My static website generator, see the website I use it for as an
Licensed under the GPL-3 (provided in LICENSE
- Add truncated content to feed entries
- Overhaul path to be a wrapper around standard pathnames using :absolute/:relative as mark; sadly,
logical pathnames don't seem to be appropriate for my usecase
- Audit useless ensure-path usage
- Support moddate in articles
- Decouple necessary and aesthetic CSS and HTML (use a page template of the form
(:body ,titlebar ,sidebar ,body ,footer) to allow user to customize pages)
- Make sidebar/titlebar/footer optional ? Maybe for footer, which would be bound by the user to use
in the aforementioned page template
- Automatize page-asset href/src either by parsing them to rewrite them or by doing so in the HTTP
- Find resources to copy by walking spinml and css? assert that :raw doesn't have resources or add a
manual copy-resources; if doing so, detected broken links
- spinml: add tags for img-wcaption and mailto
- Auto image to AVIF and img set. Maybe, mozjpeg (and soon jpegli) is good, faster to encode/decode
and supported everywhere; let's wait for JPEG XL instead
- Find a way to dispatch sidebar icons on 16 and 32 px
- Add :hlcode tag to automatize syntax highlighted code boxes
- Investigate