@@ 459,22 459,14 @@ PICT media/asm.tga
- This is code from the BASIC implementation that was in Dobb's Journal.
NAME Uxntal Language
-GOTO 20,0c
+GOTO 16,02
PICT media/uxntal.tga
- Here's what the assembly language looks like for the curious.
- It's nothing special but at the same time it's kind of odd.
-NAME We're not here to talk about language design
-GOTO 20,0c
-PICT media/uxntal2.tga
- - But I'm not here to talk about language design.
- - So, let's skip ahead..
NAME Drifblim
-GOTO 25,09
+GOTO 20,0f
PICT media/drifblim.tga
-GOTO 18,12
-PICT media/drifblim2.tga
- Drifblim is an assembler written in uxntal.
- 1941 bytes, 500 lines of uxntal.