Lin6 (v1.2)
A 6502 linter by Devine Lu Linvega (xxiivv.com)
This linter is designed to standardize 6502 assembly code written
for the ASM6 assembler.
Command line
lin6 [-options] sourcefiles
-? Show help
-v Show version
Variable names must always be lowercase.
Variable names are always padded to tab1.
Variable length are always padded to col25.
Variable comments are always padded to col32.
Constant names must always be uppercase.
Constant names are always padded to tab1.
Constant length are always padded to col21.
Constant comments are always padded to col32.
Label names must always be capitalized.
Label names always end with :.
Label names are always preceeded with a linebreak.
Label comments are never padded.
Directive names are always padded to tab1.
Directive names are always lowercase.
Directive comments are never padded.
Opcode names are always uppercase.
Opcode names are always padded to tab1.
Opcode comments are always padded to col32.
Inline comments are always padded to tab1.
Spacing comments are always preceeded and followed with a linebreak.