
957a833a8cf43706a83a5883acd3fe05ffd89bf6 — neauoire 4 years ago 27b03be
Minor changes
3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

M build.sh
M noton.c
M README.md => README.md +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
# Noton

A minimal [color computing playground](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/noton.html), written in ANSI C.
A [color computing playground](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/noton.html), written in ANSI C.

Right-click to add nodes, and left-click to add wires. Nodes will emit a positive signal if all the connected wires have the same polarity. The screen has timers to the left, and notes to the right. The default timers are 6 trackers, 4 sequencers and 2 pools.

M build.sh => build.sh +5 -2
@@ 7,10 7,13 @@ clang-format -i noton.c
rm ./noton

# debug(slow)
# cc -std=c89 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wpedantic -Wshadow -Wextra -Werror=implicit-int -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types -Werror=int-conversion -Wvla -g -Og -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined noton.c -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lportmidi -o noton
cc -std=c89 -DDEBUG -Wall -Wpedantic -Wshadow -Wextra -Werror=implicit-int -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types -Werror=int-conversion -Wvla -g -Og -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined noton.c -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lportmidi -o noton

# build(fast)
cc noton.c -std=c89 -Os -DNDEBUG -g0 -s -Wall -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lportmidi -o noton
# cc noton.c -std=c89 -Os -DNDEBUG -g0 -s -Wall -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lportmidi -o noton

# Size
echo "Size: $(du -sk ./noton)"

# run

M noton.c => noton.c +30 -27
@@ 3,6 3,17 @@
#include <porttime.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Copyright (c) 2020 Devine Lu Linvega

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.


#define HOR 32
#define VER 16
#define PAD 8

@@ 11,7 22,7 @@
#define color2 0x000000
#define color3 0xcccccc
#define color4 0x72dec2
#define color0 0x32ae82
#define color0 0xdd5555

#define GATEMAX 128
#define WIREMAX 256

@@ 40,20 51,19 @@ typedef struct Wire {
} Wire;

typedef struct Gate {
	int id, polarity, locked, inlen, outlen;
	int channel, note, shrp;
	int id, polarity, locked, inlen, outlen, channel, note, sharp;
	Point2d pos;
	GateType type;
	Wire *inputs[PORTMAX], *outputs[PORTMAX];
} Gate;

typedef struct Noton {
	int alive, frame, speed, channel, octave;
	int glen, wlen;
	int alive, frame, channel, octave, glen, wlen;
	unsigned int speed;
	Gate gates[GATEMAX];
	Wire wires[WIREMAX];
	PmStream *midi;
	Gate *inputs[INPUTMAX], *outputs[OUTPUTMAX];
	PmStream *midi;
} Noton;

typedef struct Brush {

@@ 86,20 96,12 @@ setpt2d(Point2d *p, int x, int y)
	return p;

Point2d *
cpypt2d(Point2d *dst, Point2d *src)
	dst->x = src->x;
	dst->y = src->y;
	return dst;

Pt2d(int x, int y)
	Point2d pos;
	setpt2d(&pos, x, y);
	return pos;
	Point2d p;
	setpt2d(&p, x, y);
	return p;


@@ 279,7 281,7 @@ addgate(Noton *n, GateType type, int polarity, Point2d pos)
	g->polarity = polarity;
	g->channel = 0;
	g->note = 0;
	g->shrp = 0;
	g->sharp = 0;
	g->inlen = 0;
	g->outlen = 0;
	g->type = type;

@@ 297,7 299,7 @@ extendwire(Brush *b)
		return 0;
	if(distance(b->wire.points[b->wire.len - 1], b->pos) < 20)
		return 0;
	cpypt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], &b->pos);
	setpt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], b->pos.x, b->pos.y);
	return 1;

@@ 305,9 307,10 @@ int
beginwire(Brush *b)
	Gate *gate = nearestgate(&noton, b->pos);
	Point2d *p = gate ? &gate->pos : &b->pos;
	b->wire.polarity = gate ? gate->polarity : -1;
	b->wire.len = 0;
	cpypt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], gate ? &gate->pos : &b->pos);
	setpt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], p->x, p->y);
	return 1;

@@ 383,10 386,10 @@ drawgate(Uint32 *dst, Gate *g)
			if(distance(Pt2d(g->pos.x, g->pos.y), Pt2d(g->pos.x - r + x, g->pos.y - r + y)) < 18)
				pixel(dst, g->pos.x - r + x, g->pos.y - r + y, polarcolor(g->polarity));
	if(g->type == OUTPUT) {
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x - 1, g->pos.y, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x + 1, g->pos.y, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y - 1, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y + 1, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x - 1, g->pos.y, g->sharp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x + 1, g->pos.y, g->sharp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y - 1, g->sharp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y + 1, g->sharp ? color2 : color1);
	} else if(g->type != POOL)
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y, color1);

@@ 471,7 474,7 @@ setup(Noton *n)
			n->outputs[j]->locked = 1;
			n->outputs[j]->note = j + ((i % 3) * 24);
			n->outputs[j]->channel = i;
			n->outputs[j]->shrp = sharps[abs(n->outputs[j]->note) % 12];
			n->outputs[j]->sharp = sharps[abs(n->outputs[j]->note) % 12];
	n->inputs[9]->type = POOL;

@@ 545,7 548,7 @@ domouse(SDL_Event *event, Brush *b)

dokey(Noton *n, SDL_Event *event, Brush *b)
dokey(Noton *n, SDL_Event *event)
	switch(event->key.keysym.sym) {
	case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit(); break;

@@ 642,7 645,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
					event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
				domouse(&event, &brush);
			} else if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
				dokey(&noton, &event, &brush);
				dokey(&noton, &event);
			else if(event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT)
				if(event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED)
					redraw(pixels, &brush);