Release version 0.1.0
- Changelog, license, readme.
- Cargo new lib template (including gitignore).
- Geometry module:
- basic geometry data structures `Point` and `Pose`,
- `::new(arguments)` constructors,
- `::default()` constructors,
- rotate `Pose` around `Point` computation.
- Properties module:
- `Motion` (speed, steering) and `Size` data structures,
- `::new(arguments)` constructors,
- `::default()` constructors,
- Bicycle car class `BCar` and its constructors (with arguments, default, with
- Basic geometry computation:
- minimum turning radius (MTR),
- left/right circle center of MTR,
- perfect parking slot computation.
- Drivable zone computation.
- Iterator trait implementation for `BCar`.