
1d8bf7de7a0b40f7ac4f689a3d417a15df842765 — Devine Lu Linvega 2 months ago 7f78b7e
Flipped modifiers
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M src/markl.tal
M src/markl.tal => src/markl.tal +8 -9
@@ 139,11 139,8 @@
		AND ?{ <focus> }
		[ LIT &reqdraw $1 ] ?{ BRK }
		[ LIT2 &count $2 ] INC2k ,&count STR2
		POP2 ( { "redraw: 20 $1 }
		#0a18 DEO )
		( { "redraw: 20 $1 } <plam> <phex> #0a18 DEO ) <redraw>
		[ LIT2 00 _&reqdraw ] STR }

@@ 160,7 157,8 @@
	;spell-idle <unlock-spell>
	( | empty spellbook )
	( set-debug-state !set-debug-state ) ( | worlds )
	( set-debug-state ) !set-debug-state
	( | worlds )
	( default ) #0005 ;entrance-stage !<enter-room>

@set-debug-state ( -- )

@@ 170,6 168,7 @@
	#0c <pick-focus>
	;move-left <pick-spell>
	( | room )
	#0002 ;mirror-stage !<enter-room>
	#0606 ;lobby-stage !<enter-room>

@<enter-room> ( x y room* -- )

@@ 264,14 263,14 @@
@<end-turn> ( -- )
	;player-idle-chr ;<draw-player>/state STA2
	.player/tile LDZ2 get-tile #07 AND
	( ) DUP #00 NEQ ?{ POP !<tile-fall> }
	DUP #02 NEQ ?{ POP !<set-safety> }
	DUP #06 NEQ ?{
		[ LIT2 00 -modify/y ] LDZ EQU .modify/y STZ }
	DUP #07 NEQ ?{
		[ LIT2 00 -modify/x ] LDZ EQU .modify/x STZ }
	DUP #07 NEQ ?{
		[ LIT2 00 -modify/y ] LDZ EQU .modify/y STZ }
	POP !<next-turn>

@<move-pc> ( -- )