
2772d5836bcee26ea9580f79cc33e51ee06aaf30 — neauoire 2 years ago 90a67b8
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M slides
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@@ 24,27 24,27 @@ TEXT Name: Pino`Make: Yamaha`Length: 10m`Made: 1982`Origin: Shizuoka, Japan

	- We are Rekka and Devine, together form the 100r artist collective.
	- Live/work from sailboat, making tools/books/games.
	- Since 2016, circumnavigated Pacific Ocean. 
	- BC Canada>Mexico>French Polynesia>NZ, up to Japan and all islands inbetween. 
	- Pino Japanese boat, (bring it home). 
	- Since 2016, circumnavigated Pacific Ocean.
	- BC Canada>Mexico>French Polynesia>NZ, up to Japan and all islands inbetween.
	- Pino Japanese boat, (bring it home).
	- JP>CAD in 2020, a 51-day trip at sea.
	- Living remote parts of world for 5yrs
	- Saw firsthand how modern-day computing stack fails/degrades beyond shores of western world. 
	- How do we keep creating, when tools eat away at limited power/connectivity? 
	- Saw firsthand how modern-day computing stack fails/degrades beyond shores of western world.
	- How do we keep creating, when tools eat away at limited power/connectivity?
	- How do we make sure that tools work when need them to?
	- Things we struggled with during time in Pacific.
	- Lifestyle itself imposes limits on productivity

NAME [rek] 1.1 
NAME [rek] 1.1
GOTO 04,0c
HEAD A sailboat,`for all its complexity,`is a version of simplicity,`but of a satisfyingly`complex kind.

	- When we started we knew nothing about sailing
	- Must learn many things, rly fast.
	- Devine father’s reaction to us going to sail was: “WHY? You hate going outside!” 
	- Our attitude was: well, sailing can't be harder than programming. 
	- Still believe that. 
	- Devine father’s reaction to us going to sail was: “WHY? You hate going outside!”
	- Our attitude was: well, sailing can't be harder than programming.
	- Still believe that.
	- Sailboats hulls+sails, elegant, simple systems.
	- But like software get bogged down with complexity when electronics are introduced.

@@ 55,7 55,7 @@ PICT media/carveplace.tga
GOTO 04,05
HEAD Found it hard to carve a place`for ourselves anywhere.
GOTO 08,12
TEXT We wanted to exit the wasteful loop of acquiring`the necessities of life each time our lives`were uprooted. 
TEXT We wanted to exit the wasteful loop of acquiring`the necessities of life each time our lives`were uprooted.

	- We found that travel was a good catalyst for creativity.
	- Moving between apartments and re-aquiring necessities of life was unsustainable and exhausting.

@@ 74,9 74,9 @@ GOTO 08,19
TEXT While at anchor, in the beginning,`our solar couldn't keep up with`our demanding work schedules.

	- Transposing land life to sea life as is.
	- Did not know wattage of devices, even less about the amount of energy needed to power them. 
	- Knew nothing about lead acid batteries, having never driven a car. 
	- When on the grid, electricity felt limitless. 
	- Did not know wattage of devices, even less about the amount of energy needed to power them.
	- Knew nothing about lead acid batteries, having never driven a car.
	- When on the grid, electricity felt limitless.
	- At start spent time in cafes. Plugged in, sparing batteries.
	- Alternated between cafes/from Pino until we reached French Polynesia.
	- In FP, cafes supplying power, not terribly common.

@@ 92,37 92,37 @@ TEXT We left with Macbooks, iPhones, and used tools like Photoshop and Xcode.

	- Left Canada, armed with MacbookPros, Iphones.
	- PS for assets, built games with Xcode.
	- Awareness of linux was something fringe, innacessible, not for art/games. 
	- Publishing games on App store. 
	- Awareness of linux was something fringe, innacessible, not for art/games.
	- Publishing games on App store.
	- Overeliance on cloud services (PS subscription, Google Drive).
	- We had to change something. 
	- We had to change something.

NAME [toy] 2.2 Power Problems
GOTO 0e,00
PICT media/charging.tga
GOTO 04,19
HEAD Power problems 
HEAD Power problems
GOTO 08,20
TEXT Processor intensive software`Cloudy days`Limited space for solar panels

	- Software very processor-intensive, and contribute to our ever-lowering charge.
	- GUI tools we were familiar with, didn't match power available (e.g., batch conversion terminal)
	- We became all-too-aware of our power draw. We could not waste time while working, our work had a rigid time limit, determined by either the time of day, or the power available onboard. 
	- We became all-too-aware of our power draw. We could not waste time while working, our work had a rigid time limit, determined by either the time of day, or the power available onboard.
	- It was impossible to charge both machines all day, so we'd alternate.
	- As soon as we left the dock, we quickly found out that our macbooks were power sucking vampires, drawing at our batteries with a seemingly neverending thirst. 
	- On grey, cloudy days. Can’t power electronics, and it is worse when there are several of these days in a row. 
	- As soon as we left the dock, we quickly found out that our macbooks were power sucking vampires, drawing at our batteries with a seemingly neverending thirst.
	- On grey, cloudy days. Can’t power electronics, and it is worse when there are several of these days in a row.

NAME [toy] 2.3 Power Problems
GOTO 04,0c
HEAD On a boat,`anything on deck is sacrificial.
GOTO 08,19
TEXT On a sailboat, space is an issue, and so is weight.`The heavier our boat gets, the slower we sail. 
TEXT On a sailboat, space is an issue, and so is weight.`The heavier our boat gets, the slower we sail.

	- Installing more solar would mean more windage and more chances of getting knocked down or getting hurt.
	- Adding more solar means more windage, more chance of breaking things or being knocked down. On a boat, taught that anything on deck is sacrificial. Learned this in 2018, in 2020 during a storm, when a large wave engulfed our boat from the back, it ripped off our spray hood, what keeps rain out of the cabin, and it also took our 100 W flexible solar panels that was sitting over it. We left Japan with 190 W of solar, and we completed the trip with 90 W.
	- Few panels, small battery bank. Limited space. Space is an issue, and so is weight. The heavier our boat gets, the slower we sail. 
	- Few panels, small battery bank. Limited space. Space is an issue, and so is weight. The heavier our boat gets, the slower we sail.

NAME [rek] 2.4 Power Solutions

@@ 133,7 133,7 @@ HEAD We optimize to need less.
GOTO 08,0c
TEXT Struggle with power demanding software & hardware could have`pushed us to install more solar panels, or extra batteries,`but instead we optimizes to require less.

	- Pino has solar on deck, used to power everything onboard. 
	- Pino has solar on deck, used to power everything onboard.
	- Increase awareness power, eyes on battery % always.
	- Prioritizing the draw from other electrical systems onboard becomes more important than getting work done.
	- Accept that sun dictates work hours, when it dips below a certain point it is our cue to stop working.

@@ 186,12 186,12 @@ PICT media/signal.tga
GOTO 09,12
HEAD Connectivity`too became`an issue

	- Away from land, evidently, connectivity became an issue. 
	- In Nuku Hiva, no internet from the boat. 
	- Away from land, evidently, connectivity became an issue.
	- In Nuku Hiva, no internet from the boat.
	- Go to snack for internet. Hounds, flies and chickens.
	- Connection there slow, faster morning, when less people(still slow tho).
	- One morning Devine was sitting cafe, struggling update Xcode. Discouraged. 
	- Across the table sat another person (demoralized soul). IOs developer. Struggling downloand same 10G update. 
	- One morning Devine was sitting cafe, struggling update Xcode. Discouraged.
	- Across the table sat another person (demoralized soul). IOs developer. Struggling downloand same 10G update.
	- Thought it ridiculous, began to question if making games on boat made sense anymore.
	- Ridiculous dream.

@@ 231,16 231,16 @@ PICT media/hostileocean.tga
GOTO 04,04
HEAD Boats exist in a`hostile environment.

	- Boats exist hostile environment. 
	- Boats exist hostile environment.
	- Oceans are large, wild spaces between continents.
	- Humans, blinded by hubris, build/wear boats like armor to cross them. Madness.
	- Sailing long passages, hard on the body/mind, & hardware. 
	- Electronics don’t last. 
	- Sailing long passages, hard on the body/mind, & hardware.
	- Electronics don’t last.
	- Hot tropics. Open windows introduces salty air.
	- Salts corrodes electronics fast. Big problem. Depend on electronics to work. 
	- Wind changes unfavorable direction. Have to move. 
	- Want to be in a protected place. While in Mexico, must move every 3-4 days. 
	- Moving requires planning / research / time, which slows us down. 
	- Salts corrodes electronics fast. Big problem. Depend on electronics to work.
	- Wind changes unfavorable direction. Have to move.
	- Want to be in a protected place. While in Mexico, must move every 3-4 days.
	- Moving requires planning / research / time, which slows us down.
	- Temperature is another concern.
	- When hot, devices shutdown, bodies too. Become sluggish. Lose will to work.

@@ 251,10 251,10 @@ HEAD If you want to make God laugh,`tell him about your plans.
GOTO 08,19
TEXT When working, being inflexible results in frustration,`at sea, being inflexible can kill you.

	- As other sailors have told us. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." 
	- As other sailors have told us. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans."
	- Above true when our limits are set by nature.
	- Heard stories of sailors leaving in bad weather get to a meeting.
	- Perished in storm. 
	- Perished in storm.
	- When working, being inflexible = frustration, but at sea, being inflexible = death.
	- Different stakes.

@@ 268,8 268,8 @@ TEXT No schedule.`Secure everything.
	- (AIS?)
	- Go with weather, not against.
	- Don't have plans, no schedule
	- Put everything away in boxes, books in bags, secure. 
	- Ditch bag. 
	- Put everything away in boxes, books in bags, secure.
	- Ditch bag.
	- In bad weather, attention turns to Pino, to keep us safe. With projects, to remain flexible and to keep safe we stopped with planned release dates, made it so that users help themselves. Having projects be open-source meant that if something happened to us at sea, if we disappeared, that they wouldn't die with us.

NAME [rek] 5.0 Learning to repair boat

@@ 291,7 291,7 @@ GOTO 04,17
HEAD Design for`disassembly

	- Learning to repair, and maintain a boat has advised the way we build software now.
	- For our work, depending on others the cost is our privacy. 
	- For our work, depending on others the cost is our privacy.

NAME [rek] 6.0 Resilience boat
GOTO 00,00

@@ 299,12 299,12 @@ PICT media/grindereating.tga
GOTO 04,15
HEAD Have things work`when you need`them to

	- When working we want to have things work when we need them to. 
	- On boat, less a matter of productivity/convenience, but life/death. 
	- Having redundancy=good. 
	- Cooking (alcohol, wood and LPG). 
	- When working we want to have things work when we need them to.
	- On boat, less a matter of productivity/convenience, but life/death.
	- Having redundancy=good.
	- Cooking (alcohol, wood and LPG).
	- Charging batteries (solar, generator, engine alternator)
	- All-in-one tools. Convenient. But more chance break/get in the way. 
	- All-in-one tools. Convenient. But more chance break/get in the way.
	- A grain mill grinds grains. Simple. Doesn't beat dough or bake bread for you. Tested design.
	- Does on thing well. Easy to inspect, making replacement part possible.

@@ 316,11 316,11 @@ GOTO 08,19
TEXT Few moving parts

	- On boat, electric water pressure broken/cannot drink? Not good.
	- Woodstove vs diesel heater. 
	- Dry toilet (had many toilet failures). 
	- Woodstove vs diesel heater.
	- Dry toilet (had many toilet failures).
	- A lot of headaches to move literal shit from one side of the wall to the other. (Roger Taylor)
	- If leaving for a big sailing trip with spares, install the spare and keep the other one as the spare. If you do this, you'll learn how to change the part and what tools you need to do the job.
	- Manual for engine, paper charts. 
	- Manual for engine, paper charts.

NAME [toy] 6.2 Resilience computers
GOTO 00,00

@@ 344,8 344,8 @@ PICT media/needle.tga
GOTO 04,08
HEAD Context is the`connecting thread.

	- Every tool, book, story is bound together, and the wiki serves as the connecting thread 
	- Wisdom from others. Surrounded with ppl who know more. 
	- Every tool, book, story is bound together, and the wiki serves as the connecting thread
	- Wisdom from others. Surrounded with ppl who know more.
	- Old salts
	- Sailors are knowledgeable, curious people. Eager to share, teach & lend tools.
	- Sailor websites. Collection of information (where to get parts, food, nagivational harzards)

@@ 360,10 360,10 @@ HEAD Community.

	- Surrounded ourselves with ppl who know more
	- Created knowledge base.
	- Learnt from internet, teach through internet. 
	- Wiki doubles as context for our work (relevant as a whole). 
	- Learnt from internet, teach through internet.
	- Wiki doubles as context for our work (relevant as a whole).
	- Every tool, book, story bound together.
	- Wiki = connecting thread. 
	- Wiki = connecting thread.

NAME [rek] 7.2 Documentation Projects

@@ 372,11 372,11 @@ HEAD Documentating projects is`just as important`as the projects themselves
GOTO 08,1c
TEXT Context creates empathy,`Offline wiki used as reference,`Collecting knowledge worth passing on

	- Providing stories of what led us to make software in that specific way is like weaving a needle through a set of events in our lives, binding them together to create a relatable whole. Unsaid things leave too much to interpretation. 
	- Providing stories of what led us to make software in that specific way is like weaving a needle through a set of events in our lives, binding them together to create a relatable whole. Unsaid things leave too much to interpretation.
	- Context creates empathy, essential on modern internet.
	- Websites double as offline reference (for us)
	- Collection learned things, want to remember, techniques tried and tested, worth passing on.
	- Keeps recipes, stories (teaching moment) 
	- Keeps recipes, stories (teaching moment)
	- Documentation of projects just as important as projects themselves.

NAME [toy] 8.0 Freedom

@@ 399,7 399,7 @@ TEXT Uxn is a virtual machine that allows us to bring software onto any platform

	- After Electron disapointment and software lost to bitrot, looking for alternatives.
	- Even writing graphical C applications, portability issues working from plan9.
	- Building C graphical applications is heavy and slow comparing to assembling NES rom. 
	- Building C graphical applications is heavy and slow comparing to assembling NES rom.
	- Inspired from Another World & Flash
	- 32 opcodes, virtual machine designed to make portable roms.
	- A single rom, works on all emulators

@@ 438,10 438,10 @@ TEXT Frustrated with software, we built our own`With limited internet, we became

	- In 60's French writers writing with constrained techniques.
	- (e.g, replacing every noun in a text with the seventh noun after it in a dictionary.)
	- This inspire ideas, creativity. 
	- This inspire ideas, creativity.
	- Living/working from sailboat = constraint
	- Liberated imagination by eliminating possibilities.
	- Work less, by keeping our needs small. 
	- Work less, by keeping our needs small.
	- Don't like rigid schedules, find best selves when working close to nature.
	- Things struggled with in the beginning taught us most.
	- Frustrations software = building our own