@@ 0,0 1,133 @@
+# Try to import board and neopixel to run on the real hardware
+ import board
+ import neopixel
+except ImportError:
+ # Error, try to import the simulation from DutChen18 instead (https://github.com/standupmaths/xmastree2020/pull/5)
+ from sim import board, neopixel
+def xmaslight():
+ # This is the code from my
+ # Here are the libraries I am currently using:
+ import time
+ import re
+ from math import sin, cos, atan2, pi
+ #import board
+ #import neopixel
+ # You are welcome to add any of these:
+ import random
+ import numpy
+ # import scipy
+ # import sys
+ # If you want to have user changable values, they need to be entered from the command line
+ # so import sys sys and use sys.argv[0] etc
+ # some_value = int(sys.argv[0])
+ # IMPORT THE COORDINATES (please don't break this bit)
+ coordfilename = "Python/coords.txt"
+ fin = open(coordfilename,'r')
+ coords_raw = fin.readlines()
+ coords_bits = [i.split(",") for i in coords_raw]
+ coords = []
+ for slab in coords_bits:
+ new_coord = []
+ for i in slab:
+ new_coord.append(int(re.sub(r'[^-\d]','', i)))
+ coords.append(new_coord)
+ #set up the pixels (AKA 'LEDs')
+ PIXEL_COUNT = len(coords) # this should be 500
+ pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, PIXEL_COUNT, auto_write=False)
+ # unzip coordinates
+ xs, ys, zs = list(zip(*coords))
+ xs = numpy.array(xs)
+ ys = numpy.array(ys)
+ zs = numpy.array(zs)
+ # normalize heights (0 to 1)
+ zs = (zs - zs.min()) / (zs.max() - zs.min())
+ # Find center of the tree
+ x0 = numpy.average([x for (x, _, _) in coords])
+ y0 = numpy.average([y for (_, y, _) in coords])
+ # normalized radii (0 to 1)
+ radii = numpy.sqrt((xs - x0)**2, (ys - y0)**2)
+ radii = radii / radii.max()
+ # azimuths
+ azimuths = numpy.arctan2(ys, xs)
+ # rotation speed in radians per second
+ # may be negative to reverse direction
+ speed = pi/2
+ # brightness factor:
+ # 0 = black
+ # 1 = maximum brightness
+ brightness_factor = 0.4
+ # colours in GRB order
+ white = (255, 255, 255)
+ black = (0, 0, 0)
+ ray_colors = [
+ (0, 255, 0),
+ (165, 255, 0),
+ (255, 255, 0),
+ (128, 0, 0),
+ (0, 0, 255),
+ (0, 75, 130),
+ (130, 238, 238),
+ ]
+ ray_colors = [ (round(brightness_factor * g), round(brightness_factor * r), round(brightness_factor * b)) for (g, r, b) in ray_colors ]
+ # extend the colors so that the rainbow only spans half the circumference tree
+ ray_colors = ray_colors + len(ray_colors) * [black]
+ # ray width; 2*pi/len(ray_colors) is the maximum
+ ray_width = 2*pi/len(ray_colors)
+ t0 = time.time()
+ while True:
+ # Reset all lights to black
+ for i in range(len(coords)):
+ pixels[i] = black
+ # Turn them on again if they are at the "right" position
+ delta = time.time() - t0
+ for (i, (φ, z)) in enumerate(zip(azimuths, zs)):
+ if z > 0.95:
+ # the top stays dark constantly, so it doesn't look too messy
+ continue
+ else:
+ for (j, color) in enumerate(ray_colors):
+ ray_offset = j * 2*pi / len(ray_colors)
+ if abs(φ + ray_offset + delta * speed) % (2*pi) <= ray_width:
+ pixels[i] = color
+ # use the show() option as rarely as possible as it takes ages
+ # do not use show() each time you change a LED but rather wait until you have changed them all
+ pixels.show()
+ return 'DONE'
+# yes, I just put this at the bottom so it auto runs