sxiv-manga-reader - Simple manga reader
Simple manga reader made from a patched nsxiv and a mostly POSIX compliant sh
script (see the Dependencies section for more).
* Works with tar/cbt/zip/cbz/rar/cbr/7z/cb7 archives and image directories.
* Loads the next/previous item when reaching past the end/beginning of the
current one ("roaming" mode).
* Save/resume your position.
* A trivial but necessary tool to do natural sorting on stdin (`natsort`).
In addition to the latest POSIX requirements, you'll need the following at
build time:
* posix-build dependencies: mktemp -d (present on GNU, *BSD, MacOS, Illumos
and Tru64) and local/typeset support in /bin/sh
* curl, wget or fetch
* gunzip
* tar
* C99 compiler
* libXft, freetype2, fontconfig, libX11, imlib2 (nsxiv)
and the following at runtime:
* unzip (optional, for cbz)
* unrar (optional, for cbr)
* p7zip (optional, for cb7)
* tar (optional, for cbt)
* mktemp -d
* libXft, freetype2, fontconfig, libX11, imlib2 (nsxiv)
libXft, freetype2, fontconfig could be omitted by setting HAVE_LIBFONTS to 0 in, thus disabling the status bar functionality of nsxiv.
Building and installation
Build and install to /usr/local (default values shown between brackets):
$ [CC=c99] [LTO=false] [NATIVE=false] ./
# [DESTDIR=] [PREFIX=/usr/local] ./ install
If there's a `config.h` present at the project root, it'll be patched then
given to nsxiv.
| NAME |
| sxiv-manga-reader - Read mangas as archives or image directories |
| |
| sxiv-manga-reader [-hr] [-d RESUME_DIR] [-o NSXIV_OPTS] ARCHIVE|DIRECTORY... |
| sxiv-manga-reader [-hR] [-d RESUME_DIR] [-o NSXIV_OPTS] -c DIRECTORY |
| |
| In the first mode, read multiple mangas as archives or directories |
| containing images. If there's only one argument, reaching past its |
| end/start will open the next/previous item and so on (roaming mode). |
| |
| In the second mode (-c), consider DIRECTORY as containing mangas in |
| the same format as the first mode. Save/resume mode (-r) is |
| automatically enabled by this mode. |
| |
| -c |
| |
| -h |
| Print this help message and exit. |
| |
| Instead of saving resume state files in the same directory as mangas, |
| save them in RESUME_DIR (note: using absolute paths). |
| |
| Pass these options to nsxiv. |
| |
| -r |
| Enable save/resume mode to save item and page information to resume |
| reading later. |
| |
| -R |
| Disable save/resume mode. |
| |