A => .gitignore +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
A => README.md +7 -0
@@ 1,7 @@
+Solutions to advent of code 2021 in sqlite3
+To execute a solution, make sure that all inputs are saved in `input/NN.txt`, where NN is the day (01 to 25), and run:
+$ sqlite3 solNN.sql
A => examples/01.txt +10 -0
@@ 1,10 @@
A => examples/02.txt +6 -0
@@ 1,6 @@
+forward 5
+down 5
+forward 8
+up 3
+down 8
+forward 2
A => examples/03.txt +12 -0
@@ 1,12 @@
A => examples/05.txt +10 -0
@@ 1,10 @@
+0,9 -> 5,9
+8,0 -> 0,8
+9,4 -> 3,4
+2,2 -> 2,1
+7,0 -> 7,4
+6,4 -> 2,0
+0,9 -> 2,9
+3,4 -> 1,4
+0,0 -> 8,8
+5,5 -> 8,2<
\ No newline at end of file
A => examples/06.txt +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
A => examples/07.txt +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
A => examples/09.txt +5 -0
@@ 1,5 @@
A => examples/10.txt +10 -0
@@ 1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
A => examples/12.txt +10 -0
@@ 1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
A => examples/15.txt +10 -0
@@ 1,10 @@
A => examples/21.txt +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
+Player 1 starting position: 4
+Player 2 starting position: 8
A => sol01.sql +45 -0
@@ 1,45 @@
+create table input1 (
+ depth integer
+.mode csv
+.import input/01.txt input1
+-- Part 1
+ count(*)
+from input1 as i
+where depth > (
+ select depth from input1 as j
+ where j.rowid < i.rowid
+ order by rowid desc
+ limit 1
+ )
+-- Part 2
+with smoothed_depth as (
+ select
+ rowid,
+ ( select
+ case when count(*) = 3
+ then sum(depth)
+ else null
+ end
+ from input1 as j
+ where j.rowid between i.rowid - 2 and i.rowid
+ ) as depth
+ from input1 as i
+ count(*)
+from smoothed_depth as i
+where i.depth > (
+ select depth from smoothed_depth as j
+ where j.rowid < i.rowid
+ order by rowid desc
+ limit 1
+ )
A => sol02.sql +52 -0
@@ 1,52 @@
+create table input2 (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/02.txt input2
+create view movement (rowid, direction, length) as
+ select
+ rowid,
+ substr(line, 0, instr(line, ' ')),
+ cast (substr(line, instr(line, ' ') + 1) as integer)
+ from input2
+-- part 1
+create view total_movement as
+ select direction, sum(length) as length
+ from movement
+ group by direction
+ (select length from total_movement where direction = 'forward')
+ *
+ (
+ (select length from total_movement where direction = 'down')
+ - (select length from total_movement where direction = 'up')
+ )
+-- part 2
+create view aim (rowid, aim) as
+ select
+ rowid,
+ ifnull((select sum(length) from movement where rowid <= m.rowid and direction = 'down'), 0)
+ -
+ ifnull((select sum(length) from movement where rowid <= m.rowid and direction = 'up'), 0)
+ from movement as m
+with delta as (
+ select
+ length as dx,
+ aim * length as dy
+ from aim
+ join movement on aim.rowid = movement.rowid
+ where movement.direction = "forward"
+select (select sum(dx) from delta) * (select sum(dy) from delta);
A => sol03.sql +127 -0
@@ 1,127 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/03.txt input
+create view bits (rowid, idx, val) as
+with recursive bits (rowid, bitidx, bitval) as (
+ select 0, 0, null
+ union all
+ select
+ case when bitidx <= (select length(line) from input where rowid = bits.rowid) then rowid else rowid + 1 end,
+ case when bitidx <= (select length(line) from input where rowid = bits.rowid) then bitidx + 1 else 1 end,
+ ( select
+ case when substr(line, bitidx, 1) == "" then null else substr(line, bitidx, 1) end
+ from input
+ where input.rowid = bits.rowid
+ ) as bitval
+ from bits
+ where rowid <= (select max(rowid) from input)
+select rowid, bitidx - 1, cast(bitval as integer) from bits where bitval is not null;
+-- part 1
+create view most_common_bit as
+ (select max(length(line)) from input) - idx as idx,
+ (
+ select val
+ from bits
+ where idx = x.idx
+ group by val
+ order by count(*)
+ limit 1
+ ) as bit
+from bits as x
+group by idx;
+select sum(mcb.bit << mcb.idx) * sum((1-mcb.bit) << mcb.idx)
+from most_common_bit as mcb;
+-- part 2
+create temporary table oxy (
+ rowid integer primary key
+insert into oxy
+select rowid from input;
+delete from oxy
+where rowid in (
+ select rowid
+ from bits
+ where idx = 1
+ and val <> (
+ select val
+ from bits
+ where idx = 1
+ group by val
+ order by count(*) desc, val desc
+ limit 1
+ )
+delete from oxy
+where rowid in (
+ select oxy.rowid
+ from bits
+ join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid
+ where bits.idx = 2
+ and val <> (
+ select val
+ from bits
+ join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid
+ where idx = 2
+ group by val
+ order by count(*) desc, val desc
+ limit 1
+ )
+and 2 <= (select max(length(line)) from input)
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 3 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 3 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 3 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 4 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 4 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 4 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 5 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 5 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 5 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 6 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 6 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 6 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 7 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 7 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 7 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 8 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 8 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 8 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 9 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 9 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 9 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 10 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 10 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 10 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 11 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 11 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 11 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from oxy where rowid in ( select oxy.rowid from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where bits.idx = 12 and val <> ( select val from bits join oxy on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid where idx = 12 group by val order by count(*) desc, val desc limit 1 ) ) and 12 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+create temporary view oxygen_rating (o) as
+select sum(bits.val << ((select max(length(line)) from input) - bits.idx))
+from oxy join bits on bits.rowid = oxy.rowid;
+create temporary table co2 (
+ rowid integer primary key
+insert into co2
+select rowid from input;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 1 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 1 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 1 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 2 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 2 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 2 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 3 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 3 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 3 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 4 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 4 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 4 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 5 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 5 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 5 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 6 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 6 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 6 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 7 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 7 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 7 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 8 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 8 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 8 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 9 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 9 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 9 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 10 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 10 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 10 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 11 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 11 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 11 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+delete from co2 where rowid in ( select co2.rowid from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where bits.idx = 12 and val <> ( select val from bits join co2 on bits.rowid = co2.rowid where idx = 12 group by val order by count(*) asc, val asc limit 1 ) ) and 12 <= (select max(length(line)) from input) ;
+create temporary view co2_rating (c) as
+select sum(bits.val << ((select max(length(line)) from input) - bits.idx))
+from co2 join bits on bits.rowid = co2.rowid;
+select o * c from oxygen_rating, co2_rating;
A => sol05.sql +69 -0
@@ 1,69 @@
+create table input (
+ a text,
+ b text,
+ c text
+.mode csv
+.import input/05.txt input
+create temporary table vents (
+ x1 integer,
+ y1 integer,
+ x2 integer,
+ y2 integer
+insert into vents
+ cast (a as integer),
+ cast (substr(b, 1, instr(b, ' -> ')) as integer),
+ cast (substr(b, instr(b, ' -> ') + 4) as integer),
+ cast (c as integer)
+from input;
+-- part 1
+with recursive f (x1, y1, x2, y2) as (
+ select
+ case when x1 < x2 or y1 < y2 then x1 else x2 end,
+ case when x1 < x2 or y1 < y2 then y1 else y2 end,
+ case when x1 < x2 or y1 < y2 then x2 else x1 end,
+ case when x1 < x2 or y1 < y2 then y2 else y1 end
+ from vents
+ where x1 = x2 or y1 = y2
+ union all
+ select
+ case when x1 < x2 then x1 + 1 else x1 end,
+ case when y1 < y2 then y1 + 1 else y1 end,
+ x2,
+ y2
+ from f
+ where x1 < x2 or y1 < y2
+select count(*)
+from (select * from f group by x1, y1 having count(*) > 1);
+-- part 2
+with recursive f (x1, y1, x2, y2) as (
+ select x1, y1, x2, y2 from vents
+ union all
+ select
+ case
+ when x1 < x2 then x1 + 1
+ when x1 > x2 then x1 - 1
+ else x1
+ end,
+ case
+ when y1 < y2 then y1 + 1
+ when y1 > y2 then y1 - 1
+ else y1
+ end,
+ x2,
+ y2
+ from f
+ where x1 <> x2 or y1 <> y2
+select count(*)
+from (select * from f group by x1, y1 having count(*) > 1);
A => sol06.sql +92 -0
@@ 1,92 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode line
+.import input/06.txt input
+.mode csv
+create temporary table timers (
+ time integer
+with recursive f (k, time, rest) as (
+ select 0, 0, line from input
+ union
+ select
+ k + 1,
+ case when instr(rest, ',') then substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, ',') - 1) else rest end,
+ case when instr(rest, ',') then substr(rest, instr(rest, ',') + 1) else '' end
+ from f
+ where rest <> ''
+insert into timers
+select cast (time as integer) from f
+where k > 0
+-- part 1
+create temporary table step (
+ t1 integer,
+ t2 integer
+insert into step (t1, t2) values
+ -- reached 0 -> spawn a new one for the next turn
+ (0, 6),
+ (0, 8),
+ -- otherwise just decrease the timer by one
+ (1, 0),
+ (2, 1),
+ (3, 2),
+ (4, 3),
+ (5, 4),
+ (6, 5),
+ (7, 6),
+ (8, 7)
+with recursive f (step, time) as (
+ select 0, time from timers
+ union all
+ select
+ step + 1,
+ t2
+ from f
+ join step on f.time = step.t1
+ where step < 80
+select count(*) from f where step = 80;
+-- part 2
+with recursive f (step, t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) as (
+ select
+ 0,
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 0),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 1),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 2),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 3),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 4),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 5),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 6),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 7),
+ (select count(*) from timers where time = 8)
+ union
+ select
+ step + 1,
+ t1,
+ t2,
+ t3,
+ t4,
+ t5,
+ t6,
+ t7 + t0,
+ t8,
+ t0
+ from f
+ where step < 256
+select t0+t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7+t8 from f where step = 256;
A => sol07.sql +55 -0
@@ 1,55 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode list
+.import input/07.txt input
+create temporary table height (
+ rowid integer primary key,
+ height integer
+with recursive f (rowid, height, rest) as (
+ select 0, null, line from input
+ union all
+ select
+ rowid + 1,
+ case when instr(rest, ',') then substr(rest, 1, instr(rest, ',') - 1) else rest end,
+ case when instr(rest, ',') then substr(rest, instr(rest, ',') + 1) else '' end
+ from f
+ where rest <> ''
+insert into height (rowid, height)
+select rowid, cast (height as integer) from f
+where height is not null
+-- part 1
+ (
+ select sum(abs(h2.height - h1.height))
+ from height as h2
+ ) as fuel
+from height as h1
+order by fuel
+limit 1;
+-- part 2
+with recursive h1 ( height ) as (
+ select (select min(height) from height)
+ union
+ select height + 1
+ from h1
+ where height < (select max(height) from height)
+ (
+ select sum(abs(h2.height - h1.height) * (abs(h2.height - h1.height) + 1) / 2)
+ from height as h2
+ ) as fuel
+from h1
+order by fuel
+limit 1;
A => sol09.sql +120 -0
@@ 1,120 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/09.txt input
+create temporary table map (
+ x integer,
+ y integer,
+ z integer,
+ primary key (x, y)
+with recursive f (x, y, z, rest) as (
+ select 0, rowid, null, line from input
+ union all
+ select
+ x + 1,
+ y,
+ cast(substr(rest, 1, 1) as integer),
+ substr(rest, 2)
+ from f
+ where x < (select max(length(line)) from input)
+insert into map (x, y, z)
+select x, y, z from f
+where z is not null
+-- part 1
+create temporary view high_points as
+select x, y, z
+from map as m
+where z < (
+ select min(z)
+ from map
+ where abs(x - m.x) + abs(y - m.y) = 1
+select sum(z + 1) from high_points;
+-- part 2
+create temporary table basins (
+ x integer,
+ y integer,
+ basin integer,
+ primary key (x, y)
+insert into basins (x, y, basin)
+select x, y, rowid
+from map
+where z < 9;
+update basins as b
+set basin = (
+ select min(basin)
+ from basins
+ join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y
+ where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1)
+ or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1)
+ or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y)
+ or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y)
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+update basins as b set basin = ( select min(basin) from basins join map on basins.x = map.x and basins.y = map.y where (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y + 1) or (map.x = b.x and map.y = b.y - 1) or (map.x = b.x + 1 and map.y = b.y) or (map.x = b.x - 1 and map.y = b.y) );
+create temporary table sizes (
+ rowid integer primary key,
+ size integer
+insert into sizes (size)
+select count(*) as size
+from basins
+group by basin
+order by size desc
+limit 3
+-- why does sql not have a PRODUCT aggregation?
+-- or, for that matter, a general filter?
+with recursive f (n, prod) as (
+ select 1, 1
+ union all
+ select n + 1, prod * coalesce((select size from sizes where rowid = n), 1)
+ from f
+ where n <= (select max(rowid) from sizes)
+select max(prod)
+from f;
A => sol10.sql +718 -0
@@ 1,718 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/10.txt input
+create temporary table chars (
+ line integer,
+ n integer,
+ symbol char,
+ primary key (n, line)
+with recursive f (line, n, symbol, rest) as (
+ select rowid, 0, null, line from input
+ union all
+ select
+ line,
+ n + 1,
+ case when substr(rest, 1, 1) <> '' then cast(substr(rest, 1, 1) as char) else null end,
+ substr(rest, 2)
+ from f
+ where n <= (select max(length(line)) from input)
+insert into chars (line, n, symbol)
+select line, n, symbol from f
+where symbol is not null
+create temporary table scores (
+ symbol char primary key,
+ score integer
+insert into scores values
+ (')', 3),
+ (']', 57),
+ ('}', 1197),
+ ('>', 25137)
+create temporary table pairs (
+ open char unique,
+ close char unique
+insert into pairs values
+ ('(', ')'),
+ ('[', ']'),
+ ('{', '}'),
+ ('<', '>')
+-- part 1
+create temporary table stack (
+ line integer,
+ [order] integer,
+ expected integer,
+ primary key (line, [order])
+create temporary table step (
+ step integer primary key
+-- STEP 1
+delete from step;
+insert into step (step) values (1);
+-- begin: for all lines that contain a starting symbol at the first position, push the corresponding end symbol on the stack
+insert into stack
+ line,
+ 1,
+ close
+from chars
+join step on chars.n = step
+join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open
+-- STEP 2
+delete from step;
+insert into step (step) values (2);
+-- for all lines that have a starting symbol on position 2, push the corresponding end symbol on the stack
+insert into stack
+ line,
+ coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1),
+ close
+from chars
+join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open
+join step on n = step
+-- for all lines that have an end symbol on position 2 that doesn't match the one on the stack, insert a new null to mark the location
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected)
+select chars.line, (select step from step), null
+from chars
+left join stack on chars.line = stack.line
+join step on n = step
+and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true)
+and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true)
+and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true)
+-- for all lines that have an end symbol on position 2 that does match the one on the stack, remove that symbol from the stack
+delete from stack
+where (line, [order]) in (
+ select stack.line as line, [order]
+ from chars
+ join stack on chars.line = stack.line
+ join step on n = step
+ and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step)
+ and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line)
+ and chars.symbol = stack.expected
+-- now do it 100 more times 🙃
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (3);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (4);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (5);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (6);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (7);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (8);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (9);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (10);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (11);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (12);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (13);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (14);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (15);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (16);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (17);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (18);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (19);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (20);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (21);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (22);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (23);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (24);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (25);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (26);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (27);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (28);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (29);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (30);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (31);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (32);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (33);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (34);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (35);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (36);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (37);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (38);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (39);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (40);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (41);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (42);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (43);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (44);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (45);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (46);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (47);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (48);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (49);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (50);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (51);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (52);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (53);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (54);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (55);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (56);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (57);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (58);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (59);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (60);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (61);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (62);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (63);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (64);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (65);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (66);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (67);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (68);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (69);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (70);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (71);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (72);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (73);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (74);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (75);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (76);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (77);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (78);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (79);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (80);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (81);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (82);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (83);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (84);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (85);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (86);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (87);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (88);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (89);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (90);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (91);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (92);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (93);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (94);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (95);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (96);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (97);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (98);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (99);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (100);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (101);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (102);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (103);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (104);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (105);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (106);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (107);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (108);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (109);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+delete from step; insert into step (step) values (110);
+insert into stack select line, coalesce((select max([order]) from stack where stack.line = chars.line) + 1, 1), close from chars join pairs on chars.symbol = pairs.open join step on n = step ;
+insert into stack (line, [order], expected) select chars.line, (select step from step), null from chars left join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and coalesce(stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step), true) and coalesce(stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line), true) and coalesce(chars.symbol <> stack.expected, true) ;
+delete from stack where (line, [order]) in ( select stack.line as line, [order] from chars join stack on chars.line = stack.line join step on n = step and stack.line in (select line from chars join pairs on symbol = close join step on n = step) and stack.[order] = (select max([order]) from stack as s where s.line = stack.line) and chars.symbol = stack.expected ) ;
+select sum(score)
+from chars
+join (
+ select line, min([order]) as position from stack
+ where expected is null
+ group by line
+ ) as s
+ on s.line = chars.line and chars.n = position
+join scores on scores.symbol = chars.symbol
+-- part 2
+-- discard the incomplete lines
+delete from chars
+where chars.line in (
+ select line
+ from stack
+ where stack.expected is null
+delete from scores;
+insert into scores values
+ (')', 1),
+ (']', 2),
+ ('}', 3),
+ ('>', 4)
+with recursive f (line, depth, score) as (
+ select
+ chars.line,
+ max([order]),
+ 0
+ from chars
+ join stack on chars.line = stack.line
+ group by chars.line
+ union
+ select
+ f.line,
+ depth - 1,
+ 5 * score + (select score from scores as s where s.symbol = stack.expected)
+ from f
+ join stack
+ on stack.line = f.line
+ where stack.[order] = depth
+ and depth > 0
+select score
+from f
+where depth = 0
+group by line
+order by score
+limit 1 offset (select (count(distinct line) - 1) / 2 from f);
A => sol12.sql +61 -0
@@ 1,61 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/12.txt input
+pragma case_sensitive_like = true;
+create temporary table caves (
+ [from] integer,
+ [to] integer
+insert into caves
+ substr(line, 1, instr(line, '-') - 1),
+ substr(line, instr(line, '-') + 1)
+from input;
+insert into caves
+ substr(line, instr(line, '-') + 1),
+ substr(line, 1, instr(line, '-') - 1)
+from input;
+-- part 1
+with recursive f (path, current) as (
+ select 'start', 'start'
+ union all
+ select
+ path || ',' || [to],
+ [to]
+ from f
+ join caves on current = [from]
+ where current <> 'end'
+ and not ([to] = lower([to]) and instr(path, [to]) > 0)
+select count(path) from f where current = 'end';
+-- part 2
+with recursive f (path, current, visited) as (
+ select 'start', 'start', null
+ union all
+ select
+ path || ',' || [to],
+ [to],
+ case when [to] = lower([to]) and instr(path, [to]) > 0 then [to] else visited end
+ from f
+ join caves on current = [from]
+ where current <> 'end'
+ and [to] <> 'start'
+ and (
+ visited is null
+ or [to] <> lower([to])
+ or instr(path, [to]) = 0
+ )
+select count(path) from f where current = 'end';
A => sol15.sql +322 -0
@@ 1,322 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/15.txt input
+create temporary table map (
+ x integer,
+ y integer,
+ risk integer,
+ primary key (x, y)
+with recursive f (x, y, risk, rest) as (
+ select 0, rowid, null, line from input
+ union all
+ select
+ x + 1,
+ y,
+ cast(substr(rest, 1, 1) as integer),
+ substr(rest, 2)
+ from f
+ where x < (select max(length(line)) from input)
+insert into map (x, y, risk)
+select x, y, risk from f
+where risk is not null
+-- part 1
+create temporary table step (
+ dx integer,
+ dy integer
+insert into step values
+ (1, 0),
+ (0, 1)
+-- works in theory, but it's too inefficient:
+with recursive f (x, y, total_risk, len) as (
+ select 1, 1, 0, 0
+ union all
+ select
+ f.x + dx,
+ f.y + dy,
+ total_risk + risk,
+ len + 1
+ from f, step
+ join map on map.x = f.x + dx and map.y = f.y + dy
+select total_risk
+from f
+where x = (select max(x) from map)
+and y = (select max(y) from map);
+create temporary table min_risk (
+ x integer,
+ y integer,
+ total_risk,
+ primary key (x, y)
+create index min_risk_index1 on min_risk (total_risk);
+create index min_risk_index2 on min_risk (x + y);
+--create index map_index1 on map (x + y);
+insert into min_risk
+select x, y, null from map;
+update min_risk set total_risk = 0 where x = 1 and y = 1;
+insert or replace into min_risk
+ map.x,
+ map.y,
+ min(r.total_risk) + risk
+from map, step
+join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy
+where r.x + r.y = 2
+group by map.x, map.y
+having count(*) > 0
+-- now 200 more times
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 3 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 4 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 5 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 6 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 7 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 8 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 9 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 10 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 11 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 12 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 13 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 14 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 15 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 16 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 17 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 18 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 19 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 20 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 21 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 22 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 23 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 24 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 25 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 26 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 27 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 28 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 29 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 30 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 31 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 32 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 33 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 34 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 35 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 36 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 37 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 38 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 39 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 40 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 41 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 42 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 43 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 44 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 45 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 46 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 47 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 48 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 49 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 50 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 51 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 52 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 53 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 54 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 55 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 56 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 57 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 58 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 59 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 60 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 61 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 62 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 63 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 64 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 65 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 66 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 67 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 68 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 69 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 70 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 71 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 72 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 73 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 74 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 75 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 76 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 77 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 78 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 79 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 80 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 81 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 82 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 83 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 84 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 85 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 86 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 87 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 88 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 89 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 90 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 91 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 92 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 93 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 94 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 95 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 96 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 97 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 98 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 99 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 100 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 101 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 102 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 103 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 104 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 105 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 106 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 107 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 108 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 109 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 110 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 111 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 112 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 113 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 114 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 115 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 116 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 117 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 118 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 119 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 120 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 121 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 122 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 123 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 124 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 125 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 126 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 127 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 128 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 129 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 130 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 131 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 132 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 133 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 134 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 135 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 136 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 137 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 138 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 139 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 140 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 141 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 142 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 143 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 144 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 145 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 146 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 147 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 148 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 149 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 150 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 151 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 152 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 153 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 154 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 155 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 156 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 157 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 158 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 159 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 160 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 161 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 162 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 163 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 164 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 165 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 166 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 167 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 168 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 169 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 170 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 171 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 172 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 173 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 174 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 175 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 176 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 177 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 178 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 179 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 180 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 181 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 182 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 183 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 184 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 185 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 186 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 187 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 188 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 189 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 190 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 191 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 192 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 193 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 194 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 195 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 196 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 197 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 198 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 199 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+insert or replace into min_risk select map.x, map.y, min(r.total_risk) + risk from map, step join min_risk as r on map.x = r.x + dx and map.y = r.y + dy where r.x + r.y = 200 group by map.x, map.y having count(*) > 0 ;
+select total_risk
+from min_risk
+where x = (select max(x) from map)
+and y = (select max(y) from map);
+-- part 2
+with recursive f (n, tx, ty) as (
+ select 0, 1, 1
+ union
+ select
+ n + 1,
+ (n % 5) + 1,
+ (n / 5) + 1
+ from f
+ where n < 25
+insert into map (x, y, risk)
+ x + (tx - 1) * (select max(x) from map),
+ y + (ty - 1) * (select max(y) from map),
+ ((risk + tx + ty - 3) % 9) + 1
+from map, f
+where tx + ty > 2;
+delete from min_risk;
+insert into min_risk
+select x, y, null from map;
+update min_risk set total_risk = 0 where x = 1 and y = 1;
+-- dynamic programming doesn't work anymore for this part
+-- :(
A => sol21.sql +191 -0
@@ 1,191 @@
+create table input (
+ line text
+.mode csv
+.import input/21.txt input
+-- part 1
+with recursive f (turn, who, pos1, pos2, score1, score2) as (
+ select
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 1),
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 2),
+ 0,
+ 0
+ union all
+ select
+ turn + 3,
+ who % 2 + 1,
+ case when who = 1
+ then (pos1 - 1 + (turn % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 1) % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 2) % 1000 + 1)) % 10 + 1
+ else pos1 end,
+ case when who = 2
+ then (pos2 - 1 + (turn % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 1) % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 2) % 1000 + 1)) % 10 + 1
+ else pos2 end,
+ case when who = 1 then score1 + (pos1 - 1 + (turn % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 1) % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 2) % 1000 + 1)) % 10 + 1 else score1 end,
+ case when who = 2 then score2 + (pos2 - 1 + (turn % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 1) % 1000 + 1) + ((turn + 2) % 1000 + 1)) % 10 + 1 else score2 end
+ from f
+ where score1 < 1000 and score2 < 1000
+ case when who = 2 then score2 * turn else score1 * turn end
+from f
+where turn = (select max(turn) from f)
+-- part 2
+create temporary table dice (
+ value integer,
+ combinations integer
+with recursive f (n) as (
+ select 1
+ union
+ select n + 1
+ from f
+ where n < 3
+insert into dice
+select d1.n + d2.n + d3.n as total, count(*)
+from f as d1, f as d2, f as d3
+group by total;
+with recursive f (who, p1, p2, score1, score2, universes) as (
+ select
+ 1,
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 1),
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 2),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1
+ union
+ select
+ who % 2 + 1,
+ case when who = 1 then ((p1 + value - 1) % 10) + 1 else p1 end,
+ case when who = 2 then ((p2 + value - 1) % 10) + 1 else p2 end,
+ case when who = 1 then ((p1 + value - 1) % 10) + 1 else 0 end + score1,
+ case when who = 2 then ((p2 + value - 1) % 10) + 1 else 0 end + score2,
+ universes * combinations
+ from f, dice
+ where score1 < 21 and score2 < 21
+ -- we'd have to fix the turn here as well to ensure we don't overcount
+select sum(universes) from f
+where score1 >= 10 or score2 >= 10
+group by who
+order by sum(universes) desc
+limit 1;
+create table gamestate (
+ turn integer,
+ pos1 integer,
+ pos2 integer,
+ score1 integer,
+ score2 integer,
+ universes integer
+insert into gamestate values
+ 1,
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 1),
+ (select cast (substr(line, 28) as integer) from input where rowid = 2),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1
+-- player 1 turn; throw dice, increment timer, count universes
+-- finally, merge identical states
+insert into gamestate
+select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u)
+from (
+ select
+ (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t,
+ (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1,
+ pos2 as p2,
+ score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1,
+ score2 as s2,
+ universes * combinations as u
+ from gamestate, dice
+ where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21
+ )
+group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2
+delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+-- player 2 turn
+insert into gamestate
+select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u)
+from (
+ select
+ (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t,
+ pos1 as p1,
+ (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2,
+ score1 as s1,
+ score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2,
+ universes * combinations as u
+ from gamestate, dice
+ where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21
+ )
+group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2
+delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+-- a few more full rounds (player 1 & player 2) ought to be enough
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p1, pos2 as p2, score1 + (pos1 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s1, score2 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+insert into gamestate select t, p1, p2, s1, s2, sum(u) from ( select (select max(turn) + 1 from gamestate) as t, pos1 as p1, (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as p2, score1 as s1, score2 + (pos2 - 1 + value) % 10 + 1 as s2, universes * combinations as u from gamestate, dice where turn = (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21 ) group by t, p1, p2, s1, s2 ; delete from gamestate where turn < (select max(turn) from gamestate) and score1 < 21 and score2 < 21;
+select sum(universes) as wins from gamestate
+where score1 >= 21 or score2 >= 21
+group by turn % 2
+order by wins desc
+limit 1;