@@ 156,22 156,32 @@ pub fn run_and_patch_game(exe_path: &std::path::Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut game = SuspendedGameProcess::new(exe_path).context("couldn't launch suspended game process")?;
// Obtain information about the text segment pages
- let text_segment_offset = 0x140001000usize;
- let mem_info = win::virtual_query_ex(game.process_handle(), Some(text_segment_offset as *const core::ffi::c_void)).context("couldn't query process memory pages")?;
- if mem_info.BaseAddress as usize + mem_info.RegionSize < 0x1403dfda3 {
+ let text_offset = 0x140001000usize;
+ let rdata_offset = 0x1407ea000usize;
+ let text_mem_info = win::virtual_query_ex(game.process_handle(), Some(text_offset as *const core::ffi::c_void)).context("couldn't query process text pages")?;
+ let rdata_mem_info = win::virtual_query_ex(game.process_handle(), Some(rdata_offset as *const core::ffi::c_void)).context("couldn't query process rdata pages")?;
+ if text_mem_info.BaseAddress as usize + text_mem_info.RegionSize < 0x1403dfda3 {
// Are our addresses of interest part of the page region?
return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("text segment page region is unexpectedly small, bailing out"));
+ if rdata_mem_info.BaseAddress as usize + rdata_mem_info.RegionSize < 0x14032a5b1 {
+ return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("rdata segment page region is unexpectedly small, bailing out"));
+ }
// Change memory protection flags
let rw = win::PAGE_READWRITE;
- let oldflags = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), mem_info.BaseAddress, mem_info.RegionSize, rw).context("couldn't change text segment memory protection")?;
+ let old_text_flags = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), text_mem_info.BaseAddress, text_mem_info.RegionSize, rw).context("couldn't change text memory protection")?;
+ let old_rdata_flags = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), rdata_mem_info.BaseAddress, rdata_mem_info.RegionSize, rw).context("couldn't change rdata memory protection")?;
// apply patches
apply_patches(game.process_handle()).context("couldn't apply mod patches")?;
// Change memory protection flags back
- let _ = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), mem_info.BaseAddress, mem_info.RegionSize, oldflags).context("couldn't change text segment memory protection back to original value")?;
+ let _ = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), text_mem_info.BaseAddress, text_mem_info.RegionSize, old_text_flags)
+ .context("couldn't change text memory protection back to original value")?;
+ let _ = win::virtual_protect_ex(game.process_handle(), rdata_mem_info.BaseAddress, rdata_mem_info.RegionSize, old_rdata_flags)
+ .context("couldn't change rdata memory protection back to original value")?;
// Resume main thread, actually starting the game
game.resume().context("couldn't resume game process after applying patch")?;
@@ 132,6 132,13 @@ pub fn get_drives_with_fallback() -> impl Iterator<Item = char> {
+// process handle rights
+pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS;
+pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION;
+pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::PROCESS_VM_OPERATION;
+pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::PROCESS_VM_READ;
+pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::PROCESS_VM_WRITE;
// process creation flags (we just need one)
pub use windows::Win32::System::Threading::CREATE_SUSPENDED;