2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
D build.sh
A makefile
D build.sh => build.sh +0 -28
@@ 1,28 0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-set -o nounset # Fails when accessing an unset variable.
-set -o errexit # Exits if a command exits with a non-zero status.
-lin="uxncli $roms_dir/uxnlin.rom"
-bal="uxncli $roms_dir/uxnbal.rom"
-arg="${src} ${dst}"
-mkdir -p bin
-case "$*" in *--lint*) $lin $src ;; esac
-case "$*" in *--bal*) $bal $src ;; esac
-$asm $src $dst
-case "$*" in *--save*) cp $dst $roms_dir ;; esac
-$emu $dst $arg
-# Test with hello.rom
-$emu $dst examples/hello.tal bin/hello.rom
-$emu bin/hello.rom
-# Test interactive mode
-# uxnemu "${roms_dir}/left.rom" examples/hello.tal | $emu $dst ^bin/hello.rom
A makefile => makefile +26 -0
@@ 0,0 1,26 @@
+LIN=uxncli ${DIR}/uxnlin.rom
+all: ${ROM}
+ @ rm -f ${ROM} ${ROM}.sym
+ @ ${LIN} src/${ID}.tal
+run: ${ROM}
+ @ ${EMU} ${ROM} src/${ID}.tal ${ROM}
+ @ ${EMU} ${ROM} examples/hello.tal bin/hello.rom
+ @ ${EMU} bin/hello.rom
+install: ${ROM}
+ @ cp ${ROM} ${DIR}
+ @ rm -f ${DIR}/${ID}.rom
+.PHONY: all clean lint run install uninstall
+${ROM}: src/${ID}.tal
+ @ mkdir -p bin && ${ASM} src/${ID}.tal ${ROM}