@@ 375,20 375,20 @@
@<insert-char> ( c addr* -- )
DUP2 #0001 <msfr>
- #0001 !mod-length
+ #0001 !<mod-length>
@<cut-char> ( addr* -- )
#0001 <msfl>
( >> )
-@mod-length ( change* -- )
+@<mod-length> ( change* -- )
.textarea/length LDZ2 ADD2 .textarea/length STZ2
reqdraw-textarea reqdraw-navbar #0a !<draw-state>
@erase-selection ( -- )
get-from get-length STH2k <msfl>
- update-nav #0000 STH2r SUB2 !mod-length
+ update-nav #0000 STH2r SUB2 !<mod-length>
@join-spaces ( addr* -- addr* )
[ LIT2r 0000 ]
@@ 1052,19 1052,8 @@
@file-open-binary ( path* -- )
.File/name DEO2
- #0001 .textarea/length STZ2
#0001 .File/length DEO2
- #0000 [ LIT2r =text ]
- &s ( -- )
- ;&b feof? ?{
- [ LIT &b $1 ] STH2kr INC2r INC2r <put-byte>
- INC2
- ( | format )
- DUP #01 AND ?&s
- DUP #0f AND #00 NEQ #16 MUL #0a ADD STH2kr INC2r STA !&s }
- POP2
- ( | set length )
- STH2r ;text SUB2 .textarea/length STZ2
+ ;text inject-binary ;text SUB2 .textarea/length STZ2
( | continue )
[ LIT2 01 -textarea/highlight ] STZ
select-reset #01 <draw-filepath>
@@ 1111,14 1100,15 @@
( | erase when selection length )
has-empty? ?{ erase-selection }
( push right ) get-from STH2kr <msfr>
- STH2kr mod-length get-from .File/read DEO2
+ STH2kr <mod-length>
+ get-from .File/read DEO2
get-from STH2r ADD2 !<select-a>
@file-inject-binary ( name* -- )
- DUP2 .File/name DEO2
- DUP2 file-size <phex>
- #0a18 DEO
- POP2 JMP2r
+ get-from STH2k OVR2 file-size DUP2 ADD2 DUP2 #02 SFT2 ADD2 <msfr>
+ .File/name DEO2
+ #0001 .File/length DEO2
+ STH2r inject-binary DUP2 get-from SUB2 <mod-length> !<select-a>
@file-detect ( -- )
file-is-dir? ?&dir
@@ 1159,6 1149,18 @@
.File/read DEO2
.File/success DEI2 #0000 EQU2 JMP2r
+@inject-binary ( addr* -- addr* )
+ STH2
+ #0000
+ &s ( -- )
+ ;&b feof? ?{
+ [ LIT &b $1 ] STH2kr INC2r INC2r <put-byte>
+ INC2
+ ( | format )
+ DUP #01 AND ?&s
+ DUP #0f AND #00 NEQ #16 MUL #0a ADD STH2kr INC2r STA !&s }
+ POP2 STH2r JMP2r
@|edit )