
159702791106e23c42d9a3c372c86d502a8c0fc4 — neauoire 4 years ago affac4e
2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

M noton.c
M README.md => README.md +4 -5
@@ 6,6 6,10 @@ A minimal logic gates playground, written in ANSI C.

To build [noton](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/noton), you must have [SDL2](https://wiki.libsdl.org/) and [PortMidi](http://portmedia.sourceforge.net/portmidi/).

cc noton.c -std=c89 -Os -DNDEBUG -g0 -s -Wall -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lportmidi -o noton

## Controls

### General

@@ 29,8 33,3 @@ To build [noton](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/noton), you must have [SDL2](https://wi
- flag deleted nodes and wires
- export image
- add change octave shortcut

## Notes

- Wires and Gates are added to the scene with an active flag.
- When these are destroyed, their id is going to recycled when a new wire or cable is needed.

M noton.c => noton.c +106 -124
@@ 20,6 20,8 @@
#define INPUTMAX 8
#define OUTPUTMAX 12

#define DEVICE 0

typedef enum {

@@ 31,12 33,12 @@ typedef struct {
} Point2d;

typedef struct Wire {
	int id, active, polarity, a, b, len;
	int id, polarity, a, b, len;
	Point2d points[WIREPTMAX];
} Wire;

typedef struct Gate {
	int id, active, polarity, locked, inlen, outlen;
	int id, polarity, locked, inlen, outlen;
	int chan, note, shrp;
	Point2d pos;
	GateType type;

@@ 45,8 47,10 @@ typedef struct Gate {

typedef struct Noton {
	unsigned int alive, frame, speed, channel, octave;
	int glen, wlen;
	Gate gates[GATEMAX];
	Wire wires[WIREMAX];
	PmStream *midi;
	Gate *inputs[INPUTMAX], *outputs[OUTPUTMAX];
} Noton;

@@ 63,9 67,8 @@ SDL_Renderer *gRenderer = NULL;
SDL_Texture *gTexture = NULL;
uint32_t *pixels;
Noton noton;
PmStream *midi;

/* helpers */
/* generics */

distance(Point2d a, Point2d b)

@@ 81,6 84,14 @@ setpt2d(Point2d *p, int x, int y)
	return p;

Point2d *
cpypt2d(Point2d *dst, Point2d *src)
	dst->x = src->x;
	dst->y = src->y;
	return dst;

Pt2d(int x, int y)

@@ 89,74 100,43 @@ Pt2d(int x, int y)
	return pos;

play(int channel, int octave, int note, int z)
polarcolor(int polarity)
		Pm_Message(0x90 + channel, (octave * 12) + note, z ? 100 : 0));
	return polarity == 1 ? color4 : !polarity ? color0 : color3;

select(Noton *n, int channel)
	printf("Select channel #%d\n", channel);
	n->channel = channel;
/* Midi */

destroy(Noton *n)
	/* TODO */
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < Pm_CountDevices(); ++i) {
		char const *name = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i)->name;
		printf("Device #%d -> %s%s\n", i, name, i == DEVICE ? "[x]" : "[ ]");
	Pm_OpenOutput(&noton.midi, DEVICE, NULL, 128, 0, NULL, 1);

toggle(Noton *n)
	n->alive = !n->alive;

Gate *
findgateid(Noton *n, int id)
	if(id < 0 || id >= GATEMAX)
		return NULL;
	if(!&n->gates[id] || !n->gates[id].active)
		return NULL;
	return &n->gates[id];

Gate *
availgate(Noton *n)
playmidi(int channel, int octave, int note, int z)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < GATEMAX; ++i)
		if(!n->gates[i].active) {
			n->gates[i].id = i;
			return &n->gates[i];
	return NULL;
		Pm_Message(0x90 + channel, (octave * 12) + note, z ? 100 : 0));

Wire *
availwire(Noton *n)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < WIREMAX; ++i)
		if(!n->wires[i].active) {
			n->wires[i].id = i;
			return &n->wires[i];
	return NULL;
/* Helpers */

Gate *
findgateat(Noton *n, Point2d pos)
nearestgate(Noton *n, Point2d pos)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < GATEMAX; ++i) {
	for(i = 0; i < n->glen; ++i) {
		Gate *g = &n->gates[i];
		if(g->active && distance(pos, g->pos) < 50)
		if(distance(pos, g->pos) < 50)
			return g;
	return NULL;

@@ 166,9 146,8 @@ int
getpolarity(Gate *g)
	int i;
	if(!g->active || g->inlen < 1)
	if(g->inlen < 1)
		return -1;
	/* TODO: Ignore inactive wires */
	if(g->inlen == 1)
		return g->inputs[0]->polarity;
	for(i = 0; i < g->inlen; i++)

@@ 181,12 160,10 @@ void
polarize(Gate *g)
	int i;
	if(g->type == OUTPUT) {
		int newpolarity = getpolarity(g);
		if(newpolarity != -1 && g->polarity != newpolarity)
			play(noton.channel, noton.octave, g->note, newpolarity);
			playmidi(noton.channel, noton.octave, g->note, newpolarity);
		g->polarity = newpolarity;
	} else if(g->type)
		g->polarity = getpolarity(g);

@@ 197,12 174,35 @@ polarize(Gate *g)
bang(Gate *g, int depth)
	int i, a = depth - 1;
	if(a < 1 || !g || !g->active)
	for(i = 0; i < g->outlen; ++i)
		bang(findgateid(&noton, g->outputs[i]->b), a);
	int i, d = depth - 1;
	if(d && g) {
		for(i = 0; i < g->outlen; ++i)
				bang(&noton.gates[g->outputs[i]->b], d);

/* Options */

select(Noton *n, int channel)
	n->channel = channel;
	printf("Select channel #%d\n", channel);

toggle(Noton *n)
	n->alive = !n->alive;
	printf("Toggle %s\n", n->alive ? "play" : "pause");

destroy(Noton *n)
	/* TODO */

/* Add/Remove */

@@ 211,24 211,23 @@ Wire *
addwire(Noton *n, Wire *temp, Gate *from, Gate *to)
	int i;
	Wire *w = availwire(n);
	printf("Add wire #%d(#%d->#%d) \n", w->id, from->id, to->id);
	w->active = 1;
	Wire *w = &n->wires[n->wlen];
	w->id = n->wlen++;
	w->polarity = -1;
	w->a = from->id;
	w->b = to->id;
	w->len = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < temp->len; i++)
		setpt2d(&w->points[w->len++], temp->points[i].x, temp->points[i].y);
	printf("Add wire #%d(#%d->#%d) \n", w->id, from->id, to->id);
	return w;

Gate *
addgate(Noton *n, GateType type, int polarity, Point2d pos)
	Gate *g = availgate(n);
	printf("Add gate #%d \n", g->id);
	g->active = 1;
	Gate *g = &n->gates[n->glen];
	g->id = n->glen++;
	g->polarity = polarity;
	g->chan = 0;
	g->note = 0;

@@ 237,6 236,7 @@ addgate(Noton *n, GateType type, int polarity, Point2d pos)
	g->outlen = 0;
	g->type = type;
	g->pos = pos;
	printf("Add gate #%d \n", g->id);
	return g;

@@ 247,30 247,24 @@ extendwire(Brush *b)
	if(b->wire.len >= WIREPTMAX)
	if(b->wire.len > 0 && distance(b->wire.points[b->wire.len - 1], b->pos) < 20)
	if(distance(b->wire.points[b->wire.len - 1], b->pos) < 20)
	setpt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], b->pos.x, b->pos.y);
	cpypt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], &b->pos);

beginwire(Brush *b)
	Gate *gate = findgateat(&noton, b->pos);
	b->wire.active = 1;
	b->wire.polarity = -1;
	if(gate) {
		b->wire.polarity = gate->polarity;
		setpt2d(&b->pos, gate->pos.x, gate->pos.y);
	Gate *gate = nearestgate(&noton, b->pos);
	b->wire.polarity = gate ? gate->polarity : -1;
	b->wire.len = 0;
	cpypt2d(&b->wire.points[b->wire.len++], gate ? &gate->pos : &b->pos);

abandon(Brush *b)
	b->wire.len = 0;
	b->wire.active = 0;
	return 0;

@@ 281,10 275,10 @@ endwire(Brush *b)
	Gate *gatefrom, *gateto;
	if(b->wire.len < 1)
		return abandon(b);
	gatefrom = findgateat(&noton, b->wire.points[0]);
	gatefrom = nearestgate(&noton, b->wire.points[0]);
		return abandon(b);
	gateto = findgateat(&noton, b->pos);
	gateto = nearestgate(&noton, b->pos);
		return abandon(b);

@@ 352,15 346,13 @@ void
drawwire(uint32_t *dst, Wire *w, int color)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < w->len - 1; i++) {
		Point2d p1 = w->points[i];
		Point2d *p2 = &w->points[i + 1];
		if(p2) {
			line(dst, p1.x, p1.y, p2->x, p2->y, color);
			if((int)(noton.frame / 3) % w->len != i)
				line(dst, p1.x, p1.y, p2->x, p2->y, w->polarity == 1 ? color4 : !w->polarity ? color0 : color3);
				line(dst, p1.x, p1.y, p2->x, p2->y, polarcolor(w->polarity));

@@ 369,9 361,7 @@ void
drawgate(uint32_t *dst, Gate *g)
	int r = 17;
	circle(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y, r, g->polarity == 1 ? color4 : g->polarity == 0 ? color0 : color3);
	circle(dst, g->pos.x, g->pos.y, r, polarcolor(g->polarity));
	if(g->type == OUTPUT) {
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x - 1, g->pos.y, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);
		pixel(dst, g->pos.x + 1, g->pos.y, g->shrp ? color2 : color1);

@@ 395,12 385,11 @@ redraw(uint32_t *dst, Brush *b)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < GATEMAX; i++)
	for(i = 0; i < noton.glen; i++)
		drawgate(dst, &noton.gates[i]);
	for(i = 0; i < WIREMAX; i++)
	for(i = 0; i < noton.wlen; i++)
		drawwire(dst, &noton.wires[i], color2);
		drawwire(dst, &b->wire, color3);
	drawwire(dst, &b->wire, color3);
	SDL_UpdateTexture(gTexture, NULL, dst, WIDTH * sizeof(uint32_t));
	SDL_RenderCopy(gRenderer, gTexture, NULL, NULL);

@@ 421,38 410,41 @@ run(Noton *n)
	n->inputs[3]->polarity = (n->frame / 8) % 4 == 1;
	n->inputs[5]->polarity = (n->frame / 8) % 4 == 2;
	n->inputs[7]->polarity = (n->frame / 8) % 4 == 3;
	for(i = 0; i < GATEMAX; ++i)
	for(i = 0; i < n->glen; ++i)
		bang(&n->gates[i], 10);

setup(Noton *n)
	int i;
	Gate *gtrue, *gfalse;
	int octave[12] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0};
	for(i = 0; i < INPUTMAX; ++i) {
		noton.inputs[i] = addgate(&noton, INPUT, 0, Pt2d(i % 2 == 0 ? 27 : 20, 30 + i * 6));
		noton.inputs[i]->locked = 1;
		int x = i % 2 == 0 ? 27 : 20;
		n->inputs[i] = addgate(n, INPUT, 0, Pt2d(x, 30 + i * 6));
		n->inputs[i]->locked = 1;
	for(i = 0; i < OUTPUTMAX; ++i) {
		noton.outputs[i] = addgate(&noton, OUTPUT, 0, Pt2d(WIDTH - (i % 2 == 0 ? 61 : 54), 30 + i * 6));
		noton.outputs[i]->locked = 1;
		noton.outputs[i]->note = i;
		noton.outputs[i]->chan = 0;
		noton.outputs[i]->shrp = octave[abs(noton.outputs[i]->note) % 12];
		int x = WIDTH - (i % 2 == 0 ? 61 : 54);
		n->outputs[i] = addgate(n, OUTPUT, 0, Pt2d(x, 30 + i * 6));
		n->outputs[i]->locked = 1;
		n->outputs[i]->note = i;
		n->outputs[i]->chan = 0;
		n->outputs[i]->shrp = octave[abs(n->outputs[i]->note) % 12];
	for(i = 0; i < OUTPUTMAX; ++i) {
		noton.outputs[i] = addgate(&noton, OUTPUT, 0, Pt2d(WIDTH - (i % 2 == 0 ? 47 : 40), 30 + i * 6));
		noton.outputs[i]->locked = 1;
		noton.outputs[i]->note = i + 24;
		noton.outputs[i]->chan = 0;
		noton.outputs[i]->shrp = octave[abs(noton.outputs[i]->note) % 12];
		int x = WIDTH - (i % 2 == 0 ? 47 : 40);
		n->outputs[i] = addgate(n, OUTPUT, 0, Pt2d(x, 30 + i * 6));
		n->outputs[i]->locked = 1;
		n->outputs[i]->note = i + 24;
		n->outputs[i]->chan = 0;
		n->outputs[i]->shrp = octave[abs(n->outputs[i]->note) % 12];
	gfalse = addgate(&noton, INPUT, 0, Pt2d((10 % 2 == 0 ? 26 : 20), 30 + 10 * 6));
	gfalse = addgate(n, INPUT, 0, Pt2d((10 % 2 == 0 ? 26 : 20), 30 + 10 * 6));
	gfalse->locked = 1;
	gtrue = addgate(&noton, INPUT, 1, Pt2d((11 % 2 == 0 ? 26 : 20), 30 + 11 * 6));
	gtrue = addgate(n, INPUT, 1, Pt2d((11 % 2 == 0 ? 26 : 20), 30 + 11 * 6));
	gtrue->locked = 1;

@@ 510,7 502,7 @@ domouse(SDL_Event *event, Brush *b)
			(event->motion.x - (PAD * ZOOM)) / ZOOM,
			(event->motion.y - (PAD * ZOOM)) / ZOOM);
		if(event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
			if(!findgateat(&noton, b->pos))
			if(!nearestgate(&noton, b->pos))
				addgate(&noton, XOR, -1, b->pos);
			redraw(pixels, b);

@@ 543,16 535,6 @@ dokey(Noton *n, SDL_Event *event, Brush *b)

	int i, select = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < Pm_CountDevices(); ++i)
		printf("#%d -> %s%s\n", i, Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i)->name, i == select ? "(selected)" : "");
	Pm_OpenOutput(&midi, select, NULL, 128, 0, NULL, 1);


@@ 595,7 577,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)

	Brush brush;
	brush.down = 0;
	brush.wire.active = 0;
	brush.wire.len = 0;

	noton.alive = 1;
	noton.speed = 40;

@@ 605,7 587,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
		return error("Init", "Failure");


	while(1) {
		SDL_Event event;