@@ 107,6 107,10 @@ function LatticeState:key_pressed(game_state, key)
function LatticeState:update(game_state, dt)
+ if self.lattice_state == LTC_STATE_SELECTED then
+ self.connected_window:update(game_state, dt)
+ end
self.dtotal = self.dtotal + dt
local tick_modifier = 16
local modified_tick = constants.TICKER_RATE / tick_modifier
@@ 123,10 127,6 @@ function LatticeState:update(game_state, dt)
player_info:set_current_lattice_step(player_info:get_current_lattice_step() + 0.0002)
- if self.lattice_state == LTC_STATE_SELECTED then
- self.connected_window:update(game_state)
- end
self.ticks_advanced = BLINK_TICK_COUNT
self.blink_ticker_countdown = self.blink_ticker_countdown - 1
@@ 1,30 1,78 @@
+local dbg = require("debugger")
local SleeperDialog = {}
SleeperDialog.__index = SleeperDialog
local constants = require("src/Constants")
+local BLINK_TICK_COUNT = 20
function SleeperDialog:_new_item(text)
+ -- Don't move this function, it needs to be up here for init() to work.
+ local split_text = {}
+ for w in text:gmatch("%S+") do
+ local new_split_text_item = {
+ word = w,
+ color = "white",
+ }
+ local r = math.random(0, 100)
+ if r < 35 then
+ new_split_text_item.color = "gray"
+ elseif r < 65 then
+ new_split_text_item.color = "red"
+ elseif r > 90 then
+ new_split_text_item.color = "grayer"
+ end
+ table.insert(split_text, new_split_text_item)
+ end
return {
- text = text,
+ original_text = text,
+ split_text = split_text,
current_text_idx = 0,
+ highlighted_indexes = highlighted_indexes,
function SleeperDialog:init(game_state)
local this = {
+ dtotal = 0,
+ ticks_advanced = 3,
items = {},
+ items_to_render = {},
current_text_item_idx = 1,
ticker = 1,
setmetatable(this, self)
- this.items = {
+ this.items_to_render = {
self:_new_item("the harvest moon is"),
self:_new_item("good for black tides"),
self:_new_item("and a dead wind blows"),
+ self:_new_item("jjj kel iw owiei lkd"),
+ self:_new_item("how do we keep it sane"),
+ self:_new_item("asd def fhi jkle ojk lieo lsi"),
+ self:_new_item("ieowk lkwe jof owkel idjf. ie"),
+ self:_new_item("fke lwke jflke f"),
+ self:_new_item("flwke jlfke wlkej kefifo o"),
+ for i=1, 15 do
+ local str = ""
+ for j=1, math.random(5, 30) do
+ local randlowercase = " "
+ if math.random(0, 100) < 50 then
+ randlowercase = string.char(math.random(65, 65 + 25)):lower()
+ end
+ str = str .. randlowercase
+ end
+ table.insert(this.items_to_render, self:_new_item(str))
+ end
return this
@@ 47,17 95,47 @@ function SleeperDialog:key_pressed(game_state, key)
-function SleeperDialog:update(game_state)
- local current_item = self.items[self.current_text_item_idx]
- if current_item.current_text_idx < string.len(current_item.text) then
- current_item.current_text_idx = current_item.current_text_idx + 1
- else
- self.current_text_item_idx = self.current_text_item_idx + 1
+function SleeperDialog:update(game_state, dt)
+ if game_state:get_paused() then
+ return
- if self.current_text_item_idx > #self.items then
- self.current_text_item_idx = #self.items
+ self.dtotal = self.dtotal + dt
+ local tick_modifier = 8
+ local modified_tick = constants.TICKER_RATE / tick_modifier
+ if self.dtotal >= modified_tick then
+ self.dtotal = self.dtotal - modified_tick
+ self.ticks_advanced = self.ticks_advanced - 1
+ if self.ticks_advanced > 0 then
+ -- Wait til next time.
+ return
+ end
+ --local organic_modifier = math.random(1, 5)
+ --self.ticks_advanced = BLINK_TICK_COUNT - organic_modifier
+ self.ticks_advanced = 2 + math.random(0, 5)
+ local current_item = self.items[self.current_text_item_idx]
+ if not current_item then
+ if #self.items_to_render > 0 then
+ local head = table.remove(self.items_to_render)
+ table.insert(self.items, head)
+ current_item = head
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if current_item.current_text_idx < string.len(current_item.original_text) then
+ current_item.current_text_idx = current_item.current_text_idx + 1
+ else
+ self.current_text_item_idx = self.current_text_item_idx + 1
+ end
+ if self.current_text_item_idx > #self.items and #self.items_to_render == 0 then
+ self.current_text_item_idx = #self.items
+ end
@@ 65,7 143,7 @@ function SleeperDialog:render(renderer, game_state)
local x = 5
local y = 5
local w = constants.MAP_X_MAX - 10
- local h = constants.MAP_Y_MAX - 12
+ local h = constants.MAP_Y_MAX - 8
local fg_color = "white"
local bg_color = "black"
@@ 74,12 152,29 @@ function SleeperDialog:render(renderer, game_state)
local accum_initial = x - 2 -- Hand-picked "Move traumae over to the left" offset
local row = h + 9
local accum = accum_initial
- for i=1, #self.items do
- local item = self.items[i]
- renderer:set_color("white")
- local substr = string.sub(item.text, 1, item.current_text_idx)
- accum = accum + renderer:draw_traumae_string(substr, row, accum)
+ local items_len = #self.items
+ for i=1, items_len do
+ local item = self.items[items_len - i + 1]
+ local rendered_letters = 0
+ for j=1, #item.split_text do
+ if rendered_letters == item.current_text_idx then
+ break
+ end
+ local word_item = item.split_text[j]
+ local word = word_item.word .. " "
+ renderer:set_color(word_item.color)
+ local remainder = item.current_text_idx - rendered_letters
+ local len = 0
+ if remainder > string.len(word) then len = string.len(word) else len = remainder end
+ local substr = string.sub(word, 1, len)
+ rendered_letters = rendered_letters + len
+ accum = accum + renderer:draw_traumae_string(substr, row, accum)
+ end
+ --accum = accum + renderer:draw_traumae_string(" ", row, accum)
row = row - 1
accum = accum_initial