
f37df0d6305994b07ad830b658b0500bec112442 — Devine Lu Linvega 1 year, 8 months ago 0a3f089
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M slides
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@@ 28,7 28,7 @@ PICT media/rekdev.tga
	Everything is open-source, and designed to be taken apart, and studied.
	7 years aboard Pino has led us to decrease energy use,
		to find hacks for turning problems into solutions,
		 and to turn waste into resources.
		and to turn waste into resources.
	We'll share with you how living on the water has shaped our creative process.
	We'll also talk about what the limits of technology are, shortcomings of high-tech,
		and how that led us to use computers for benign activities and play.

@@ 87,8 87,7 @@ HEAD What are`computers`for?
	In 2018, we stopped making games, because disillusioned with the state of things
		(Apple Store, development tools)...
	Also because we had difficulty reconciling pushing for environmentally
    conscious action,
		while relying on bloated and fragile tools.
		conscious action, while relying on bloated and fragile tools.
	modern software is built with extreme short-sightedness,
		designed to be run on disposable electronics and near impossible to maintain
	Can computers have a meaningful and sustainable place in human society?

@@ 115,7 114,7 @@ HEAD There is no`waste in`nature
	There is no waste in nature
	Nature never attemps to separate animals from plants
		we are the only animal that deliberately mixes water with our own waste.
			and that does this in fresh water
			and who does it in fresh water
			insane considering that less than 3% of the planet's water is fresh water
			This approach is not a sustainable use of our water and energy resource
		composting toilets is decentralized, requires no water

@@ 123,7 122,6 @@ HEAD There is no`waste in`nature
	Waste has become a form of status, dominance over nature
	Each year, governments around the world pour around half a trillion dollars into
		artificially lowering the price of fossil fuels
		more than triple what renewables receive...
		so we can afford to be remain wasteful.

NAME [toy] no waste in tech

@@ 138,17 136,17 @@ HEAD To make fast software,`you need slow`computers
	Websites and applications becoming heavier, due to bad coding and design practices
		result is more consumption of data, more use of electricity
		heavier everything accelerates the obsolescence of perfectly good devices
		replacing is often more attractive then repairing
			people more likely ppl will replace the phone instead of  the battery
		and replacing is often more attractive then repairing
			people are more likely to replace the phone instead of the battery
		devices that discourage repair, with miniaturized systems,
		 and proprietary screws
		and proprietary screws
	larger websites require more powerful computers to access them.
		This means that more computers need to be manufactured,
	Computer and phones dont need to get faster, they're fast already as is.
		We need repairable hardware and better software.
		We need repairable hardware and efficient software.
	Our philosophy is that to make fast software, you need slow computers.
		participatory: ideal for ppl with slow internet connections
			 (we are part of those ppl)
	It keep computing participatory: ideal for ppl with slow internet connections
		(we are part of those ppl)

NAME [Rek] 2.3 Lacto

@@ 234,16 232,15 @@ GOTO 04,04
HEAD Inconvenient choices

	Sailboats now come with an increasing number of electronics.
		they take more than they give, often, at the cost of loss of valuable skills
		which always take more than they give, often, at the cost of loosing valuable skills
			a reliance on GPS systems messes with spatial memory
			autopilots that drive your boat
				makes sailors lazy,
			autopilots that drive your boat makes sailors lazy,
			a boat can follow a course relatively well if the sails are well-balanced,
				but if an autopilot is an option some plp don't bother balancing sails,
				but if an autopilot is an option plp don't bother balancing sails,
			the autopilot makes course corrections constantly,
				which puts more pressure on the autopilot which causes it to break early.
	Fast internet wherever you are
		distraction is always within reach
	Fast internet wherever you are means that
		distractions are always within reach
			many ppl benefit from people being constantly occupied by distractions
			Attention is our most precious resource
	There is an allure to complex systems,

@@ 260,9 257,9 @@ GOTO 14,0a
HEAD Diversity and resilience

	Diversity is important in nearly all aspects, whether it's with computers,
	 or agriculture
	or agriculture
	The connections between people and nature are becoming dangerously
	 oversimplified and technological.
	oversimplified and technological.
	Viruses can attack a single crop, or a single computer architecture.
		Diversity distributes the surface of attack and creates resilience
	The more services, or resources are centralized,

@@ 273,10 270,10 @@ HEAD Diversity and resilience
		individuals to participate in an otherwise decentralized communication system.
		Opting out, by running your own email server is no longer an option
			Big, concentrated email services are elbowing out people
			 in the name of security.
			in the name of security.
			Making deliverability a problem: your email won't reach other ppls inboxes
	It is easy to see the dangers of centralized email, if it goes down...
	 everything does down.
	everything does down.
	Ex. Rogers outtage last summer
		Events like the Rogers outage, where people couldn't use interac,
			internet or call anyone is a disaster

@@ 310,7 307,7 @@ HEAD Go slow, pay attention to details.
	We can all benefit from greater attention to place
		Only possible if stay somewhere long enough to take in details
		Last summer spent a whole month at anchor
		 in a bay on the north of Cortes Island
		in a bay on the north of Cortes Island
			5km walk through forest to nearest town
			Other sailors did not understand why we did that
			Stayig long, got to know every detail in the bay

@@ 380,7 377,7 @@ HEAD Human scale
			Ideas from a diversity of ppl gives a broader lens
			Which in turn potential to make art, software and the web better
	Important that anyone can continue to participate in the development of the web,
	 and of software
	and of software
		Can do that by focusing on making it lean, and small.
		Human scale.
			so ppl can learn by example

@@ 391,7 388,7 @@ HEAD Human scale
		Music is produced digitally, but is improvisional.
		It's a more tactile way of performing with a laptop in font of an audience
		where performers show their screens,
		 to show of changing the code affects the music in real time.
		to show of changing the code affects the music in real time.
	In the livecoding scene everyone is encouraged to write their own environments
		There's big value in customizations.
		In making things playful.

@@ 442,7 439,7 @@ HEAD Cellular automata
		Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
		Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
		Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by

NAME [toy] 3.2 Permacomputing

@@ 455,7 452,7 @@ HEAD That which cannot be repaired`is already broken.
	wastefulness, which shows in things like ridiculous hardware requirements
		for computing even the most trivial tasks.
	There is a new movement in tech inspired from permaculture,
	 called permacomputing
	called permacomputing
	Permacomputing aims at only using computing when it has a strengthening effect
		on ecosystems.
	For example: