inputbuff,i);
+ bytesleft-=i;
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ if(f) fclose(f);
+void hex(label *id,char **next) {
+ char buff[LINEMAX];
+ char *src;
+ int dst;
+ char c1,c2;
+ getword(buff,next,0);
+ if(!*buff) errmsg=MissingOperand;
+ else do {
+ src=buff;
+ dst=0;
+ do {
+ c1=hexify(*src);
+ src++;
+ if(*src) {
+ c2=hexify(*src);
+ src++;
+ } else {//deal with odd number of chars
+ c2=c1;
+ c1=0;
+ }
+ buff[dst++]=(c1<<4)+c2;
+ } while(*src);
+ output((byte*)buff,dst);
+ getword(buff,next,0);
+ } while(*buff);
+void dw(label *id, char **next) {
+ int val;
+ do {
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg) {
+ if(val>65535 || val<-65536)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ else
+ output_le(val,2);
+ }
+ } while(!errmsg && eatchar(next,','));
+void dl(label *id, char **next) {
+ byte val;
+ do {
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP) & 0xff;
+ if(!errmsg)
+ output(&val,1);
+ } while(!errmsg && eatchar(next,','));
+void dh(label *id, char **next) {
+ byte val;
+ do {
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP)>>8;
+ if(!errmsg)
+ output(&val,1);
+ } while(!errmsg && eatchar(next,','));
+void db(label *id,char **next) {
+ int val,val2;
+ byte *s,*start;
+ char c,quote;
+ do {
+ *next+=strspn(*next,whitesp); //eatwhitespace
+ quote=**next;
+ if(quote=='"' || quote=='\'') { //string
+ s=start=(byte*)*next+1;
+ do {
+ c=*s;
+ s++;
+ if(!c) errmsg=IncompleteExp;
+ if(c=='\\') s++;
+ } while(!errmsg && c!=quote);
+ if(errmsg) continue;
+ s--; //point to the "
+ *s='0';
+ *next=(char*)s;
+ val2=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(errmsg) continue;
+ while(start!=s) {
+ if(*start=='\\')
+ start++;
+ val=*start+val2;
+ start++;
+ output_le(val,1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg) {
+ if(val>255 || val<-128)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ else
+ output_le(val,1);
+ }
+ }
+ } while(!errmsg && eatchar(next,','));
+void dsw(label *id,char **next) {
+ int count,val=defaultfiller;
+ dependant=0;
+ count=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(dependant || (count<0 && needanotherpass))//unknown count! don't do anything
+ count=0;
+ if(eatchar(next,','))
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg && !dependant) if(val>65535 || val<-32768 || count<0)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ if(errmsg) return;
+ while(count--)
+ output_le(val,2);
+void filler(int count,char **next) {
+ int val=defaultfiller;
+ if(dependant || (count<0 && needanotherpass)) //unknown count! don't do anything
+ count=0;
+ if(eatchar(next,','))
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!errmsg && !dependant) if(val>255 || val<-128 || count<0 || count>0x100000)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ if(errmsg) return;
+ while(count--)//!#@$
+ output_le(val,1);
+void dsb(label *id,char **next) {
+ int count;
+ dependant=0;
+ count=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ filler(count,next);
+void align(label *id,char **next) {
+ int count;
+ dependant=0;
+ count=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(count>=0) {
+ if((unsigned int)addr%count) count-=(unsigned int)addr%count;
+ else count=0;
+ } else count=0;
+ filler(count,next);
+void pad(label *id, char **next) {
+ int count;
+ if(addr<0) {
+ errmsg=undefinedPC;
+ } else {
+ dependant=0;
+ count=eval(next,WHOLEEXP)-addr;
+ filler(count,next);
+ }
+void org(label *id, char **next) {
+ if(addr<0) base(id,next); //this is the first ORG; PC hasn't been set yet
+ else pad(id,next);
+void opcode(label *id, char **next) {
+ char *s,*s2;
+ int type,val = 0;
+ byte *op;
+ int oldstate=needanotherpass;
+ int forceRel = 0;
+ for(op=(byte*)(*id).line;*op!=0xff;op+=2) {//loop through all addressing modes for this instruction
+ needanotherpass=oldstate;
+ strcpy(tmpstr,*next);
+ dependant=0;
+ errmsg=0;
+ type=op[1];
+ s=tmpstr;
+ if(type!=IMP && type!=ACC) {//get operand
+ if(!eatchar(&s,ophead[type])) continue;
+ val=eval(&s,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(type==REL) {
+ if(!dependant) {
+ val-=addr+2;
+ if(val>127 || val<-128) {
+ needanotherpass=1;//give labels time to sort themselves out..
+ if(lastchance)
+ {
+ errmsg="Branch out of range.";
+ forceRel = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(opsize[type]==1) {
+ if(!dependant) {
+ if(val>255 || val<-128)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ } else {
+ if(type!=IMM)
+ continue;//default to non-ZP instruction
+ }
+ } else {//opsize[type]==2
+ if((val<0 || val>0xffff) && !dependant)
+ errmsg=OutOfRange;
+ }
+ }
+ if(errmsg && !dependant && !forceRel) continue;
+ }
+ my_strupr(s);
+ s2=optail[type];
+ while(*s2) { //opcode tail should match input:
+ if(!eatchar(&s,*s2))
+ break;
+ s2++;
+ }
+ s+=strspn(s,whitesp);
+ if(*s || *s2) continue;
+ if(addr>0xffff)
+ errmsg="PC out of range.";
+ output(op,1);
+ output_le(val,opsize[type]);
+ *next+=s-tmpstr;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!errmsg)
+ errmsg=Illegal;
+void _if(label *id,char **next) {
+ int val;
+ if(iflevel>=IFNESTS-1)
+ errmsg=IfNestLimit;
+ else
+ iflevel++;
+ dependant=0;
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(dependant || errmsg) {//don't process yet
+ ifdone[iflevel]=1;
+ skipline[iflevel]=1;
+ } else {
+ skipline[iflevel]=!val || skipline[iflevel-1];
+ ifdone[iflevel]=!skipline[iflevel];
+ }
+void ifdef(label *id,char **next) {
+ char s[WORDMAX];
+ if(iflevel>=IFNESTS-1)
+ errmsg=IfNestLimit;
+ else
+ iflevel++;
+ getlabel(s,next);
+ skipline[iflevel]=!(ptrdiff_t)findlabel(s) || skipline[iflevel-1];
+ ifdone[iflevel]=!skipline[iflevel];
+void ifndef(label *id,char **next) {
+ char s[WORDMAX];
+ if(iflevel>=IFNESTS-1)
+ errmsg=IfNestLimit;
+ else
+ iflevel++;
+ getlabel(s,next);
+ skipline[iflevel]=(ptrdiff_t)findlabel(s) || skipline[iflevel-1];
+ ifdone[iflevel]=!skipline[iflevel];
+void elseif(label *id,char **next) {
+ int val;
+ if(iflevel) {
+ dependant=0;
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(!ifdone[iflevel]) {//no previous true statements
+ if(dependant || errmsg) {//don't process yet
+ ifdone[iflevel]=1;
+ skipline[iflevel]=1;
+ } else {
+ skipline[iflevel]=!val || skipline[iflevel-1];
+ ifdone[iflevel]=!skipline[iflevel];
+ }
+ } else {
+ skipline[iflevel]=1;
+ }
+ } else
+ errmsg="ELSEIF without IF.";
+void _else(label *id,char **next) {
+ if(iflevel)
+ skipline[iflevel]=ifdone[iflevel] || skipline[iflevel-1];
+ else
+ errmsg="ELSE without IF.";
+void endif(label *id,char **next) {
+ if(iflevel) --iflevel;
+ else errmsg="ENDIF without IF.";
+void endm(label *id, char **next) {//ENDM is handled during macro definition (see processline)
+ errmsg=ExtraENDM;
+void endr(label *id, char **next) {//ENDR is handled during macro definition (see processline)
+ errmsg=ExtraENDR;
+void macro(label *id, char **next) {
+ char *src;
+ char word[WORDMAX];
+ int params;
+ labelhere=0;
+ if(getlabel(word,next))
+ addlabel(word,0);
+ else
+ errmsg=NeedName;
+ makemacro=true_ptr;//flag for processline to skip to ENDM
+ if(errmsg) {//no valid macro name
+ return;
+ } else if((*labelhere).type==LABEL) {//new macro
+ (*labelhere).type=MACRO;
+ (*labelhere).line=0;
+ makemacro=&(*labelhere).line;
+ //build param list
+ params=0;
+ src=*next;
+ while(getlabel(word,&src)) {//don't affect **next directly, make sure it's a good name first
+ *next=src;
+ *makemacro=my_malloc(strlen(word)+sizeof(char*)+1);
+ makemacro=(char**)*makemacro;
+ strcpy((char*)&makemacro[1],word);
+ ++params;
+ eatchar(&src,',');
+ }
+ errmsg=0;//remove getlabel's errmsg
+ (*labelhere).value=params;//set param count
+ *makemacro=0;
+ } else if((*labelhere).type!=MACRO) {
+ errmsg=LabelDefined;
+ } else {//macro was defined on a previous pass.. skip past params
+ **next=0;
+ }
+//errline=source file line number
+//errsrc=source file name
+void expandmacro(label *id,char **next,int errline,char *errsrc) {
+ //char argname[8];
+ char macroerr[WORDMAX*2];//this should be enough, i hope..
+ char **line;
+ int linecount=0;
+ int oldscope;
+ int arg, args;
+ char c,c2,*s,*s2,*s3;
+ if((*id).used) {
+ errmsg=RecurseMACRO;
+ return;
+ }
+ oldscope=scope;//watch those nested macros..
+ scope=nextscope++;
+ insidemacro++;
+ (*id).used=1;
+ sprintf(macroerr,"%s(%i):%s",errsrc,errline,(*id).name);
+ line=(char**)((*id).line);
+ //define macro params
+ s=*next;
+ args=(*id).value; //(named args)
+ arg=0;
+ do {
+ s+=strspn(s,whitesp);//eatwhitespace s=param start
+ s2=s; //s2=param end
+ s3=strpbrk(s2,",'\""); //stop at param end or string definition
+ if(!s3) s3=strchr(s2,0);
+ c=*s3;
+ if(c=='"' || c=='\'') {//go to end of string
+ s3++;
+ do {
+ c2=*s3;
+ s3++;
+ if(c2=='\\') s3++;
+ } while(c2 && c2!=c);
+ if(!c2) s3--;//oops..too far
+ c=*s3;
+ }
+ s2=s3;
+ *s2=0;
+ if(*s) {//arg not empty
+ // sprintf(argname,"\\%i",arg); //make indexed arg
+ // addlabel(argname,1);
+ // equ(0,&s);
+ if(arg<args) { //make named arg
+ addlabel((char*)&line[1],1);
+ equ(0,&s);
+ line=(char**)*line; //next arg name
+ }
+ arg++;
+ }
+ *s2=c;
+ s=s2;
+ } while(eatchar(&s,','));
+ *next=s;
+ //make "\?" arg
+ //{..}
+ while(arg++ < args) //skip any unused arg names
+ line=(char**)*line;
+ while(line) {
+ linecount++;
+ processline((char*)&line[1],macroerr,linecount);
+ line=(char**)*line;
+ }
+ errmsg=0;
+ scope=oldscope;
+ insidemacro--;
+ (*id).used=0;
+int rept_loops;
+char *repttext;//rept chain begins here
+void rept(label *id, char **next) {
+ dependant=0;
+ rept_loops=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+ if(dependant || errmsg || rept_loops<0)
+ rept_loops=0;
+ makerept=&repttext;
+ repttext=0;
+ reptcount++;//tell processline to start storing up rept lines
+void expandrept(int errline,char *errsrc) {
+ char macroerr[WORDMAX*2];//source to show in listing (this should be enough, i hope?)
+ char **start,**line;
+ int linecount;
+ int i,oldscope;
+ start=(char**)repttext;//first rept data
+ oldscope=scope;
+ insidemacro++;
+ for(i=rept_loops;i;--i) {
+ linecount=0;
+ scope=nextscope++;
+ sprintf(macroerr,"%s(%i):REPT",errsrc,errline);
+ line=start;
+ while(line) {
+ linecount++;
+ processline((char*)&line[1],macroerr,linecount);
+ line=(char**)*line;
+ }
+ }
+ while(start) {//delete everything
+ line=(char**)*start;
+ free(start);
+ start=line;
+ }
+ errmsg=0;
+ scope=oldscope;
+ insidemacro--;
+int enum_saveaddr;
+void _enum(label *id, char **next) {
+ int val=0;
+ dependant=0;
+ val=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+// if(!dependant && !errmsg) {
+// }
+ if(!nooutput)
+ enum_saveaddr=addr;
+ addr=val;
+ nooutput=1;
+void ende(label *id, char **next) {
+ if(nooutput) {
+ addr=enum_saveaddr;
+ nooutput=0;
+ } else {
+ errmsg=ExtraENDE;
+ }
+void fillval(label *id,char **next) {
+ dependant=0;
+ defaultfiller=eval(next,WHOLEEXP);
+void make_error(label *id,char **next) {
+ char *s=*next;
+ reverse(tmpstr,s+strspn(s,whitesp2)); //eat whitesp, quotes off both ends
+ reverse(s,tmpstr+strspn(tmpstr,whitesp2));
+ errmsg=s;
+ error=1;
+ *next=s+strlen(s);
@@ 1,450 @@
+/* Lin6
+ Version 1.1
+ https://wiki.xxiivv.com/lin6
+/* Rules:
+ Variable names must always be lowercase.
+ Variable length are always padded to col25.
+ Variable comments are always padded to col32.
+ Constant names must always be uppercase.
+ Constant length are always padded to col21.
+ Constant comments are always padded to col32.
+ Label names must always be capitalized.
+ Label names aalways end with :.
+ Label names are always preceeded with a linebreak.
+ Label comments are always padded to col32.
+ Directive names are always padded to col2.
+ Directive comments are always padded to col32.
+ Opcode names are always uppercase.
+ Opcode names are always padded to col2.
+ Opcode comments are always padded to col32.
+ Inline comments are always padded to col2.
+ Spacing comments are always preceeded and followed by with a linebreak.
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define VERSION "1.1"
+#define BUFLEN 512
+char *OPCODES[] = {"ADC", "AND", "ASL", "BCC", "BCS", "BEQ", "BIT", "BMI",
+ "BNE", "BPL", "BRK", "BVC", "BVS", "CLC", "CLD", "CLI",
+ "CLV", "CMP", "CPX", "CPY", "DEC", "DEX", "DEY", "EOR",
+ "INC", "INX", "INY", "JMP", "JSR", "LDA", "LDX", "LDY",
+ "LSR", "NOP", "ORA", "PHA", "PHP", "PLA", "PLP", "ROL",
+ "ROR", "RTI", "RTS", "SBC", "SEC", "SED", "SEI", "STA",
+ "STX", "STY", "TAX", "TAY", "TSX", "TXA", "TXS", "TYA"};
+void substr(char *src, char *dest, int from, int to) {
+ memcpy(dest, src + from, to);
+ dest[to] = '\0';
+void trimstr(char *src, char *dest) {
+ /* leading whitespace */
+ int a, b, len = strlen(src) + 1;
+ for (a = 0; a < len; a++) {
+ if (src[a] != ' ' && src[a] != '\t') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* traling whitespace */
+ for (b = 2; b < len; b++) {
+ if (src[len - b] != ' ' && src[len - b] != '\n') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ substr(src, dest, a, len - b - a + 1);
+void fillstr(char *src, int limit, char c) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = len; i < limit; i++) {
+ src[i] = c;
+ }
+ src[limit] = '\0';
+void swapcstr(char *src, char a, char b) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ src[i] = src[i] == a ? b : src[i];
+ }
+void cpystr(char *src, char *dest) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ dest[i] = src[i];
+ }
+ dest[len] = '\0';
+void ucstr(char *src) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ src[i] = toupper(src[i]);
+ }
+void lcstr(char *src) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ src[i] = tolower(src[i]);
+ }
+int index_of_comment(char *src) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (src[i] == ';') {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool opcode_exists(char *opcode) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 56; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(OPCODES[i], opcode) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool file_exists(char *filename) {
+ FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file != NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void set_line_key(char *src, char *dest) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (src[i] == ' ') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ substr(src, dest, 0, i);
+ trimstr(dest, dest);
+void set_line_value(char *src, char *dest) {
+ bool step = false;
+ int i, comment = index_of_comment(src), len = strlen(src);
+ if (comment > -1) {
+ len = comment;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (src[i] != ' ' && step == true) {
+ break;
+ } else if (src[i] == ' ') {
+ step = true;
+ }
+ }
+ substr(src, dest, i, len - i);
+ trimstr(dest, dest);
+void set_line_comment(char *src, char *dest) {
+ int i, len = strlen(src);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (src[i] == ';') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ substr(src, dest, i, len - i);
+ trimstr(dest, dest);
+bool has_comment(char *line) {
+ int i, len = strlen(line);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (line[i] == ';') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool is_capital(char *str) { return str[0] == toupper(str[0]); }
+bool is_lower(char *str) {
+ int i, len = strlen(str);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (str[i] != tolower(str[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool is_upper(char *str) {
+ int i, len = strlen(str);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (str[i] != toupper(str[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool is_label(char *line) {
+ int i, len = strlen(line);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == ';') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (line[i] == ':') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool is_opcode(char *line) {
+ char opcode[4];
+ substr(line, opcode, 0, 3);
+ ucstr(opcode);
+ return opcode_exists(opcode);
+bool is_directive(char *line) { return line[0] == '.'; }
+bool is_spacer_comment(char *line) { return line[0] == ';' && line[1] == ';'; }
+bool is_inline_comment(char *line) { return line[0] == ';' && line[1] == ' '; }
+bool is_variable(char *line) {
+ int i, len = strlen(line);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (line[i] == '.' && line[i + 1] == 'd' && line[i + 2] == 's' &&
+ line[i + 3] == 'b') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool is_constant(char *line) {
+ int i, len = strlen(line);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (line[i] == '.' && line[i + 1] == 'e' && line[i + 2] == 'q' &&
+ line[i + 3] == 'u') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void save(char *filepath, char *output, bool do_inplace) {
+ if (do_inplace) {
+ FILE *fw = fopen(filepath, "w");
+ fprintf(fw, "%s", output);
+ fclose(fw);
+ } else {
+ printf("%s\n", output);
+ }
+void lint(char *filepath, char *output, bool do_debug) {
+ FILE *fr = fopen(filepath, "r");
+ int id = 0, len, count = 0, opcodes = 0, directives = 0, spacers = 0,
+ labels = 0, variables = 0, constants = 0, comments = 0;
+ bool skipped_last = false;
+ char line[BUFLEN];
+ char trimed[BUFLEN];
+ while (fgets(line, BUFLEN, fr)) {
+ id++;
+ trimstr(line, trimed);
+ swapcstr(trimed, '\t', ' ');
+ len = strlen(trimed);
+ if (len < 3) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (is_label(trimed)) {
+ char key[BUFLEN];
+ char comment[BUFLEN];
+ set_line_key(trimed, key);
+ set_line_comment(trimed, comment);
+ if (!is_capital(key)) {
+ printf("Lin6: Label %s not capitalized, at %s:%d.\n", key, filepath,
+ id);
+ }
+ if (key[0] != '@' && !skipped_last) {
+ strcat(output, "\n");
+ }
+ if (has_comment(line)) {
+ fillstr(key, 30, ' ');
+ strcat(output, key);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ strcat(output, comment);
+ } else {
+ strcat(output, key);
+ }
+ skipped_last = false;
+ labels++;
+ } else if (is_opcode(trimed)) {
+ char key[BUFLEN];
+ char value[BUFLEN];
+ char comment[BUFLEN];
+ set_line_key(trimed, key);
+ set_line_value(trimed, value);
+ set_line_comment(trimed, comment);
+ ucstr(key);
+ strcat(output, "\t");
+ strcat(output, key);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ if (has_comment(line)) {
+ fillstr(value, 24, ' ');
+ strcat(output, value);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ strcat(output, comment);
+ } else {
+ strcat(output, value);
+ }
+ skipped_last = false;
+ opcodes++;
+ } else if (is_directive(trimed)) {
+ char key[BUFLEN];
+ char value[BUFLEN];
+ char comment[BUFLEN];
+ set_line_key(trimed, key);
+ set_line_value(trimed, value);
+ set_line_comment(trimed, comment);
+ strcat(output, "\t");
+ strcat(output, key);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ if (has_comment(line)) {
+ strcat(output, value);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ strcat(output, comment);
+ } else {
+ strcat(output, value);
+ }
+ skipped_last = false;
+ directives++;
+ } else if (is_inline_comment(trimed)) {
+ strcat(output, "\t");
+ strcat(output, trimed);
+ skipped_last = false;
+ comments++;
+ } else if (is_spacer_comment(trimed)) {
+ strcat(output, "\n");
+ strcat(output, trimed);
+ strcat(output, "\n");
+ skipped_last = true;
+ spacers++;
+ } else if (is_variable(trimed)) {
+ char key[BUFLEN];
+ char value[BUFLEN];
+ char comment[BUFLEN];
+ set_line_key(trimed, key);
+ set_line_value(trimed, value);
+ set_line_comment(trimed, comment);
+ fillstr(key, 24, ' ');
+ if (!is_lower(key)) {
+ printf("Lin6: Variable %s not lowercase, at %s:%d.\n", key, filepath,
+ id);
+ }
+ strcat(output, key);
+ strcat(output, value);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ strcat(output, comment);
+ skipped_last = false;
+ variables++;
+ } else if (is_constant(trimed)) {
+ char key[BUFLEN];
+ char value[BUFLEN];
+ char comment[BUFLEN];
+ set_line_key(trimed, key);
+ set_line_value(trimed, value);
+ set_line_comment(trimed, comment);
+ fillstr(key, 20, ' ');
+ if (!is_upper(key)) {
+ printf("Lin6: Constant %s not uppercase, at %s:%d.\n", key, filepath,
+ id);
+ }
+ strcat(output, key);
+ strcat(output, value);
+ strcat(output, " ");
+ strcat(output, comment);
+ skipped_last = false;
+ constants++;
+ } else {
+ printf("Lin6: Unknown line-type, at %s:%d.\n", filepath, id);
+ strcat(output, line);
+ }
+ strcat(output, "\n");
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (do_debug) {
+ printf("Lin6 debug: %d lines: \n", count);
+ printf("\t%d labels\n", labels);
+ printf("\t%d opcodes\n", opcodes);
+ printf("\t%d directives\n", directives);
+ printf("\t%d spacers\n", spacers);
+ printf("\t%d variables\n", variables);
+ printf("\t%d constants\n", constants);
+ }
+ fclose(fr);
+void show_version() { puts("Lin6 " VERSION); }
+void show_help() {
+ show_version();
+ puts("");
+ puts("A tool to format 6502 assembly code.\n");
+ puts("Usage: Lin6 [-options] [<file> ...]\n");
+ puts("\t-?\tShow this help");
+ puts("\t-v\tShow version");
+ puts("\t-i\tInplace edit files");
+ puts("\t-d\tShow debug\n");
+ puts("See README for more info.\n");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ bool do_debug = false, do_inplace = false;
+ int i;
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ show_help();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i][1] == '?') {
+ show_help();
+ exit(0);
+ } else if (argv[i][1] == 'v') {
+ show_version();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /* read flags */
+ if (argv[i][1] == 'd') {
+ do_debug = true;
+ } else if (argv[i][1] == 'i') {
+ do_inplace = true;
+ }
+ /* do files */
+ else {
+ char linted[51200];
+ if (!file_exists(argv[i])) {
+ printf("Lin6: File %s not found\n", argv[i]);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ lint(argv[i], linted, do_debug);
+ save(argv[i], linted, do_inplace);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;